Zurich Herald, 1942-08-13, Page 4• "AAi.G Z p'QL71t
Timeisday,. August lath, 41942
see `�•e. .eehis:
xxtxa .tot < ;,:. .a cis+aw..•�owv s>:m ,r., •.,.v. '•
is 4,44 :,
Wit•I• n our pioneer grandparents had a big job to
do they called in their neighbours. A barn raising
brought • help from miles around. Skilled barn
ramere took charge; sides were chosen and com-
petition between teams lent interest to the work.
This old Canadian custom was revived when
Cenaada's National Wnt' Finance Committee was
'Me War goes on. The National War Finance
Committee carries on. Soine will serve on the
t'a+enolittees organized to promote continued
-cies of Bonds, War Savings Certificates and
Stamps. All of us must, continue to buy these
sect/Atka. lie must save every dollar, every cent
we can—and lend our money to Canada. We must
provide the money required to carry on. the war
—the money required to win the war.
formed and went into operation. Under the
leadership of the National and Provincial Com-
mittees—men experienced in the organization
and conduct of financial operations --Local Com-
mittees were formed in all communities. Co-
operation and competition characterized the
work. The biggest "raising" in. Canada's history
got away to a magnificent start. -
Our fighters must have more ships and tanks
and guns and planes. They must have better
ships and tanks and guns and planes than the
enemy has. We must all work, and. save and lend.
The safest investments -we can find for our
savings are Bonds, War Savings Certificates and
Stamps --and they will provide money for us to
buy things that we will want when the War is
T 1 E E
National War Fi#aare l:omerr e A02
Mr. and Mrs. loesel and family
of Lansing, Mich. spent 'last week-
eed with her .parents, Mr. and Mrs
J Kuntz and Mr. and Mss Clayton
Mice, the former returning with
them for a few week:.
Mr.. Howland and :ori and Mr.
Rotzel of Pontiac, Mich.. called on
frien+l; here on Saturday.
Mrs. N Evans and family of Kit -
Owner is visiting with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Hoffman
shoes Antioneete and Tilliie Zim-
mer of Detroit ars, epending holidays
M is s Zeta Nadiger. R N, of How-
ell, Mich. spent a ftw day, with her
parents here.
1 Lr, and Mrs Chas, Eidt of Inger-
soll and Mr .and Mrs R. Nechol of
Hickson isited with 1liee Lavada Har
Veil) on Sunday.
Varna Red Cross Notes
The Vap'ria Red Crow Society I
Spon oring a acred open air concert
to be held on Dr. eloffett's Grote on
Sundaay evening y nmg August ]lith com-
mencing at 8.30. Musical number:
will be presented by the choir (of
0 voices) of Clinton Rule' Stlroe:.
Other vocal artists appearing on the
program will be air, Harvey Mc-
Gee of Auburn, Mr. Carey Joynt,
EIttr il<, 11r:s. E A. lite.;, "gin's'
teluytl 3IrA,h, Verne. <.•it i Mr. C
1eekinoh, Goder'it'- Th,, gut
akar of the ,evening will he Squadron'
Loader Scott Maetin, Padre„ of the
Clinton Radio School, A collection•
in :aid of the Red Cross wil bre taken
ate, 'the entr anee. Pine to vorno and
bteine voile f , ;;i :. . _ ing
:n ore. and for a wor •
1 St. Joseph and Beater Town
Mrs. Paul Primeaatu of o Chicag
b !
r. .spending a few days in this vic-
inity with friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Wnr. Ducharme plot
Dred to Seaforth on Sunday las t
where they were guest` to Mr. and
Mee, Solomon Williams.
Mr. and Mrs.. Riebard Masee o
Welland were visitor's with their
parents on Sunday last
The Misses Doris and hirley Je
fret' of Detroit spent ESunday las
with their parents in l3eaertown.
The two daughter:: of Mr. and
Mr.. Fred Dhucarme who are Sis-
•.er., of the ler:sulins Order, spent
a few day e with their parents on
:he Blue Water Highway, and while
here they met with naany friends
and relatives. Both Sisters return
ed to London on Sunday last, wher
they will renlalin for some time.,be
ore they take their ci arrge for th
osilong year.
Mr, and Mrs. Tyrus Stansberry,
flmi;y of Detroit spent their
•acat:on with the: latter's. parents,
returning to their home on Sunda.,
t t
Mrs, Peter Meese returned to her
rine in Detroit on Sunday last, of
,er a few week' t i it.i with relatives
1Ir .'r.•. Hubert Duehaime of Lon-
don, Avilio and Cyril of Windsor,
ere at their' home en Sunday last.
Maximo and Alphonse Jeffrey of
Windsor pinta unday=la.-rt with their
r ant'.
week with several old friends in the 14 E N S A L L
connnunuity, following preachingfor a call in a eh'ur�ch near Sarnia
on Sundaay.
Several from here attended thee
traousseau tea At Mrs. H. Work-
man in Hensall in honor of her da
ughter, Miss Mabel Workman, on
f Wed. evening last .
Shower for bride elect
f- .A. very enjoyable evening was : p-
t' ent 011 Wed. eve last at theh orae of
Mr, and isles John C. 13e11 when the
neighbors and friends met to honor
Mies Ruth Bell bride elect of Satur-
dey with a miseelaneous shower. An
address eras read by Mrs, Alex Me-
Murt.rie end ;a decorated basketlad-
en with gifts was presented by Miss
- Jean Iveori and Mr;. Allen John
e Ruth ini a ery pleasing mantel' the-
e nked the donors. A dainty lunch was
i starved. The eiride's trousseau was
displayed by her sisters Mrs. James
Morri • and Mrs. Eric Choipchase.
! Anouncernent
Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam J Harney of
tiippc•n wish to announce tale ting -
#1 elft
of their niece Irma Jean
Ferguson to Mr. Arnold H. Gaek.tet-
ter of Guelph, eldest son of John
Gaekstetter and the late Mrs. Gack-
:tetter :of Dashwood, The mar,riaage
to take plaace quietly on Wednesday
August 26tli.
- arra. -
Collarbone Fractured
Mr. and Mrs Edgar Smith, of
Guelph spent the week -end with
the latter'a parents„ Mr, 411214 Mrs.
rahn Jarrett.
Mies Isabella Alexander visited
<.r�lt��; ;err t. ..� W rirl.�ct•.
h., visited last
leiee Matrior ie Heywood, daughter
of Mrs. Ella .Heywood, of Stephen,
was for some time in Vittoria Hoe-
11. London, having' suffered a
doubler fretu•re of the collarbone. She
f tl whiehh resulted h i
s(bdbrak •
Mee. Hannah Workman was hos-
tess Wednesday evening last at her
home for a .'trousseau tea for her
daughter ,.etabel Irene, whose mar -
nage to Mr. Norman Stanlake, of
Exeter takes place. Mrs, Herb.Birt
ton of Dublin wasdoor attentant
Mrs. Workman, and her daughter
assisted by Mrs. N. Stanike, of
Exeter received the guests. Tile
tretlsuau was displayed by :Ulises Mar
£act Grieve, Saforth, ;Mss Jean
:'o.:'tt' ,, Centraliia ;ears. Wilson Bro.adfoot, Seforth Luncheon was
served by Mrs. Roy McOlaen, Miss
Violet Hde, aand MHiss Beryyl
Pfaff; tea was poured by Ms, W,
Alexander and Mrs. Dowson„ of
The recent heavy rains which fell
have been a big drawback to the
flamers. Let us hope for better
Me. and Mrs Lloyd Bedard and
family also Mr. and :141x6 Frank Cor-
1Vlouisseau of near HensaaIl, visited
with friends in 'our burg on Sunday
la t.
Mae and Mrs Dennis ,Corriveaaua
and fancily of Dashwood were Sun-
day visitor with Mr. anad Mrs, F
Corr iveau.'r
M, :aan.d Mrs Louis J. Montague
and babis of London visited with
their aunts, the Misses Gepinaae over
the week -end.
Mir, end Mrs. Napoleon Denomme
and family of Detroit returned home
after espending a week with, friends
and relatives.
Ml's. Frank Adams al' Stratford,
WAS a guest at the home of the
11?isses Gelinas .recently.
Mrd, andMrs. Does, Misr and Mrs.
Dennis Laporte, and two daltlghtors
orgi:i and ee, ryr••r of Detrcpzt
eat the ilolida r 4t the 49enae
Practice These
3 Fc.
Simple y, "e' .y
'Threshing sires will be practically eliminated if
simple .precautions are taken:
77 1 Use a water sprayer at the base of the blower--supplyinf
20.to 40 gallons of water per hour according to the ctryneee.
of the straw. This will keep down dust which inceeeeee
lire the moment it starts,'
Prevent snatches, either loose or in boxes, from passim;
h. through the machine, Boxes of snatches have proved more
dangerous than loose matches. Insist that none be carried
by anyone engaged. Obey the Fire Marshal's order posted
these threc.-
on the machine,
Set the engine or tractor well away from straw or atee
other readily combustible material. Prevent load's o
sheaves from standing or passing near to the engine'
Especially in wartime it is every farmer's duty to prevent
threshing tires from starting. But if they do start, be ready
for thein. Keep a barrel of water 'icor the blower—cruel
another near the engine. .1 flame -proof blanket is an excel-
lent Milt(' to smother a fire the moment it 1f'gins: bat a coat
or a smock will do. Fight y p °•` fiiw fires,-
The Dominion Bureau of Statistics has found that the cost
of living index number for July 2, 1942, of 117.9 (adjusted index
117) 'has risen by 2.4 points over the index for October 1, 1941,
of 115.5 (adjusted index 114,6).
Accordingly, pursuant to the provisions of Section 34 (1) of
the Wartime Wages Control Order P.C. 5963. S '
general p ciozls of the Qrdel, the Nation W �L 3eef- eo the
orders that employers stibject to theabrpayiii.d
Order who =wee paying= a
cost of living bonus shall adjust the amount of sti'ch bonus pay.
ment, and employers who are not paying a
shall commence the payment of such a b- • cost of living bonus
the first payroll period beginning o-.- onus, both effective from
as follows: J.... 01' after August 15, 1942,
(a) If payment of a cost of tivia,g bonus is being made pursuant to
the provisions of Order in Coaucil P.C,43253 (now superseded by
P.C. 5963):
(i) For employees to whom Section 48 (iii) (a) of P.C. 5963
applies, thebbonus Shan be increased by the amount of sixty (60c)
cents per week,
(ii) For employees to whom Section 48 (ill) (b) of P.C. 5963
applies, the percentage of their weekly wage rates, paid to them
as a cost of living bonus, shall be increased by 2.4 points:
(b) If no cost of living bonus is being paid, the payment of such a
bonus shall be commenced:
(i) For employees to whom Section 48 (iii) (a) of P.C. 5963
applies, in the amount of sixty (60c) cents per week,
(ii) For employees to whom Section 48 (iii) (b) of P.C. 5963
applies, in the amount of 2.4% of their weekly wage rates;
(c) In no case shall the amount of a cost of living bonus adjusted
as stated exceed a maximum of $4.25 per week to employees to
whom Section 48 (iii) (a) of P.C. 5963 applies, and of r7 . n of their
Weekly wage rates to employees to whom Section 48 (iii) (b) of
p.c. 5963 applies:
(d) (1) (i) For employees to whom Section 48 (iii) (a) of P.C. 5963
applies now being paid a cost of living bonus, not pursuant
to the provisions of P.C. 8253, established prior to the
effective date of that Order, in an amount exceeding $4,25
per week, the amount of the bonus shall remain unchanged,
(ii) For such employees now being pmts a cost of living
bonus of less than $4.25 per weclr, the amount of the bonus
shall be increased up to sixty (60c) cents per week, but hs
no case to exceed n total weekly bonus of 44.255:
(2) (1) For employees to whom Section 48 (ill)' (b) of P,(,", 5963
a pti e, now being paid a cost of living bonus, not pursuant
effective ate of thons aft Order in aniouilt excehed eding dings the;
of their weekly wnge rates, the 6mount,of the boned hall
remain unchanged;
(ii) For such employees now being paidn cost oi`yiving
bonus of less than 17% of their weekly wage rafts, tho
bonus shall be increased up to 2..•t points, but its no case to
exceed a total weekly bonus of ,17 ', of their week4y Wnge
(e) The a us
di encs
payment of n cost of
sic ordered shall be to the nearest cent of anyfractional figtliretwlat;od'
(f) ktnployers in the construction industry shall rul,)ant the arnotttrt
of any cost of living bonus required by pnrrwrnith (a) of thin Order
only for employees in respect of whom no apecini bonus straw(;+l,
ment has been made with the approval of n War Labour hogs(`,
pursuant to the provision of the Order for the conduct of the
National Joint Conference Board of the Construction Industry,
Ottawa, Ontario,
August 4, 1942, Chairman, Nation'
War tabour l3osrd.
Mr, and Mrs. Noe Laporte Mr e
Mrs 1eoes returned Monday
Mr and M,rs Laporte will al' 4 ere holiday visitors at the1`q)�trleit''
'grotel , � 1(fi111K',• Ms: wed Mas, I3d `I�o
slit, ,and
fall ; Mrs relphone 1'M e of Wine
riser i., spending a f'o.'' teaks Wt13r
'te1atievv al)bl ziel d ..,,