Zurich Herald, 1943-08-05, Page 2Stan Me a Fron Mpntgomery rss: TO we will [see that they 8N 80ckdi ue" each one of you. whatever Islay be your GOOD Lues, AND GOOD ybI IL runt( of rutPloyineet, I would say: OUSTING IN THE OF VT fiLY 4kav Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery, now leading his British Eighth Army against the Axis in Sicily, in-. spired his troops with the pre -invasion message whose concluding words are shown here. He is pictured donning a sweater just before renewing battle with Axis. forces. How Cart ? ? By Anne Ashley. Q.—Iiow can I clean matting? A.—Wipe off the matting with a cloth wrung from salt and water, and it will prevent it from turn - Ind yellow. Q.—How can I protect the lower start of the walls in the basement? A.—When painting the base- ment floor, let the paint extend about ten inches above the floor. This will be a protection to the lighter colored walls when the floor is mopped. Q.—How can I easily cut fresh bread? A.—Pass the blade of the bread knife through a flame to heat it, and there will be no difficulty in ertrtting fresh bread. Q.—How can I destroy earth- worms in the soil of a potted plant? A.—Put a teasponful of cam- phor in a. quart of water and sprinkle the soil with this while it is dry. Q.—How can I prevent curtains from blowing out of the window and becoming soiled? A.—By using lead dress -weights. These weights can be covered with material the same color as the curtains, then slipped into the bot- tom hems of the curtains. T.Tsing about five weights in each hem will make the curtain hang even- ly. Vegetable production in Britain has been raised from the pre-war figure of 2,500,000 tons to 4,000,- 000 ,000;000 tons. VATICAN WILL BE SPARED BOMBS Allied bombers are attacking by daylight in their precision rr tubing of Rome to avoid hitting the Vatican City. Here is the silica of St. Peter's and, immediately in front of it, the Piazza Pietro. Most military targets in Rome are at least three miles em these Vatican buildings. 1' FUNNY BUSINESS 9 don't care if it is appendicitis, out collie your tonsils the sergeant says you talk too much!" STtkITC tdfAnseet til hreaiilasb For Quick relief from itching of insect bites, boat rash, athlete's foot, eczema and other externally caused skin troubles, use fast -acting, cooling, anti. septic, liquid D. D. D. Prescription. Greaseless, stainless, Soothes irritation and quickly stops intense . Itching. 35ctrial bottle proves it, or money back. Ask sour druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. 4TIMi Wine CAP 46 BRUSH ROOST APPLICATOR - No paint -brush bristles to absorb and waste Black Leaf 40"—Our "Cap -Brush" roost applicator spreads it thinner, and more evenly. Makes "Black Leaf 40" go four rimes as far—and still gives effective results. "BLACK LEAF 40" Applied to the roosts with the "Cap -Brush", kills lice and feather mites—is easy to use —costs extremely little. For individual bird treatment a drop placed infeathers two inches below the vent kills body lice—a drop on the back of birds'neckskills head lice. Apply with "Cap.Brush." Sold by Dealers Everywhere Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee By Robertta Lee. 1. ---Is it really essential that there be a wedding rehearsal? 2.—Should all the men stand at the table until all the women are seated? 8.—Is it proper far a pian to wear a wrist watch with full eve- ning Liress? it necessary that a man who is travelling alone, use the prefix "Mr." when registering at a hotel? 5.—When leaving the dinner table to dance, what should one do with his napkin? 6.—Is it necessary that a man rise when he is being introduced to another man? Answers. 1—While not actually essential °3t is far better to have a rehearsal than to have an,' embarrassing blunder- occur during the cere- mony. 2—Yes. 3r -No; he should carry a pocket batch. 4—No; he should register as John B. Green, New York. 5—Leave the napkin unfolded by the side of the plate. 6—Yes. Britain Will Draft Youths For Mimes British boys from 16 to 13 years of age must be drafted for work in English coal mines tq boost the lagging production of coal for the nation's fuel -hungry war Indus- tries, Ernest Bevin, minister od labor, told the Blackpool Mine Workers Federations last week. Pleading with the federation not to "raise a political storm" over the issue. Bevin said it was or - gent that 30,000 to 60,000 youths a LADY HUNTER FEMALE PII .T .S For Painful and Delayed Periods, Extra Strength, $2.00 PHONE LL. 3600 For City Deliver SKY'S DRUG SI ORE 1981 Davenport Road (Corner Uxbridge Are.) TORONTO tt 1 LE we) E ( 38-521 ayes. HEED. THIS ADVICE!! If you're cross, restless, NERVOUS -- suffer hot flashes, dizziness—caused by this period in a woman's life— try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Made especially or iwomen. Hundreds of thousands re- markably helped. Follow label direc- tions. Made in Canada. 11 be Balled up. He disclosed that al- though 47,000 miners have return- ed to the pits from other higher - paid jobs, the number of miners has fallen to 600,000. He estimat- ed the absolute minimum needed to keep production at, the nebes- sary level at 720,000 to 750,000. "Heretofore boys reaching , the draft age have liven given thele choice of going into the armed forces or into the mines, but Bevin said that so far only 8,000 have taken mining jobs in preference to 50 -cents -a -day et•svice with the army anti navy. Professor: "What .is most potent poison?" Student: "An eirplat'.e, drop and you're dead!" the one tik:i. o'ay' ,:wM.4t.t+a=• We'll Bet You a Million tl that someday You'll say We Were Right! But some day may be too'late .. therefore vita suggest that you read the little booklet we have preparted that tells you the TRUTH about Mining and Mining Investments. You'll agree after you have read it ... that it will prove to be an in- valuable guide in your future purchases of miming equities. If you are seriously interested in the future of Canadian Mining this book will b's rent to you FREE of charge. ~ — -- CLIP COUPON AND MAIL — — — SHi - 'WOAD SE CLARKE — Prospectors and Developers. 427 Wilson Building - 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto Name Address .....".t"t4er.ISv:n"'4::!a`.3.'^-:i;E-.•t".aeanrACt twnt,ott :-: CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS AUTOMOBILES—USED USED CARS WITI3 GOOD TIRI.IS. See us first. AIount Pleasant Mo- tors Limited. Used Car Lot at 2040 Yonge Street; Head Offaee, 632 Mount Pleasant Road, To- ronto. Telephone HY. 2181. AUTO PARTS NEW AND USED PARTS FOR ALL makes of cars and trucks. Com- plete automobile machine shop service. General Auto Supply, 12 Frederick St., Kitchener, Ontario. )[ABY CRICKS DON'T HESITATE to write us for kite summer and fall chicks, as there will be some hatching to take care of such orders. Order now also for September and Oc- tober chicks. Bray hatchery, 180 John N., Hamilton, Ont. WE CAN STILL SUPPLY YOU with a limited number of day- old and started chicks, two and three weeks of age for immed- iate delivery. Also older pullets frum eight weeks up to 24 weeks. Book your order note for fall - hatched day-old chicks. Free cat- alogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcher- ies Limited, Fergus, ()Atario. VV.HIT]d LE(.:HORN PULLETS, TWro weeks 20c, 3 weeks 25e, 4 weeks enc. Goddard Chick Hatcheries, Britannia heights, Ont. DYEING, & CLEANING . 13A.VE YOU A.VYTHINfx NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment Fl, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto, FEATHERS WANTED WILL PAY THE FOLLOWING prices for Goose and Duck feath- ers; ersse lb.; 48c Ib. feathers Coi(fr Comfort- er Co. Limited, 736 Dundas St. East, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE THRESHIN( OUTFIT FOR SALE. ApplySetto L G L2Battler, engine. Platte- ville, Ontario. DUE TO LABOR CONDIiIONS WE are forced to dispose of 103 or more of our registered Palomino and Tennessee Waisting horses Including pleasure horses, brood mares, stallions, yearlings and suckling Colts of grand champion blood lines. Send for our descrip- tive price list.—FISHER P.A.LONI- INO FARMS, Souderton, Pennsyl- vania, SOME CHOICE' YOUNG REGISTER - ed Yorkshire sows just bred, and some choice young Registered boat's about ready for service. Edgar Dennis, RR. 2, .A:urora, Ont. III,AI'1f14MITH, WOODWOn3d ANI) general repair chop, house and lot, good farming district- G. T. Itodi)itrit, Tetawater, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOOT BALM BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor instantly, 45c bottle. Ottawa agent, Uennieo , Drug Store, Ottawa. , FUEL WOOD 'WAN'TED MAPLE, 13IRCH A N D MINE 1> Cordwood. first or second growth. Also Millwood. State full particu- lars and lowest prices. \Val ter Schiess, 19 Melinda St., Toronto. i HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL LE A it N FIAlltL)RESSING. TH1: Robertson method, Informatlor, on request regarding Glasses. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy, 137 Avenue Road, Toronto. MACHIN ERY FOR SALE -1 ADVANCE-RUMELY Oil Pull,. operates on fuel oil. Mounted en traction wheels and grousers. Good condition, Immed- iate delivery. [Ging Paving Co. Ltd., Box 30, Oakville, Ont. MEDICAL POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banish the Torment of Dry Eczema, .Rashes and \Viceping Skin Troubles. Post's Eczema. Salve Will Not Disappoint You. Itching, Scaling, Burning Ec- zema, Acne, Ringworm, Pimples and Athlete's Foot will respond readily to this stainless, odor- less ointment, regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they may seem. PRICI7 81.00 PER JAI Sent post free on receipt or price POST'S REMEDIES 889 Queen St. IC., Curlier of Logan TORONTO MEDICAL GOOD RESULTS — EVERY SUF- ferer from Rheumatic Paine er Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro's Drug Store, 330 El- gin, Ottawa. $1.00 Postpaid. NURSES WANTED. GRADUATE OIt UNDERGRADU- ate nurses for general duty, 8 - hour duty and half day a week. Apply, ,'giving full particulars. Superintendent, Memorial Hospi- tal, Listowel. GIUOAT NEED FOR GRADUATE nurses. Mission Hospital, Sask- atchewan and Indian Residential School, Manitoba. Experienced practical nurse with refcrencea would be considered for Indian School. AppIY Candidate :tee. :Presbyterian Women's Mission Society, 100 Adelaide St. West. Toronto. .. OILS AND GIt1ASC). TRACTOR OWNERS t IdNl.) wall our new 1943 price list on ells rznd grease. Co -Operative Oil Company, .3070 Dundas St, W., Toronto, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS RHEUMATIC PAINS TRY' IT — EVERY SUUFFERIER of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Mun- ro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ot- tawa. $1.0e 1\i,tpaid. PHOTOGRAPHY DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH The Real, Rain, or Rail HAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered by Mail Any V or 8 exposure film perfectly developed and printed for only 26e, Supreme quality and fast service guaranteed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J. Poi: oto "ALWAYS SEND MY ROLLS TO STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE ..." That's tvnat a customer at Outre- mont, taus., writes. He adds: "Some of my friends. asked me where I sent my pictures to be developed and printed. I told them, 'send your rolls to Star Snapshot Service,' and they did. They, too, are now reg- ular customers of Star Snapshot Service." Any Size Roll -6 or 8 13xposures, DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25e Boys and girls on active service enjoy letters so much more when "snaps" are enclosed. Mail your next roll to Star Snap- shot Service for a trial order. You will get quality prints, with finer detail—at lowest cost. And you will get the most prompt mail service obtainable in keeping with quality work. Star Snapshot Service oper- ates Canada's biggest and best equipped photo finishing studio. 3 Iwo UNTlr]It) ENLARGEMENTS 20e Size 4 x 0" in Beautiful Easel Mounts. You can have enlargements colour- ed by hand for a small additional charge. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box L::0, L'ostnl Terminal' A, 'Toronto Print your name and address plainly tin all orders. FILMS DEVELOPED 25c COIN Two prints Arum each negative, Re- prints 2c caeh. Moutr•eul 1'ltolo, 1:'.O. 13ox 160 Station 1", Montreal. TliA(l'1'Utt L'Alt'VS TRACTO14 1'A It'i N L+' W ANL) used, 201 all makes ut tracturs General Autu and Praetor Supply, 13 Frederick Sl., Kitchener. Ont. STOW ACH ANL) 1'H It DAD WU1{A1S often are the cause of IIl-health in humane all ages. No one Im- mune! \Vhy not find out if 1)1,s is your trouble? lntetcstlng pttr- ticulars—Fred Write Muiveney's Remedies, Spectatlists, Torun to 3, tint. ".r() BACC 0 i-I'OUN1) i 1M1'I.i'3 1'.\t'K.At414 1'112- giltin. itutl(y, Zimmer anti Prior Ii,tt' 1,,hn, o. with r,•cipes (1x1(1 fiavpring. $3 pos paid. Rut liven • Tobacco Exchange, Ilutliron, Ont. TEACHERS WANTED PROTESTANT T 1; AC II 12 R ,wanted for S.S. No, 9 liollne l State. Salary and ,ivalifica(lune. Duties to commence un the isit of September. \\'rite giving teat - phone number to Thomas Dennison,ecretary Treasur or. R.R. No. 1 Berkeley, Ont. WANTED — ASSIHTANT TEACH-. er for Sparta Continuation School. \V rite stating qualifica- tions and salary to grant 1'ich- erd, Sparta, Ont. BETHANY ; \VANT 1:11, P13OTIL.7l'- aut teacher for Public School. Section Eleven, Township of Man vers, County or Durham, Du- ties to commence Sep. temb r first. Apply, stetitrg cer•tiflea te and eatery expected, to 0, M, T. Dav- is, Secretary, Bethany, R.It, No. 2, Ontario. PROTESTANT TEACHER Wanted S.S. No. 6 Hay, Salary $1,090, 11 pupils. APPIY Jacob M. Uiitge- riclt, 22, No, 3, Zurich, Otit, QUALIFIED TEACHER 1'Olt S.S. No, 12 Lancaster, eapaltle .of teaching English and Preach, :salary 81,000. J. Y. Baker, See.- Treas., ee:Trcas., Dalhousie Mills, Ont, QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACH- er, Mural School, Salat'y 81100. Nipissing District. State age and experience. Duties Commence Sep- tember. Apply \Vrat. Parks, Rid h- erg]en, Ont. WANTED A 1JTLINGl'AL FRENCH - English male teacher for Fret es - tan t. church school. Apply Rev. Alcan 8. Reid. 1485 lacTavish 14t„ Montreal. 1)1ND1{\VAC—Tl' \t'H11)3 \\'.1N'I'1l1) for S.S. No. 1, Snathtt orib and Hartman district cf I'Leuar.t. Sft le salary c'xpectetl: liutirls to com- nacuee Sept. first. Apply to R. Zoceole, Secretary, Picard ,tf Trus- tees, Dinorwic, ()rt. QUA LIFER 1) PROTESTANT Teoch- erfor S.S. No. .i '•l'crbol t-,11, 1.91 r- leton County. 1?utii s commence Sept. 1, 1943. apply stittini. quali- fication and salary to SIrs. 11. \V. Milford, Secy„ \Voodlatwn, 1)ht. :,\MN 4TVILLE ONT.;I't.,t• St;ult. teacher' wanted fat S.S. No, 2. Falconer and 'houdr.n NIpissing 1)i-tri('1. Salary81.)81)1 Fn1,1) ',,t 10. Apply at 01)00 t•, It cr,,lcl Pry- er, Mtonetville, 001, Fe:11(1i's PROTES ','ANT teacher for S.S. No. 2, (st +411 fraxu, \Vcllin{,t(rn Co\\'nity, dote miles froth b'orgus )))i',,1()ty Stitrt September.- . J0 1,)1 Rennie. 11.1i, 1, 'Fergus, 1T\itJ) VOOI.) 1113, QUA 1,11.1141) teiteher 0' 1)13111 fro' 14 No. 10 Raglan. Salary 81.100. Appy alt,t- 1ng (lUnilfit%tlons and ex Darien -es 11Arthur C. fleniic'k, Scy,telar3', Hardwood Lake, opt. \VANT tt',1 LAI)1 Si'I.\t'II1>,:t 110 l 1't'otcstant school, first ol,, two er )not(. 3(1))'K r'1ll„1'1en,•e, 1101.1r Lake NIplssinit, Apply .A, 1nrni,.• 1a' 12,1 1, Ilion(trille, 1'nt. 14ni- 1113' 31,090. I119r)1)i'. 'r, ONT. 1'11111at' 52:1)0(1. rr(tah'CN 1(00110' fpr ,llrnh i' room, t,l))dos 1 to 0, ('0)018(11,•i0L4 811)- rrntbt.r. Salary a"tnnn;i nod hums $160.00, 11. W. t,:..(lie2) NV, 94»e-. Traits.