Zurich Herald, 1944-09-21, Page 63 ONE NE 1 �` CC ^^ YYT 0 ONE r /42 NOW you know w makes be+ler cigareffes Nazi Prisoners In Zoo Cages All the German sailors and soldiers and Quislings and collabor- ationists taken by the local re- sistance movement, are behind the , bars of the Antwerp Zoo. They have been pet there be- cause it is the obvious place. The Iloo lies beside the main, railway station in the centre of the city and the cages have strong bars. Nothing would be more suitable, but it is a fantastc sight. On the right where the lions were are German officers. Pan- ther cages have German noncom- missioned officers. The tigers' places are taken `by •men, of the Ceylon, Springboard For Attacking Japan • Ceylon, the big island in the In- dian Ocean where Lord Louis Mountbatten has established, in hill country, his headquarters as chief of the Southwest Asia Com- mand, is a British Crown colony. The capital and chief. port is Columba. There is a naval base at Trincomalee. The island had an estimated pop- ulation in 1940 of about 6,000,000 blackshirt Fascist movement. And in the corner on the left, -where there used to be wildcats, there a throng of weeping women. people, The last census sho'ed some 9,000. Europeans and nearly 85,000 Burghers (a mixture; of Dutch, Portuguese and net `ive strains). Historically, Ceylon as held first by the Portuguese,:'net then by the Dutch., who were its nal Placed '13y tbe.$B,;itisii,''the N ti Geographic Society esitila,aL Ceylon's key position alt trig peacetime's busy trade and tta'ael routes between` the Near and gar East makes it -now a vital cont•o1' point. for military "supply lines, as well as a defense' bastion, and a potential springboa••d for futtire offensives •As• an island close to' a great mainland. objective. of the enemy, Ceylon occupies a geo- graphic position .similar to that of fallen Singapore." CHINESE GIRLS TO RESCUE Pert and pretty are the seven Chinese parlor maids who are keeping the lobby and public rooms .of the Canadian Pacific Railway Empress Hotel, in Victoria, B.C. in pre-war condition, Under the direction of Miss Violet Chong, head parlor maid, the girls, all Canadian born, are replacing nen who have been called to the fighting services or transferred into vital industry. Feeding More Wheat To Farm Live Stock The feeding of wheat to live stock and poultry has exceeded the use of wheat for human con- sumption in Canada during four or the five years of war, and dur- ing the crop year 1943-44, animals ate twice as much wheat as did human beings, states the Quarterly Review of Coarse Grains. This conversion of wheat to live stock feeding has been a wartinie devel- npment of note not only in Can- ada but also in the United States. During the five years before the war, the average amount of wheat fed to live stock and poultry an- nually in Canada was 32,000,000 bushels against human food re- quirement; of approximately 44,- 000,000 bushels, In the crop year 1943-44 human consumption of wheat is expected to total 50,000,- 000 bushels and the animal con- sumption more than 100,000,000 bushels. IF TOUR NOSE 'CLOSES Ur TIGHT AT NIURT HINDERS BREATHING—SPOILS SLEEP PIIRPQSE vO MEDwICINE Here's mighty good news . , . If your nose "alms oseg up"at night sat makes breathing difficult, ult, putg 3 -pur- pose -p d pose Vicks Va-tro-nol up each nostril. Va-tro-nol does 3 important things: (1) shrinks swollen membranes; (2) soothes irritation; (3) helps lush nasal passages, clearing clogging mucus, re- lieving transient congestion. It brings( more comfort, makes breathing easier'„ invites sleep. remember it helps s reven� P p VICES . colds used develop- imVA1110.11101 Have You Heard? A commercial traveller got held up in the Orkney Islands on ac- count of bad stories andsent ate .i,` legrani to his firm in Aberdeen say- ' ing: "Mar toned by storm. Wire°"in-' structions:' It was .a.'canny reply that carne back: "Start 'summervacation as • from yesterday." —0— "Isn't Wireless Wonderful?" says a headline. Quite so, Think of the crooners and things you can silence by just turn- ing a knob. —0 -- The class composition was about "Dings." One boy wrote this: "The most powerful Icing on earth is Wor-king; the laziest, Shir-king; the wittiest, Jo -king; the .: quietest, Thin -king; the thirstiest,. Drink -king; the shyest, Win -king, and the naisiest, Tal -king." —o` A visiting specialist was • taken to the'cubicleof a mental case who` thought he was a king. "I know I am a king," the man explained. "Satan told me so." At which a furious voice sounded from the next cubicle: "I told you nothing of the kind." Hunt Poor Milkers By Weighing Milk Hunt the poor milkers with scales, The , urges Te O ttawa Farm journal. It does J not take one min- ute per cow. Write the weight on a slate, chalk it on a blackboard, or pencil it on paper. Scales can be got that will allow for weight of pail. Weigh every night and morn- ing if you want to know - it all. Dairying i s a business o How do w you know which cow earns the Costly feed unless yott weigh the milk daily? In England ands*'{Wales there are now, 1,506 wartime day'" nurseries; where babies are cared for while their mothers are busy with various kinds of war work. TheMinistry Of Health has decided that no fur- ther nuseries are needed. Nervo.us,OS OSS 11 On "CERTAIN DAYS" Of The Month? It functional periodic disturbances. make you feel nervous, cranky, high.' mtrung, tired weak and "dragged out" at such times --start at once try/' Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable once, iw pound to relieve such s m toms Y p Her s e a product that xairs maws. 1'oiloW;i,sr label directions, Ptnklaam's ComPOIMil. 1 Ms worth trying! Made its Canada. LYDIA-Ee PINnuAM'S CONPOuCinh;' Sale Of Feeder Cattle To Be Held At Little Current The 'largest co-operative sale of feeder cattle ever planned in. Central Canada will take place at Little Current, Manitoulin island, Ontario, Sept. 26-27, At that time, 'members of the newly formed Manitoulin. Livestock co-( perative will offer for sale approximately 1900 head of Shorthorns and Here- fords contributed by three to four hundred cattle producers. Past experience in co-operative market- ing of turkeys and sheep .on the Island, it is believed, assures the success of this new cattle enter- prise. The beef cattle of Manit- oulin Island have long been noted for their, excelleaat type. " Iia ad- dition to their high health stan- dards, ,practically all the cattle on the ,.Island are freefromwarble flies due to an intensive campaign Put on a few years ago, Deadlier Than War, •, Approximately 325,00 -.byes have been lost in : the ,United States through; automobile accidents the, jast 5 -years. This is' more than have'" en lost in all'American wars since the Revolution. The most important mineral substances required in,food are the malts bf iron, iodine, phosphorus, calcium (Bele), manganese, potash and soda. Pimples and Blackheads Relieved by this .Medicinal Ointment Whether in bathing suit or eveningdress you become very Much, ernbar- reseed by' skin affections and irritatons on the shoulders and back as well as on the face, Why not do something about it --something worth while. Dr. Chase's OINTMENT is a medicinal product on which you can rely for , g as.. ' clearing upsatin troubles of this nature well as itching and eczema. Mothers who areaccustomed to use Dr. Chase's OINTMENT for baby's skin troubles and eczema find it so delightfully healing and soothing that they soon acquire the habit of using it for their own skin affections. 60 cts, a box. Economy Jar, five times as xnuch 962.00 Dir. Chase's Chintiment More Than 500 Nazi Subs Sunk More than 500 German sub- marines have been sunk, by the Allies since the start of thewar, It was reported last week in a joint Anglo-American statement, Issued under authority of Prime Minister Churchill and President Roosevelt, the statement added that Nazi U-boats were "ineffective during July, a month which has been so, important for the sudcess of continental "operations." The:report said that :the number of German ..submarines destroyed in July was "substantiallygreater than the number of merchant ships sonic." The Pope's Appeal To Great Britain Referring to the robot -bomb at- tacks on London Pope Phis `XII appeals to Londoners to "bear their trials with fortitude , and with Christian sentiments of forgiveness, charity and mercy so , that God niay reward what the world will admire -an example of magnani- mity inspired by the spirit of Christ's gospel" Wouldn't it be better if His • Holiness turned his appeal aroand and first asked the Germans to cease from this callous form of murder of women and children? —St. Thomas Times -Journal ACCOUNTANTS 43 AUDITORS COMPLETE. MONTHLY S;EIRVICE,;. small businesses our specialty._ All Government reports prepared;. Brett. & Company, 8 Wellington East, Toronto. ALUMINUM GRANITE UTENSILS REPAIRED quickly and smoothly with plastic cement. Mend -Holes guaranteed fireproof or money refunded, Price 25c postptiid, Interesting spare time agent's proposition. Address Mend -Holes, 462 Notre "Dame East, Montreal. BABY CHICKS 406 BARRED ROCKS PULLETS, 'some Leghorns, three months old, sell or exchange for other poul- try, Zammit Bros„ 5 Kane Ave., Terrano.- OCTO.IR & NOVEMBER CHICKS shetiid be ordered 5 to 6 weeks in advance—take stook of your needs and let- us have your order now," :' Some ctayolds and' started chicles available for immediate delivery—mostly heavy breeds, Fall Service Bulletin now ready get' your copy. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. North, Hamilton, ' Ont. FREE RANGE PULLETS' 18 WEEKS of age to, laving :Barred Rocks, _ 4VIi1to. lro¢msw�• 7e�v> Hama ies,.,1- rids. Free catalogue: Not too early; to think. about your 1345 . day i,: old. chicks. Pricelist available. Tweddle Chick Hatch- eries Limited; Fergus, Ontario. PULLETS BARRED ROCICS, NEW Hampshires, White Leghorns, Hy- .brlds and other breeds 18 weeks up to laying. Order your day old chicks for 1945 now. Prieelist and catalogue. Top Notch Chickeries. Guelph, Ontario.., _ :OYFINC= & CLEANING HAVJ+]y'�' YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information, We are grad to any *ei^ your questions. Depart- ment' H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- rento. EDUCATIONAL ATTEND BUSINESS COLLE(8I, this ^Fall, in ist on Gregg Short- hand, .:;taught in over 18,000 schools; choice of highly -paid stenographers, secretaries and reporters. "Graduate sooner with Gregg 5 031 SALE 32200 RESTAURANT ,AND LUNCH counter, very modern equipment, seating capacity 55, weekly sales $350, in lovely small place north- east Ontario, good farming corn- munity, Bert Weir & Son, 711 Dundee St, London, Ont. Refer to Walter Fonfey. ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, bought,. -sold, rebuilt; , b e 1 t s, pulleys, brushes. Aileh Electric Company Ltd.. 2326 Durrerin St.,, Tornnto. . DANDY WHITE FLEMISH GIANTS, 2 to 4 months $3.00 •each; .4 to 6 $4.00 each. Goldfield Rabbitry; Box 207, Geraidton, Ont. 'N:[7\ wED CAR AND TRUCK parts. Rive' sicjo Auto, Parts, 516 Queen E,, Tonto,.'2. REGISTERED J 7] R S E.r' .73UT,T-.' with papers. Eighteen' ontlis old. Well bred. Apply to Kerb-. ert Wha11s, Fingal,` Ont ".VIKING"' 'CREAM SEPARATORS and repair parts are allyays available either at your 'local dealer or direct from Swedish Separator Co. Limited, 720 Notre Dame West, Montreal, Que,. FOR SALE -32 VOLT, 500 WATT, aircharger, in .A-1 condition. Ap- ply Mrs. Mattaini, Algoma Mills, MANITOBA HEREFORD BREED- ers' Association Sale of 100 reg- istered polled and horned Here- fords at auction, October 17th, Provincial Exhibition Pair Grounds, Brandon, Manitoba. For catalogue WriteJ. R. Bell, Live Stock Commissioner, Legislative Buildings, Winnipeg, Manitoba. SLIPIT HARNESS DRESSING -- FINEST leather and harp e ssreser p Vative. Slipit also has many household uses 25e up at most grocery, hard- ware and chain stores, A product -of Lloyds Laboratories, Toronto. PROFITABLE WELL ESTABLISH- ed flour mill (export and domes- tic), with gasoline, wood dealer and hauling business in con- neetlon, for sale on account of 111-health,with ,residence of 5 rooms. Lcated In splendid Mani- ' toba town. 'Yearly turnover of $80,000. ,ride, 9:1,000 with $5,- 000 cash, Write owner, Box 145, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. FARM PRODUCE EASTERN LIVESTOCK FEEDERS can;.obtain carload lots of barley and oats -'for feed purposes under Plan C. of the Wheat Board. Can introduce you to Western ven- dors of feed grains. Present prices, barley 65c, oats 52c de- livered Fort William. Also pos- sibly few cars O.A.C. 21 Matting barley. Established . over 30 years. Address Fredrick Ind, Lloyd- niinster, Sask. QUILT SAMPLES - HIGH GRADE SUITINGS ABOUT 6 x 9 makes everlasting quilts 60 samples 31.45 postage included. We also have half yard REM- NANTS for boys' knee pants from all color Worsteds, sizes outlined on material 85c each, postage included. Louis Rice, 361 Spadiva Avenue, Toronto. FARM.1+OR SALTS 250 ACRES, BUILDINGS, APPROX- imately 100 acres of .bush (in chiding Hardwood, oak), trout stream," close to highway. Close to Oshawa and Bowmanville; to settle estate. Apply . Nina E. Needs, executrix, insurance brok- er, Bewmanville, Ontario., FARM FOR SALE TO CLOSE AN estate, 174 acres, in the township of Melanathon, county of Duf- figr-in.!Ctpg2lrbrael:,veneeir 7'roomed dwelling; barn 60 x 70; 114 miles from Corbetton, Ontario. For par- ticulars apply to L. F. Robertson, Powvassan, Ontario. 193 ACRES, 1 MILE WEST OF Kitchener limit. s, Kitchener - Stratford highway. Charles W. Moser, R.R. 4, Kitchener. RESTAUIR.ANT FOR SALE LONG ESTABLISHED RESTAUR- ant business iii city of Stratford, on highway 7 and 8. Residence in conjunction with business. Good cash payment required. Owner retiring, L. A. Eickmeier, 128 Erie St., Stratford. UA1RUItiessING AMBITIOUS GIRLS and MIDDLE . AGE women, learn hairdressing at Can- ada's finest and largest schools. Refined,- dignified work. Splendid pay, Write or call for free liter- ature. Marvel Hairdressing Schools, 358 Bloor Street, Toronto. Branches 44 King Street, Hamilton, and 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. L EA R N- IL4IRDRESSING THE Robertson method, Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Aced- emy, »137 Avenue Road, Toronto. elLnllICAL STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of ill -health in humans, all ages. No one im- '''mune! Why not find out if this is your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars—Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 8. TiON'T WAIT—EVERY SUFF17R- er of Rheumatie Pains or Neuritis should ;try Dixon's Remedy, Munro's Drug Store, 335 'Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid • $1.00. BAUMi2EKA FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor. instantly, 45c bottle, Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED — EV- ery sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 835 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. LOOK TEN YEARS YOUNGER BY getting rid or those ugly wrink- les, large pores, saggy skin. Grattan's Wrinkle Lotion is the finest face astringents on the market, fully guaranteed. Order a J. L.o Rice today, Box postpaid. 91 t Kit- chener, Ontario. FOR CONSTIPATION! ,FOR EF- feetive, gentle action, take Fer- mol Laxative Tablets. Relieve constipation safely. Non -habit forming. At your druggist's or send 91.00 for 2 month's supply, postpaid. Fermol Distributors, Box 712, London, Ont. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A. BODDINGTON BUYS, wells exchanges musical instru- ments 111 Church Toronto 2. HOTOGItAP16 7 TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed 6: OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25o REPRINTS 8 for 25e FINEST ST F,NLARGING SERVICE You may not get all the titins You want this year, but you can get 1111 the quality and service you desire by sending your filrns to IISIPRItIAL rum) aonvleE Station J. Toronto. PATENTS FETHERSTONIIAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of information on re - guest. SHEEP 500 YEARLING EWES (Rambou!]lst Merino and Corredale cross) for immediate delivery, 10,000 5 and 6 year old breeding ewes and 40,000 Feeder Lambs for delivery after September lst. Southern Saskatchewan Woolgrowers As- sociation, Maple Creek, Saskatch- ewan, G. S. Herringer, Secretary. STAMPS BEAUTIFUL BRITISH COLONES, - Set of three 25 cents. S. l3readner, 1002 Somerset St, Ottawa, AUCTION SALE, LISTING I3:ti,A,, Br. Colonials, Foreign, etc. 0,250 lots; wholesale, retail; catalogue free now. N. Begin, Box 125, Sta- tion B, Quebec. WANTED WANTED TO BUY, i3USE LANDS or Farms containing bush lands, suitable to cut furniture lumber. Write Bogdon & Gross t'urniture. Co, Ltd.. :viremerton,.�ut,• WANTED, RELIABLE FARMERS, who have feed and facilities to fatten young cattle for Marie t, for fixed price per pound of gain in weights. Owner will sup•ly, meal, or part grain, if nocessary, on account contract, Nearer To- ronto the better. Write fully. W. Post Office, Dox 576, Toronto, WANTED TO BUY: ALL KINDS OF hard wood and soft wood logs, also small quantity bolts. Write Bogdon & Gross, Furniture Co. Ltd., Walkerton, Ont. HOTELS WANTED DO YOU WANT TO SELL YO:1R. hotel? We specialize in the sale of hotels and have many custom- ers desirous of purchasing. If you will write or phone I wilt arrange to inspect your hotel. Bert Weir & Son, 116,43 Dundas Street, London, Ont. HELP WANTED COOK GENERAL, 350.00 TO 360 monthly, references. Apply to Mrs. W. H. Comstock, 189 King St, E., Brockville, Ontario. FARMING ATONE AT 65. WANT - ed woman used to farm life, no outside work. Give age, exper- ience, also your health and make clear e Gallaghewants coin, Ont., Rotate S. .EARSI HELP WANTED WANTED EXPERIENCED COUPLE. or man for farm, steady, work, separate house state wages. Mrs. Alex Hayley, R.R.'1, Fort Cou- longe, Que. D!ARM WANTED WILL RENT, CASH OR SHARE 50-100 acre farm. Will buy it • suited,,- Box 105 Amherstburg. AGENTS WANTED GAS SAVER, PATENTED, PROV- en, guaranteed. Fits all motors. if you have other full time ern. ployment, write for proof, agency; proposition. Victory Mfg. Com- pany, Cornwall, Ontario. AN OLD ESTABLISHED HATCI- ery wants agents in certain localities in Canada to sell chicks in year spare time. The eonnr-'s,.. cion is good—and the chicks are, well and favourably known.. Write for full details Box 171, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. NURSES WANTED REGISTERED NURSES WANTim for general gel duty in Lake town. Apply Supt„ $A.M,0 andr General Hospital, Goder!ch,' Ont. PRACTICAL ACTI tlAr. NUI: SES WANTED APPLICANTS FOR S'3C month course In Practical Nurs- ing starting September 26th, • 1944. Detailed information on re. quest. Madalene M, 13aker, 249 Victoria Street, London, Ontario. FARrif MANAGED, POS/TION AS WORKING MAN - ager on well equipped fifty to One hundred -aero farm by ex- tlnetnr�p widower, abstainer, it wage ib art share pian, Apply Post Of. flee Box 481, Teeterville, Ont,