Zurich Herald, 1943-01-21, Page 7as aim's, az Sciladd
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THE STORY: Judith Kingsly
and Tom Burke, employees of an
airplane factory, are -en route to
tete factory's west coast branch --
Judith to investigate a "leak" in
the organization, Tom to take the
pans of a new bomber. Tom and
Judith are in love, but have
'quarreled. Aboard an airliner
Judith sees two men watching
Torn suspiciously. At a stop for
supper she tells hint to watch out
for them. As they are about to
take off again, Judith hears the
hostess say they are changing co-
Judith noticed most of the pas-
sengers were nodding in sleep ex-
cept Tom, the foreigner and the
large man in front of her. Every-
thing was peaceful, with nothing
to substantiate her fears.
The hostess walked through,
stopped at each seat to make sure
her charges were comfortable and
theii returned to her place. Judith
righed and closed her eyes. Lean-
ing back against the seat, she re-
laxed for the first time since they
changed co-pilots.
Then suddenly the plane rocked
and her spine grew rigid with
fright. Everybody on the ship
came awake instantly. Someone
screamed. The hostess came run-
ning through''"""the aisle. •
"Fasten your safety belts,
please," she urged, her voice calm.
She hurried to the front of the
plane, but when she tried to turn
the handle of the control room
door it was locked. She turned
to face the frightened passengers,
but just as she opened her mouth
to speak, the plane leveled into
•-•smooth flying again.
However, Judith, a seasoned alt
traveler, sensed the ship was
headed downward. By the look on
the girl's face, she realized the
hostess guessed the same thing.
Then a man exclaimed: "Why,
we're landing."
"I belieye so;"' smiled the girl
in the unifor, trying to ease the
tension. "Please be calm. I am
Nitre everything is !till right.
Forced landings are not uncom-
Value $750.00, and cash awards
for original musical composi•
tions. Canadians of either sex
under 22 years on March 1
1543, the closing date for
Junior Division open to com-
petitors under 16 who do not
quality for major prizes.
For entry forms and full In-
formation supply, CANADIAN
Building, Toronto.
Improve Your Health
by Correcting Sluggish
This Way is Swift, Economical
Pew conditions can wreck your health
faster than disordered kidneys and
inflamed bladder. Your back aches
miserably. You have restless nights. You
suffer leg cramps and rheumatic pains.
When these things happen your kidneys
need help in filtering out acids and
poisonous wastes that are undermining
your health.
Give them this help—quickly—with
GOLD MEDAL, Haarlem Oil Capsules.
GOLD MEDAL Capsules contain
accurately measured amounts of the
original and genuine Haarlem Oil (Dutch
Drops). You will be gratefully surprised
at the way they relieve clogged kidneys
and irritated bladder.
Go to your druggist now and get a 40e,
box. Be sure you ask for GOLD MEDAL
Haarlem Oil Capsules. 2
Judith chanced a glance at
Burke. He was sitting erect, his
right hand hidden beneath his
coat. The foreigner, too, was
waiting expectantly. She shifted
her gaze quickly to the man in
front of her, and as she •did so,
he stood up. Her heart rose in
her throat.
"Yoa heard the Iady," he
roared gruffly: "Take it easy.
Just a forced landing." He backed
toward the control room, ignoring
-the pleas of the hostess to return
to his seat. When he stood with
his back against the closed door,
he drew a gun. There were gasps
of terror. A woman screamed and
wilted in her seat but.no one nada
a move to help her.
Judith sat very still and waited.
"Nobody will get hurt if you do
as you're told," the large man
said. His eyes scanned the cabin
for any signs of rebellion.
As the plane wheels hit the
earth, Judith opened her purse
and her cold fingers closed about
the little gun she always carried
when she traveled. Until now
she had never used it.
The big liner rolled to a bumpy
stop and the door to the control
room opened. The co-pilot stepped
out. His eyes darted over the
"Good work, Heavy," he said to
the man with the gun. He strode
down the aisle and disappeared
through the door.
Judith's eyes were fastened on
the fordigner. He was the one she
feared most, but. so far he had
made no move. He sat very
straight in his seat, his eyes fixed
on Toni. An electrified excite-
ment that she had never felt bee
fore enveloped Judith.
She saw a light flare from the
outside at a distance and draw
nearer. While she watched it ap-
proach, she wondered how she
could get off the plane and follow
if the men only took Toni with
The hostess started to move but
the gunman's voice stopped her.
"Get back there to my seat and
sit down." She complied without
a murmur. A plan sitting up
front whined irritably.
Judith drew on her courage and
said. brightly, "This is very ex-
• Heavy, the man behind the gun,
grinned at her while the passen-
gers turned and glared. When
Tom Burke looked at her, there
• was a light of understanding in
his glance.
The co-pilot put his head in at
the dolor.
"All right, Karl."
Instantly,. the foreigner came
alive and stood up, an ugly gun
in his hand covering Burke from
the back.
"Come along," he ordered cart-
ly, nudging Tom with the point
of the pistol:
Burke stood up. As he moved
down the narrow aisle he bumped.
Judith's seat. A packet of papers
slid quickly and noiselessly from
his right sleeve and dropped be-
side her. Swiftly she shifted her•
arni to cover the bundle and
Burke walked on to the door with
the foreigner behind hint.
,Little prickles stung at Judith's
skin as she realized site had the
plans of the bomber in her posses-
Heavy waved his gun and
moved down toward the outside
"Don't anybody move," he
warned, pausing at the door. "1.
ain't minding to pull this trigger.
ISSUE No. 4-43
• '",A ra1'c f .,
sit u'. •;
Deliighttut bedrooms,
ansurhassed mashie,
sun -decks and loons-
cw . •t tact -tsars, ski reboot. pro.
1'essional instruction, sleigh -rick
part te•ri, skating vinic. tt rite for
irookiet, rater restricted •alter-
tele . . C, N'1. .It<tncy, 11 t; r., Ste.
Ctlesle Lodger wie. Adele an llxntt,.
And .don't get off this plane ' until
morning if you value your
Ila anothtr moment, he dropped
to the ground and slanimec1 the
door. A car: roared off,
The hostess was the first to' -
come alive. She jumped up, ran
to .the pilot's compartment and •
pulled back to door. There was
a horrified gasp from her as she
dropped to her knees. Two men
rushed up• behind her.
One of then said, "Here --let
nae. ill, I'm a doctor."
'1;,, door closed after them, But
almost immediately . it opened
again and the hostess''cane out.
"The pilot has been hurt. We
are trying to use the radio, I am
afraid we will have to make the
best of the situation, I'll try to
make you comfortable."
k *
But for the. moment, Judith was
far from comfortable. Hes calm-
ness bad deserted"her now. She
kept thinking of the papers her
fingers grasped in the seat be-
side her. When the spies discov-
ered the plans were missing, they
would return and make a thorough
search for Ton's accomplice.
She stuffed the papers into her
purse and stood up. She made her
way to the cabin up front and
edged in.
"How long before he will conte
around?" she asked the doctor.
He shook his head slouvly,
"Can't say. It looks like a bad.
Navy Uses Dogs
To Detect Planes
Sea -going dogs are making a
record. in the North Sea as deter-
' tors of • aircraft, Commanding .otii-
ears of ivarships escorting convoys'
found that clog mascots, after a
few air attacks, sense the approach
of planes before the noise of the
engines is within the' range of
human hearing, P13e degs, all mon-
grels, . stitten and "point" towards
the sound, The commanding of-
fti.eer of one armed trawler told a
Loddon interviewer that after he
had witnessed tths three times he
trained his guns in the direction
in which, his pet was staring, and
always planes soon appeared.
Overs as i�rll is
Air Mail Cancelled
-Air mail from. Canada to civil-
ians in Britain has been discon-
tinued, postal authorities said last
Airgraphs still travel by bomb-
er, and so do as many as possible
of the special blue air mail forms
to men in the forces, However,
a large percentage. of these at
present go by boat also.
A • similar situation exists for
mail traveling from Britain to
Canada, There is only sufficient
aircraft to carry about 10 per
eent of the air quail, officials said.
Beautiful rose design in net crochet 'is a real old i avorite for
a scarf.: Pattern No. 1161 contains list of materials needed, ill,rs-
tration °of stitches and complete instructions.
To order pattern: Write, or send above picture with your name
and address with 15 cents in coin or stamps to Carol Alines, Room
421, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto.
concussion. He was hit over the
head—a nasty blow."
"They may • come back," said
Judith, and for the first time in
her life her voice trembled with
fright. The plans made her purse
bulge, a.nd reminded her con-
stantly of the real donger she
was facing.
Tlie man spoke again.
"I wonder what those fellows
wanted? What they were after?"
Judith pretended not to hear. "1
think I'll go outside and have a
look. I really don't believe any-
one is around now."
"l'ni coming with you," Judith
told hint and followed quickly.
Others, seeing their intentions,
came too.
"You'lI have to jump for it,"
said the man with a grin. He
leaped to the ground and reached
to help her down. "My name is
Harry Hornsby,"
The stars twinkled overhead,
but there was no moon, Someone
playing a flashlight over the
ground discovered the car tracks
on the hard sand, winding in and
out among the sage brush. Judith
followed the tire marks with no
definite purpose in mind.
Then in the distance, a light
suddenly appeared. Her heart
stood still but she did not cry out.
In a moment one of the others
saw the glow and exclaimed:
"They're coming back'. Get
hack to the plane everyone. Don't
• give them an excuse to shoot."
When Judith did not follow,
Hornsby turned hack for her. She
pulled away from h:s hand.
"I'm not cording,' she stated
"Not—" he began.'
"No. I can't. Please return
with the others and just forget
where you saw me Last. 1 will be
much safer that way. Please!"
At first Hornsby rofuse.l to
leave her, but she insisted han-
tieally, on the verge of do 4 perat.e
tears. He turned Rud hurried
bark to the ihip, almost running,
For a second Judith stood un-
ilerided. Then ahs' found n 1 lyra
bunch of sage near' the wheel
trades and crou.•hc•.d l+chin 1 it.
She t, eiicc1; 'her heart beeti'r.
((ant:am:a Neat \ ct::)
At the sane time, Postmaster
General Muloclt urged persons
sending airgraphs to print ad-
dresses in large capitals at least
one-quarter inch in height and to
keep the addresses wholly within
the panel provided for the address
at the top of the form. He said
this would prevent difficulty in
sorting and delay in delivery,
Typewritten addresses or hand-
written addresses in small char-
acters are difficult to decipher,
delayinp sorting and mailing,.
Wartime Nurseries
Relieve Mothers
Twenty-five thousand ch.ildren
are being cared for in 644 war-
time nurseries in Great Britain, 70
of them in London, and 700 more
nurseries will soon be opened.
Mothers of young children are
not high-pressured into industry,
but many want to work, partly
because they are, eager to help
defeat the Germans, and partly
because—notably in the case of
the wives of soldiers—they flncl it
hard to live on their allowauces.
For. about 20 cents a day the
tots are cared for by skilled nurses
and teachers. They are well fed
and receive medical attention. The
20 cents does not pay for all care,
the balance of expense being borne
by the Government.
India Increases
Food Production
India now produces canned
cheese, compressed vegetables, de-
hydrated potatoes, essence of
.chicken, dried fruit and other
processed foods to add variety to
the diet of the soldiers stationed
there, it is disclosed in New Delhi,
About 4,000 tons of dried fruit
and 300 to 400 tons of canned
cheese will be supplied. Procluc-
iinn has been stepped up to 23,-
000 tons of dehydrated potatoes.
India can meet a demand for. G0,-
000 rennet tablets a year„ 1,000
tons of compressed vegetables, be-
sides 2,500 tons of margarine,
end 5,000 tons 'of "golden syrup"
a now industry r'eplacirrg the
cl xtrtic le,
�;?".`.2;i;;y,�..Ya F , �' `fir �'r•,•��'',r 's. f ..,g:�K f
Says Mrs, William Brady, Pardee,
Ontario: "We have no more use for
harsh cathartics! When we found
out about ALL -BRAN we knew
we'd never go back to pills or pow-
ders any more. KELLOGG'S ALL -
BRAN is certainly the `Better
Why don'tyou buy KELLOGG'S
"Better Way" to correct the cause
of constipation due to lack of the
right kind of "bulk" in your diet.
But remember, ALL -BRAN doesn't
work like cathartics. It takes time.
Get ALL -BRAN at your grocer's,
in two convenient size packages, or
ask for the individual serving pack-
age at restaurants. Made by
KeIl'ogg's in London, Canada.
Lake. ui1t Sub
On Way To Se
First Undersea Craft Ever
Built On Great Lakes
The U.S.S. Peto, first naval sub-
marine eve:' built on the Great
Lakes, has begun its long voyage
to the sea.
Headquarters of the ath Navil
District announced that the big
undersea boat, more than 300 feet
long. had entered the Illinois water-
way on her way to join the ignited
States fleet.
She Will not be ready for action,
however; until she has undergone
extensive fitting out at New Or-
The Pete was built at Manito-
woc, \Vis., by the Manitowoc Ship
Building Company. Her keel was
laid June 18, 1941, She was launch•
ed last April 30 and commissioned
November 22: Four more' subs are
in the water at Manitowoc and five
more on the ways.
For reasons of security, news of
the Pete's departure was withheld
until she had passed safely through
the Chicago River and was en her
way to Lockport, Ill. There she
will be eased into a great box,
a sort of floating drydock, for her
trip down the IIlinois River and
the Mississippi.
AJ1 tests for the Peto, including
dives, were conducted in Lake
Michigan, with compensation be- •
ing made for the fact that fresh
water is not as bouyant as salt
If you are interested in Canada
and the health of Canadians—and
I'm sure that you are—you are ur-
gently asked to take a very deep
interest in what you are eating
and in what you prepare for others
to eat.
The following is taken from the
literature supplied by the nutri-
tional Supervisor of the Canadian
Red Cross.
Milk is one of the most import-
ant foods because it furnishes the
material which is necessary for
good bones and teeth, and it also
helps to safeguard the general
health. Canadian doctors in the
pamphlet "Food for Health in
Peace and War" advise us that
every child should have at least
elee, pints of milk each day and
each adult at least r,2 piut, Does
your fancily have this much milk?
If you are not using that amount
start today to plan for more milk
in your menus if you wish to have
your children grow into strong,
healthy adults.
Cheese also is another form of
milk which contains in Iarge quan-
tities material for the muscles.
r'heeee also has a pleasing flavor
;which makes it valuable for• com-
bining with other foods such as
macaroni and rice. When served
with these it helps to take the
place of meat. One pound of
cheese is equal to approximately
3 quarts of milk.
There are many forms of milk
on the market today. Here are
some of them—Whole milk, skim
milk, powdered milk, Chocolate
milk, Homogenized milk.
When you are buying milk it is
wise to buy the kind which will
give the most bone building mater-
ial for the money. Skimmed milk
will not contain as much fat or
have as rich a flavor as whole
milk. However, it is necessary for
some to do without this fat and it
does supply the food material for
building teeth and bones. This can
be used with a great saving on
the milk hill, 1f you can procure
it. Skim milk should not he given
to babies.
Evaporated milk is just as valu-
able as whole milk, and since most
of it is irradiated with Vitamin T3
it is especially valuable in the low
' cost of food list, because in many
centres in Ontario it is cheaper
than whole milk at 12 cents a
Chocolate milk is more valuable
when it is properly made at home.
When there is a desire to econ-
omize, the children should be en-
, eouraged to have milk drinks in-
stead of "pop." Soft drinks should
never be allowed to replace milk
in the child's diet. They do not
contain the material so necessary
for the good health and growth of
your child.
When buying cheese to supple-
ment the milk diet, cottage or
plain Canadian Cheddar are the
mast economical varieties to pur-
Today Mrs. Economy and Mrs.
Extravagance each spent abetit 50
cents on milk and cheese. Isere
is how each one spent her money.
Mrs. Economy
2 cans evaporated milk 15e
2 quarts milk 24c
x Ib. cheese 10e
Mrs. Extravagance
1 eau evaporated milk 08e
1 tivart Jersey milk 140
f% lb, cream cheese 30c
In addition to getting a larger
amount of food to eat Mrs, Econ-
omy obtained 1% times the am-
ount of energy, twice the material
for muscle building and repairs,
1% times the material for bones
and teeth, twice the material for
building good blood.
If the parents in the home drink
a little milk each day there will
seldom be- any trouble in getting
"Johnny" and "Mary" to drink.
their milk too.
Hiss Chambers welcomes personal
letters .from interested readers,"she
is pleased to receive suggestions
en topics for her column, and le
vn ready to listen to your :met
peeves." Requests for recipes or
special menus are In order. Address
your letters to "Miss Smile II. Cham-
bers, 73 West Adelaide Street, To.
ronto," Send stamped pelf-residressed
envelope If you wish o renin.
Part Time Opportunity
For Intelligent Married
_Harried women of above
average intelligence residing in
small towns or rural districts
are wanted for two or three
days a month helping conduct
surveys of public opinion on
important questions, including
war subjects, brands of prod-
ucts used, reading habits, radio
listening habits and so on, for
Canada's oldest and Largest
survey company, Salary. No
selling. For complete details
11 Jordan Street, Toronto
LY ` 1 1 '
' Bronchial Ease Cough Syrup
Go to your druggist today. See the big value
he's offering . , . tz loc. tin of Lx'moids FREE
teeth each purchase of Lynloid Bronchial Ease
Cough Syrup,
Here is a grand free opportunity to become
Acquainted with Winch s ... the tiny pellets
for quick and convenient relief of hoarseness
and coughs . and also benefit by rhe
soothing effectiveness of Lymold Bronchial
Rase Cough Syrup in coleus, bronchitis and
throat irritations.
12cmesxbet, I,,t•rnoi,l l s'oric!,tai Ross Cough
Syrup costs 45e, Lymotds cost 1('c. You go
536 value/or 45s.