Zurich Herald, 1944-03-09, Page 24t' ACTS'2 WAYS TO RELIEVE MISERIES OF BRONCHITIS Now get real relief from coughs, soreness and congestion of broil. chitis-this 'double -action Way that actually z'sp(S AT ONe 9.0 *fig PENETRATES .4 deep withbronchial into sooting medicinal vapors. - STIMULATES chest and back sur. Ate, faces like a warm- 5to 3 s k'o%tXtNG f'O1R HCUATo et all the benefits of this S` combined PENETR TING STIMULATING action, just rub throat, chest, and back with Vicks VapoRub at bedtime.•instantly VapoRub goes to work -2 ways at once as shown above -to ease bronchitis cough- ' ing, loosen congestion, relieve I muscular soreness, and speed restful, comforting sleep. Often by morning most of the misery Is gone. Get relief from bron- chitis distress tonight with dou- tealed Vlck time- �iCKS tensest Vicks Vapo- Rub...Tryitl V*poRuo TEST "UNDER FIRE THREE" The HUNS and ��** DAPS Gloat over COUGHS & COIDS Ihat;deldy the day of reckoning FOOL THEM WITH •BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE Coughs and colds are all-out allies of the Axis, postponing the day of Vic- tory by cutting down our production of tanks, guns, planes. Don't let them sabotage your war effort. At the first sign of acough or cold, takeBuckiey's llhxtureand stay onthejob.This grand prescription routs coughs and colds F -A -S -T, keeps you FIT TO DO YOUR BIT. The new improved Buckley for- mula is all medication -no syrup- -acts faster -goes farther. 40c & 75c everywhere. Get a bottle TODAY. Raid On Berlin Involved WOO Nearly 60,000 inen were involved In the tremendous task of carry- ing out the recent R.A.F.-R C.A,F. raid on Berlin, history's greatest aerial assault, One station commander said approximately 50 men were work - 'zing on the ground for every !bomb that got into the air. 'It took 4,000 men about five hours to load the bombs. , Some 7,000 flying personnel • were. briefed for the raid. ;The planes used, well over 1; 000,000 gallons of gasoline, many thousand gallons of oil and a great volume of fluid for their hydraulic undercarriages, deicing systems and various pumps. Among the advance chores were the preparation of 7,000 flying suits and', the loading of 750,000 rounds of machine-gun ammunition. • One All -Purpose Outfit For Princess Princess Elizabeth, who receives no more clothing coupons than any other Englishwoman, ' is making one all-purpose outfit serve all win- ter. She has worn the same dress, coat, hat. shoes and gloves and has carried the same handbag every time she has been photographed mince Dec, 22. The outfit has served for wed- dings at Windsor and Westminster Abbey, at a football match at Wembley and for shopping expedi- tions, Sweaty palms, leaden feet, sil- ence broken by chattering explo- • sions, a whining sound overhead as balls of fire streak past, the corn - forting feeling of the "good earth" they are hugging as roaring deton- ations hurl niud sky -ward -these are a few of the sensations ex- perienced by troops undergoing Battle Innoculation at the Infan- try . Training Centre at Camp Shilo, Man. Known as "Under Fire One," the first test starts innocently enough during a "break off" for a smoke. As the men relax, con- cealed machine guns give them their first baptism of fire. Reac- tions are varied. Some drop to the ground instantly and seek cover.• Others stare blankly at • their of- (icer awaiting orders, while the remainder stand and try to spot the gunners, "This helps the men get over the initial shock of being un- der fire," a . officer poi,)ttd out. "Under Fire Two" teaches the men to work undt;r fire and keep their weapoi,s in good condition_ Advancing to a shallow, crawl trench, beliinr. z 'rest screening machine guns from their view, the men receive the order "down.' Flat on their faces and dragging their rifles they squirm into the trench inching their ' tc.y, •along c'a'teree with ,tnees aadelbows. Explosions, buried on both sides of the trench erupt. Much ::how- '. ers •down on the creeping men. Be- tween explosions they hear the hum of flying leas. An officer's voice can be i.eard above the din: " You wonder why we make you run! Come on! Come on! Don't stop! Keep that pack down! Watch that rifle!" "Under Fire Three," mentally, presents the most difficult test. This course is laid out in alternate crawl and fire lanes on a hillside. Machine guns placed at the bot-. tom of the hill are sighted so that bullets strike the slope^ while _the<- .,oldiers creep down marked • strips.' Again explosions geld realisni, The men crawl toward the gun's: and can follow the flight of the tracers. "They seem to be corning straight at you like miniature sky rockets," • said one soldier. "Bullets and Bayonets" is the filial under fire test. Commanded by an 'officer a section loads and "Fixes bayonets.'." Guns clatter as they move at a slow double, 'hit- ting the dirt" as explosions rend the. air. Plowed ground, barbed wire, tranches and a fei.ce are crossed. Targets pop up and the advancing soldiers open fire. On reaching the hill thy. rraw•1 to the crest to open fire as if harr::,,sing ,r retreating enemy. To impress upon the' sten the firepower of infantry, night den1.- oitrtratioee are held. "Tracers stream into the sky at a parachute flare, to illustrate. hrn' :the infan- try can protect itself'].against low strafing enemy planes,' Nightwork completed, the men swap stories--1"round a fir,,'t4 crawl int, blankets under branches-. Btu modern w u:ar.: doesn't always permit .sound sleep -nor sloes modern training. Dur- ittg 'the day rule bivouac area has been mined. `!''At 2.)o a.in. the din start;. Sleepy-eyed soldiers rush for rifles amid explosions and the warning cry or "gas." The penalty •of burning. 'running eyes will be paid if a `soldier hasn't kept his respirator handy. an hour later if ah •goeswell the nen will get some sleep. TABLE T SADIE. B CHAMBERS Meets and Dressings As I ant going to give you a few recipes with staffing, l think the best plan is to give a recipe for a foundation Bread -Crumb Stuffing and then a few variation:. Bread Crumt Stuffing Crumb enough bread atout a day old to give 2 cups of soft bread crumbs. Mix in 1 teaspoon 54. teaspoon pepper, 1 table- spoon finely minced parsley, 1 or 2 tablespoons finely minced onion, 2 strips chopped cooked bacon. Rub in 3 tablespoon butter or dripping, Add 1 beaten egg and a little vegetable stock or milk to moisten. Stuffing Variations Celery - Drain and add 1 cup chopped cooked celery. Giblet - Chop cooked poultry heart, gizzard, meat of neck and add to foundation mixture; if liquid is necessary use stock in which giblets were cooked. Mushroom - Chop and saute in fine -flavored fat until tender, 1 cup mushrooms; add to foundation mixture. Corn - Mix in 1 can whole ker- nel corn (chopped) or equivalent freshly cooked corn and (if avail- able) 34, cup chopped nuts. Sausage -Add sliced pre-cooked sausages or pan-fried crumbled sausage meat. Stuffed Veal Stuff a leg of:' veal with dressing, Place on rack in toast- ing pan and dot with fat. Bake in a rather slow oven (325 F)r allowing 40 minutes per pound for a roast weighing 3 to 5 pounds. T3aste often with] fat in the pan, ?seat tolls Have round, flank or hind shank or neck of beef sliced very thin, or use breast or thin slices of lamb or veal. Cut slices into pieces about, 4 by 6 inches. Spread each piece with well -seasoned stuffing; roil up like jelly -roll and skewer or tie. Brown on all aisles in a little ,dripping. Season with salt and pepper. Pcjtr • in a little boiling water, stock nor tomato juice, Cover closely and simmer untimeat is tender. Thicken and season liquid and serve as gravy. Stuffed Braised Heart Wash and trim heart, removing all veins anti arteries. Soak in salted, iold water ?"t hour. Drain, fill with stuffing and >.ew up. Coat well with seasoned flour and brown thoroughly in a little fat. Place at, a trivet in a heavy tame pan and, pour in ,bailing water, stock or tomato juice, to at least is inch depth: Add hot liquid as requi,t:d during cooking. Cover closely and simmer very gently until tender, 3 to 4 hours for a large heart, 11; to 2 hours for small heart; or cook very slowly in covered pan in oven. Miro"Miro"Chmrnhe'rs %retronti$ ;ier.vonot letters from Interested readers, She Is pleased to receive snggentionu on laiden for her column, and Is always ready to listen to your 'pct peeves." Request's for recites• or sIectnl menus are in order, Andress your letters to "111Ise, Sadie R. Chaonher', 78 west Adelaide St„ Toronto." Send stamped self -ad. dressed envelope If you wish n reply. Some Miss. Pleasure Of Going To Church It would appear axiomatic that the right kind of Sunday includes church attendance, but unfortun- ately, some people, satisfied with a life not quite complete, allow thein- eelves to miss this pleasure, says the New York Tunes. The trip to church should be made on foot, if feasible. The head is up, with the sense of welldoing, end the lungs are full of brisk, fresh air, The soul is at peace with the world and the demeanor is cheerful, The churchgoer who is in the appropriate frame of mind lets his thoughts dwelt on others, wishes them as well off as he, and holds in his purse a generous con- tribution, which will doubly bless the giver and the receiver. It need not greatly platter whether the ser - anon is of good or indifferent qua- lity; the main thing is to be in ehnrch, antl'to depart uplifted, CHAPTER XX But then she realized that this oncoming, horse was neither Black Dawn nor Hooker's, and with a little gasp of relief she sank back against the bunk. A moment later Curran straightened himself. He had seen the horseman rounding the carve of the trail and recog- nized him. The rider pulled in a little dis- tance away and hailed, glancing suspiciously about hint. "VS all ,tight, Mr. Ferris," called Curran. "I got her here and no- body else." .Ferris rode up to the entrance and dismounted. "I got your mes- `sage," he said, "but I didn't know if I could find my way here. At first I told Pedro he'd have to . bring me, and after he'd gone I Thought I see if I could find the way a1one," "So yuh .didn't meet Pedro? I sent him back for yuh," said Cur- ran, Re had planned Ferris' ad- vent 'for a little later, and the dis- turbance of his plans momentarily .disconcerted hint. "Come in. I got her, like I told yuh, and Pedro gave Sheriff Coggswell an idea of _where that murderer's hanging' out," Lois .ran forward. "Mr. Ferris help ale," she pleaded. "Take me away. This man kidnaped me this morning. He -he.." Curran scowled, "I'll put her in the next room, an then we kin talk business, Ferris," he said, picking up the gag and rope fi-ani the ta- ble, where he had deposited then. Lois, utterly worn out, and real- izing that Ferris, who ,was' stand- ing with averted head,'had no in- tention of aiding•her, was incapable of any resistance worth mentioning. In a couple of minutes Curran had her gagged again. and :cairied her to the smaller :room. After .ind- ing her securely, he went back to where the ranchitlan ''vas staiid- ing• • I don't like thus .bus%iessl Ct1r- ran,,' mumbled ,gerris';"That girl will overhear er-v rything." "Well, that couldn't be helped," answered. the ;foreman. -"Maybe Sheriff CoggsWell Won't find that cowpoke, and anyways, by ,the time I ,git through with her, she'll be all ready to hitch up with me and help rtin the rant'h house. Nice 1' tie housekeeper yo're goin' to Ferris." n e "Pedro told ink a certain party's cumin' about sundown," said Fer- ris. • "Yeah, Loner 'an'll be here. I baited the trap by tellin' hien I got the girl and she was ready to snake some int'restin' disclosures, and how you was :comfit" here to hear thcim" "Curran, we can't -cite kill Lon ergan with:ier its the next room!" whispered the ranchtnan, "Nope; ."tt«(e 11 get him outside. •Lea've that to tne, answered 'Cur- ran. "You saw' hint yesterday?" "Yep, he drove upto the house and demanded my answer to his, proposal. 1 stalled hint at first, like you said, and when he ntsisted I told hint where I'd see hint first." "That's the stuff, Ferris. Have a drink," said the foreman, pour- ing out a stiff measure.• of whisky into the cup. Ferris took it with • shaking hand and drained the con- tents, "T'in trusting you, Curran," he said. "I'm not imaginin' you're tonin' in with me out of friendly feelin'. I've convinced you that it's to your advantage, and I'm villin' to sign that paper giviti' you a 'third of the ranch. I wrote it out and brought it along. You can read it." IIe drew a : document • front his pocket, and unfolded it. "Fine, said Curran, laying it on the table. "I'11 read it later." "Of coarse we'll have to wait till 'we ..get •..hack before signin' it," said Ferris. "We got to have wit- nesses." "Well, we ,got two, ain't we?" roared the fot•ent!:t, "That girl and Lonergan." "Lonergan?" cried the ranchman. "Sure, that's what I said. We'll make him sign •before we bump him off." "Don't talk so loud1" whispered Ferris. "Here, take another drink and kee3,1 yore nerves steady," replied Citron contemptuously. "We're all in• this up to, the Becht. When Lon- ergan come",= I'm goin' to string hiul aldng' a little bit. He thinks yo're gain' to be the innocent vic- tim. Ho, ho!" "IIo, hol" echoed Ferris. But there was a note of uncertainty in his voice, that of a bewildered man, striving to steer himself through currents that are bearing him away. "Listen!" Curran whispered. The hoofbeats of another horse could be heard coming along. the trail. Ferris was shaking. "Lonergan 1" he mumbled. "Maybe Pedro come back. But he wouldn't have time to snake the round trip," Curran whispered back, pressing his body against the wall and peering out through the en- trance. "Nope," he said a moment -later, "it's Lonergan. We got that feller in the trap, Ferris. • Just follow my lead, and when we -are through with him he won't be in no position to make trouble again." "But outside -outside, Curran," whispered Ferris, staring With di- lated eyes at the approaching rider, while his body shook like an aspen. "Outside, where she won't hear when -when we-" Dave watched the horses graz- ing on the young grass that was already springing up with incredible swiftness, after the night of rain. He lay back, dreaming of Lois and of their future. Finally he stretch- ed himself,- rolled and lit a cig- arette, and rose to his feet. Uti- `derneath hint the water was still - running down the ravine, but it had dried to a thin trickle in places. !, Suddenly Dave perceived some thing .White gleaming underneath • the sunshine. It looked like -it was a part of the skeleton of a n'ian. Those ribs were human ribs, not bovine,And there was the skull, just .risible under the earth - piled. about it..', It' Was evident, from the whit- ness of the bones, that the skeleton • had lain in the ravine for a con- • siderable time. It looked as if it had been buried, unearthed by flood waters, buried under an accumula- tion of debris that they brought down, and washed up again. * * * •In . •tet +" uUS , Haze la,a*ntd, bli scramng down the side of the ravine. There was a sturdy growth of pine saplings that afforded him hand -hold and, bracing his feet against the rock wall, he was able to make the descent without any especial difficulty. Between the bank and the skele- ton there were about two feet of muddy, water.' Dave removed his shoes and socks and began wading through it. • It was undoubtedly the skeleton -of a'nian. One of the legs protrud- ' ed stiffly out of the mud, and Dave saw• that it had been broken near the thigh. It evidently had been badly set, for the broken ends were • not in alignment, and there was a considerable thickening of bone about the side of the fracture. "Sone waddy kicked by a horse," Dave thought. "But how come he was riclin' the trail up there? And if his horse slipped, where's the horse?" The water was washing over the skull, alternately exposing and re- vealing it. Dave put his hands beneath it and lifted it clear, Then he whistled. • (Continued Next Week) South Sea Natives Use Plastic Wood Natives of the Solomon Islands have ben using a plastic wood for. generations, reports an American sailor stationed near Tulagi Island, in the Solomons. ".`We found out about native plastics when several of tis started to make a boat," said the .sailor, "When they saw us working, the natives suggested we use a dif- ferent, stronger kind of wood - and they brought us mahogany.. "Then they showed us how they glued the parts of their boats to - ISSUE 11-1944 w+' i 't%41G Fl$ESC IQ TO CAMP 'BORDEN Maj. -Get F. F. Worthington, C.B., 14 Y.C., M.M., 54 a native Scot and expert of mobile armor, returns to Canada to take over command at Camp Borden. gether with a wood plastic, They used nuts resembling our walnut, They pulverized the nut meat and made a paste of it, "This paste hardened into a sort of plastic wood which was no: af- fected by salt water." stop cOi8/ The new double defence against colds, grippe and bronchitis Is to build immunity with VitaVax-a small tasteless capsule combining COLD VACCINE plus VITAMINS if catching cold, take VitaVax to reduce. severity and speed recovery. If you've just had a cold, take VitaVax to overcome fatigue and increase vitality. For scientific precautions against future colds, grippe and bronchitis, protect all the family with VitaVax Capsules. Only $2.50 for one to two months average requirements.. Ask your druggist, or for details write to - Roberts Biological Laboratory, Toronto COLD VAfc 111TANl' ONTARIO NOTICE.., TQ .TRUCKERS • .: „. • HALF LQADING REGIil>I A-' TIONS, 1944 Copy of an Order -In -Connell ap- proved by the Honourable, the , . Lieutenant -Governor, dated the•15th day of February, A.D. 1944. 'Upon the recommendation of ,.this ' Honourable, the Minister of P ig1i. ways, the Committee of Council , advi,u that, pursuant to sub -nen..:„ tions 3 and 4 of section `85 of•'-tb*'` • Highway Traffic ActtChaptei. '2133;- lt.iS.C)., 1937) the provisions Of. ,the said sub -sections he de,ilered ap- plicable to the King's Highway` described on Schedules 1. "B" attached: - • LE 11 iiyltww'itY 4-HanoverSCUtODi, to J'les"he"r ton and 1Vinghtun to highway No. 9. 6-H1gltway No. 21 to Tobermury. 7-\Visebeaeh to Parkhill, and from 7 miles east of. I't•terboro to Perth. 7a -Manchester to Highway No, 25. 9 -Orangeville to Si'hoInbrti. ` 12-511d:;tad to Orillia and.,b.avr- ton to Trechin. 14-I3elli:V]lle to 3i a mora 1u -L I in to Smith's Fa.11ts " 13A -Kingsville w1 a ]rakeshnre Road to Highway No. 18. 18B--Ituehveu to Highway No. 19. 19-llilvertutl to Tralee. 21 -Forest to Owen Sotind. 28-51itehell to 1.11 infie1d,- 11.1-uuelph to Ora tig'eville a n d Shelburne to C olliugwood. 25 -Milton to Acton. - - 27-1uitdas Street (Highway No, 5), to Barris:. 29-,:Lruprior to Smith's. Falls. 30-1trlghton to Havelock, 31 -Ottawa to 1\1.orri hnrg. 32-l7+inano(ue to Highway No. 13. 33 -Stirling to Bloomfield rind Plc - ton to Ktueston. 34 -Ii iwvkeshttry to Lancaster. 33 -Newcastle to Highway Nu. 7. 37 -Belleville to 1.etinolite. 33-C'ata.raqul to lrighww-ay No. 7. 39 -Windsor • via Belle 3tiver to Highway No, 2. 41 -Plc ton to Kai aditr, 42 -Westport to Forthton. 4S--•tViucheste.r to Alexntttlrin. 44 ---Carp to. Almotite. 45-Cobotug to Norwood. 47-$touftwille. to Highwn.t No. 12. 48 -Port 'Bolster to 111ghwa, No, 12, 49-1C1ein1 u g to Highway No. 50. 99 -Highway No. 7 to highway No, 9. C 51-aled.on to Highway No. 24. 52-Higltivay No. 2 to Peter's Cars. tad I71h•hway_ No. 8 to Itighwway Nn, itis 53 -Duff's Corners to High Way No. 20. 54- C'aitrsviile to Cayuga. 1;-1lainilton to I111.1, s n,� No. 53. fib-I,lackheath to 'Highway No. 3. 97-Itistnarck to 1fighwiiw No. 3A. 39-AVoodetoek to lirii. 119 -Atherley to \\`ashag'1 73-11oreliester Mad to L'ort llrtice, 7.4---Bodhnont to Newt ni rttut. 79 ---Watford to :Highway No, 2 Via Bothwell. 80- llvinston to highway \o. 2, 81,-l(elawt-aro to Brand Bond, 32 --Port Franks to 'Highway No. 7. 83-13r.water to l nssr•llrt ire. 81-i't, Joseph to 11„nanli. (-,Arn1erley to :Highway \o. 7. 87-•13lttovn1e to 11nt•riston, 88---73orihead Ju ltrn,lfi,rrt. so.--1'riini•cu'n 1rr t'onir;anwcn. vi--1111ntroun to t:,} nrr, 112-1.1ntvale to \\' ;:ii'a i,, deli. 93---i,\'aw'milr•y to llif htwnc Nn. 11, 97-Tiie1Csoii to b"trtltmi.. 9e---i'natdas to Highway No, 'f, ----'I'ilbtny to 111(itib'itn v It 1J411111, ---•-11' oodstonk to Titam, e frn•d. ---'.Thamesfortl to 11Ii glum No, t via t{iuloro. --Bailin ton Avrt1l1P: 1):1W1.14 to vearhr,r, 5t'nilh;ill T l'; "*1" .A11 roads lt'im; north of iho Bev- ern River land north 'of 1ligliw9,v No. 7, from Sttnd, rinnd i rnr•rd.1 to l'o th and north nod West i f mph- , ways :Nos. •IS and .•J twin 1'e9-111 to Arriil-11ot•, wc•ilh Ill ,•w, "],tion 'hat this -n ut 111 ,i ii,1,I} 1., 11i lrtwri,V 1? 1'rran :\rnln tor• It,«t'r 1l1l,' lua, '1'orotito, c?nuatm, - • - Faro/try 29111, 11141. • ,,.i� Iii:..,ii.l,.::iw:Nti i•