Zurich Herald, 1943-07-29, Page 4LUIUQ"l HERR Thursday,,, S7' 29' ELECT BENSON W. TUCKEY Liberal Candidate In the Riding of Huron A BUSINESS MAN A WORKING MAN RAISED ON THE FARM HE UNDERSTANDS YOUR PROBLEMS VOTE LIBERAL alrnd continue good Sound Government ONTARIO ELECTIONS 1943 NOTICE TO PROXY HOLDERS IMPOR TANT OWING to the delay of Extra -Provincial Active Service Voters overseas in completing and return- ing Proxy appointments to Ontario, special arrange- ments have been made to protect the franchise of such voters. Special Sittings of Revising Officers will be held in each Electoral District on Tuesday, August 3rd, to receive applications from holders of Proxies from Extra -Provincial Active Service Voters to have their appointments certified. If the appointments are certified by the Revising Officer, they .can be presented by the holder to the Deputy Returning Officer in the proper Polling Sub - Division on Election Day and application made for a ballot. The holder of .the Proxy form must be a voter in the same Electoral District as the Active Service Voter, and must be able to vouch for the fact that the Active Service Voter resided in the Electoral District for thirty days prior to his enlistment, or in lieu thereof must have him vouched for by a voter who is familiar with the facts. ALEX. C. LEWIS CHIEF ELECTION OFFICER ONTARIO HILLSGREEI' M. Donald McNoll of 3iyth, is epi aiding his vacation at the home of Mrs. John Baker. Mrs. Ross Love enjoyed a very ple- a .tart week at Goderich. Mr. Orville Smith is confined to F l and under the doctor's care, also 1 le daughter, Helen, 'Their many friends wish them a speedy recovery Mr. Clifford Weido spent the week c•a.i with his parents here. St. Joseph and Beaver Town Mr. and Mrs. Len Denomme, of Windsor, are spending a few days In this neighborhood with their many relatives. Private 1.1. C. Ducharmo of Prince George, B. C., is home on his fur- lough, he will return to the above station on or about August 7th. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Masse, of Welland spent their vacation In St. Joseph and Grand Bend. and will re- turn to.,thcir home in the near future Mr. and Mrs. Zephie Charrette of Detroit spent the post week with the.) former's mothei, 3.Irs. John Cham• elite and while here they motored to Niagara Falls, ac,l'omparnied with Mrs Wm. Ducharme of the Blue Water north. Miss Lucille Jeffrey of this burg is engaged for the summer months at Grand Bend. Farmers are cutting their wheat at present, the yield will be low and the sa-niple of an grade. BLA K F, Mrs, Cecil Attridge of Goderich, mad son Barry, sps'.at a week'.: vac- ation in the village. Mrs, H G. McKinley of Toronto, :pent 11 f%t,. (iny, with. hm' . istcy', Mr:4 Pte. Ella McKay, of London, and H. R. McKay, of Sky Harbor, Goder- ch, were recent visitors at their home here. Misses Nora and Jean Balkwill, of London, are visitors with Miss Nora Ferguson. The village is alive with tourists at present, all enjoying bathing, boa- ting and the lovely scenery which Bay field is noted for. Late Miss Taylor One of Bayfleld'.s oldest and most respected residents, Miss Mary Jane Taylor, died in Goderich .Hospital, on Friday, July 23rd in her 84th year. She was a native of Quebec Province but had lived at Bayfield the greater part of her life. Three brothers, John of Varna; Robt. of Stephen Tp. and Solomon, of Winnipeg, survive. The funeral was held on Sunday af- ternoon from Goderich chapel, to the Bayfield United Church, and intern- ment followed in Bayfield cemetery, rJ i Samuel Hey of Blake, attending the wedding of her niece, Miss Norma Hey. Mrs. Lloyd Finnegan of Exeter, and daughter Bertha are spending Isome time with her mother, Mrs. E. 1LClarke. I Miss Jean Hey of London, Mild- red of London, Elva of Toronto, at- tended the wedding of their sister, I Norma on Saturday evening. Mrs. Wm. Fiscus and family,. of Kitchener are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jeffrey, Jr. Mrs. John Cadwallader of Lon- don spent the week -end at the nome of Mr. and Mrs. S, Hey. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston and son Robert of Zurich, spent Sunday in the village. VIr. and Mrs. Arthur Finlayson spent the week -end with friends near Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Meyers, of Zurich spent Sunday evening In the village. Miss Ella Bohn has returned to Clinton after spending her vacatioon with her parents. BAYFIELD The finance emirate of the Red Cross is holding a carnival in the park on July 24th. Bingo and other games are the amusements, Miss Susan Govenlock of Seaforth was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferguson, Mrs, George Topping of Toronto, visited her brother-in-law, Mr. A. fu, F Twin. Fripndy of Andrew McGregor are sorry to hear of his accident, having fallen and broken his leg, and is in Clinton Hospital, hnvint pas 90th birthday, GRAND BEND Minister of Education Passes Hon. Duncan McArthur, Ont. Min- ister of Education, died. suddenly on Tuesday, July 20th, of a heart attack in his summer home at Maple Grove, just north, of the Bend,, he was 54 years of age. Dr. McArthur appar- ently was in good health the previous day. He had a long talk with J. K. MeDermid, a London manufacturer, who occupies 'the next cottage, and said he was feeling fine,. During the night Dr McArthur took ill, and Dr, Steer of Hensall was called. Mrs. McArthur entered her husband's bed- room shortly after noon on Tuesday and found him dead. Dr. McArthur sat for Sincoe East in the Ontario Legislature. He was native of Dutton, Ontario. M'KILLOP WOMAN IS KICKED Mrs. Peter Hicknell, of McKillop Township met with a serious accident and was taken to Seaforth Hospital, where her condition was critical. While driving to Seaforth with a horse and buggy, the harness broke as she was descending towards a bridge, allowing the buggy to run up on the horse's heels. The Animal immediately started to kick. Mrs. Hicknell was standing up in the buggy at the time, and she received the full force of the blow in the abdomen, causing serious injury. • 1!r4* Huron Constituency VOTE FOR � W. C. F. OESTRICKER 1 1 1 1 C. C. F. CANDIDATE. A Vote for the C. C. F. is a Vote for the Common People; Farmers, Workers, All Business) Men and Re-Habitulation for the Boys who are descena, ers of our Democracy. • THE LIFE STORY OF HARRY. NIXON, PREMIER OF ONTARIO t.. V '�t•' ,...7„....r ':: �i'• 1 ,•��� ik i�'p�� s" -0 - o ro �N • �'4 v ♦ i1y�, spy ii - �N(- r =_ 116,644 a //4: JL5• t f ' jr �I'-' l� ] .... - i�•e�._. ''•�.I'ILI�I,)jl+3�"�• ' . yes - - `-' Ji / Harry Nixon's people were United Empire Loyalists. His farm was pioneered by his grandfather over 100 years ago. -V4 i 1l tL. ., .�� +. '-. . Mlle 11 � •If ill . GIS •-� — t — — ter"Warm- Ontario's premier was born on the farm in April, 1891 He was christened Harry Corwin Nixon and is always called just plain Harry +,16 - '- r •-•t:"-'27.-_---,._. ,��' '... He attended the little red school house down the road. Nights, mornings, Saturdays and holidays he helped ' on the farm, \ -�, i Four years of more Guelph, determined man pct hard proved and jl earned I II�//,. work at Harry Nixon him ''`4///�� t ,:, ' ' r.4 Ontario Agricultural a studious and the B.S.A. degree. \�\ 1,}''1 �I %t I jr �$, ��'� HIGH SCHOOL _ ....,.......:,--- He October girl c'r �a' qPS r - f •4> i /g returned to the farm, his chosen 28, 1914, he' married Alice who had graduated from MacDonald ,..frq - . 1. ••,, -;\ life Jackson, \\\\ work. a Hall. On Guelph __ ;ud 'MI tr High School in Brantford was an •College, too young Nixon, but he worked exciting experience hard and did well. �,nt 41:4111k " l 11-_` ✓rant u \\ //- : !3 \V iaiuii/ °all • yousai )nista, , - At in - r , r� }L.- 'r 1=n= n ; 6 l �, lf) �fl r/ i -o Iso 28, Harry Nixon was the youngest Cabinet Canada. 7 1 1 Minister ' r--- :�- " Io, oTOZoroi it !� . 111 �a .:- 11 # f' = .- N� t L T-fiuTi. z. , ��-y-� aa■ iia 't�. silo � 7- ,, y l■ Those who know Harry Nixon well, man of sound business judgment as "dirt farmer' know him to be a well as a successful Working in his own quiet way, Nixon's qualities of leadership earned him a seat in the Ontario house in 1919, . ,. •��j4101 •'< ,c+ \ '4111411 - , . ' tt. --"' ,d,‘ \_ ` F7 li °bl t'I 1i r, yy a —,iil -�' -^_ ii 11[srryr I ?, ip - .+�i j 4 Equally barn, while at it is milking; 1gP home in a neighbor's drawing room or in his said he hos reached many important decisions a job he truly enjoys. , t• �� �, Harry Nixon has been o member of the legislature for Brant continuously since 1919, but farming is his occupation and he works at it, ` The Nixon family ore church -goers United Church at St, George. They attend the % /islet /�l� ,.. '' l \ NNE. \�III'1 ' "So/ lit "`"AN////j 1 NIXON if u IOC* J lil,l 1,�>f.,°l(-� Jlc''I IT .: ;pt's'►. , —77,--- 1 i. lt s , qr + �� - y Idr r/ Ott; i 11.',�� e r ., 1 1 bit r On April 30, 1943, an enthusiastic Liberal Convention. Harry Nixon leader of the party. He was then sworn in as Prime Minister: Now he wants his appoint. i mens confirmed by the people. / /%�//////f/j „_- y!! j r/�/• arvr 0" 1?.-.. �,//%/ � �\ `ti( rj ` =�j1!prr�ri� lig ,! , y• -�Iis1�� _,_� iWI :. ''' Ih' ;,." -tap;,gull 1 VI11 1• .- Nixon's quietly .efficient ways and original thinking earned him a hgh place in government councils, At 45 he was many times Acting Prime MfnisteMinister. �� - �I �� it QIw 111_ fY;a /<` Whether at the farm or at the Parliament likes to relax in his shirt sleeves at the Buildings, hemade end of a busy day. %\ - ik ,o t ,4,1 It riJ�►_7 ~ce 6 . / i i i� // f� ,- . N • - .,* 1 i \ /-.' Mrs. Nixon is a friendly, rno.herly woman; a gracious hostess and sympathetic counsel. She is well liked wherever she goes, ' \ \\� • ` / Premier Nixon is a steady, driving statesman; a tour- , ageous thinker who has ti,e will to get things done. His long administrative experience and level-headedness will ensure Progress and Unity in Government for Ontario. - The Nixon family is "in uniform". San was killed in action over Germany; W.D., is oversees; Margaret is doing at Ottawa. Both daughters married 414) is working on the farm, , ,.. , Jackson, R.C.A.F., Katherine; R.C.A.F., confidential work service men Bob �� /�- g _. '�. .) E' 1 KEEP E ti° I 1i.N � • ., LI .. E a AT THE 'W.H E E L FOR PROGRESS AND UNITY AL AUGUST 4TH' ..,,,D 8T OE ONIARIOIt►lt1A1,ASS CI01D14 Dec flenspn '1t c ey for Huron