Zurich Herald, 1942-02-19, Page 44
In cold weather, be sure
you use the motor oil that
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L. A. PRANG. and SON
General Repairing and Used Car Sales
Leather Goods and Harness
World's Day Of Prayer
The World's Day of Prayer is
being observed in the Sunday Sch-
ool Room of the United Church here.
on Friday afternoon. In these troub-
led times it is very importent r`f
ev-e..y woman in the world make a
special' effort to attend these word
Vidt: meetings of every creed.
Mies Doris Alexander. of London,
spent the week -end with her parents
hIr. and Mrs, Wm. Alexander.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Jones epene a
tkey in London recently. •
L.A.C. Horney C. R. of the RCAF
-of Clinton Radio School visited on.
Sunday evening with 1 e. and Mrs.•
W Horner.
The many friends of Mr. George
Thompson will be sorry to learn ne
is seriously ill in ,Scott'ee Memorial
Hospital, Seaforth.
Mi Edna Cochrane spent the
week -end with relatives in Hensel].
Mr. Ken. Mann and Edwin Hobson
and son Arthur of St, Thomas spent
Friday last with Harold Penhale.
Among those who attended the
funeral of the late Lock Tisdale of
it, Thomas were Mr, and Mrs. Tom
Snowden. Mary Snowden,obt. Pen -
hale, Harold Penhale, r. and Mrs.
Alfred Westlake.
Miss Irene Scotchmer has returned
home from visiting with her sister,
Mrs. Jas, Mack,
The Bronson Line Bed Cross met
at the horne of Mrs. Russel Heard
When a quilt and a shelter mat were
tied. The next meeting will be held
at :he
General Store
Mrs, R. Baker Is visiting with her
daughter in Windeor.
Born—To Mr. and IVIre, E. Hutch-
eson, on Thursday Feb. 12th, a son.
Mae Fred reeter of :Stratford call-
ed on friends here last Thursday,
Mr, and ars. Garnet .Willert enter-
tained a number a their friends last
Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Kraft eele-
brated their 2fith :wedding anniver-
sary on ;Saturday evening.
Red Cross
The annual meeting of the Dash-
wood Red Cross Unit was held in
work roo mon Monday evening last,
with Rev. T. Luft as chairman.. The
secretary Mrs. J. M. Tiernan report-
ed the following articles made by the
unit: Socks 216 prs; sea boots 49,
sleeveless sweaters 49, turtle neck
sweaters 126, ribbed helmets 19, :afg-
hans 2, mitts and gloves 79, searn-an's
socks 4; wash cloths 43, scarfs 4,
turtle neck tuckins 2, --alternative
caps 26, rifle mitts 11, aero caps 12,
gorl's .pullover 5, babies sweaters 2,
bonnet 1, booties 1, Sewing: quilts
56, dressing gowns 3, shirts 29, py-
jamas 16, extra trousers 2, boys
pants 12, blazers 9, wind breakers 2,
bed jackets 8, sheets 2, slips 2, girls'
coats 9, blouses 10, skirts and bloom-
ers 9, dresses 18, and 2 layettes con-
sisting of 67 pieces and 150 articles
of refugee clothing donated.
The ladies also held a number of
teas during the year and took an
active part in socialevents held by
the local unit. A number of fancy
quilts and comforters were made and
disposed of which brought in splendid
financial assistance.
The treasurer, Ed. Nadiger re-
ported $595.43 was handed in the
Exeter Branch and have a balance on
hand of $31.30.
Officers elected were: President,
Rev. T. Luft; Vice -Pres. Mrs. Harold
Kellerman.; Secretary, Mrs. J. M.
Tieman; Treasurer, Ed. Nadiger.
The following committees were als
so appointed: Salvage Com., J. M.
Tiernan, Milford Merner, Albert Mil-
ler, Stuart McInnis. Coll. of Funds,
Mrs. R. H. Taylor, Jean Cole, R.
Goetz, T. H. Hoffman, S. P. Currie;
Ladies work coin: Mrs. Ed. Nadiger,
Mrs. Wm. Kleinstiver, and Ida Zim-
mer. The meeting closed by singing
the National Anthem.
'home of M. Wiiiiam Spark, • Mr. and Mrs. H. Laporte were Sun
Plan Red Cross Show. day visitore with Mr. and Mn.
Den -
Th iZa7,1".' :11,7r... "Brie- leis Charrette o the Blue Water ethe
air, A: War▪ -. leen: :seeh. mosion and Me. and Mrs. 'Maurice Masse were
sennd efehtea :n th"." Sunday visitors in the Drysdale net-
TerwhW. Varhes nvehe eaborhood on Sundaes lain.
••••-n": Mr5.- Maurice,. Demornme or Beaver
Crassno• '- '".-2--""tn,c: tenni spent Suunday at her parent&
on e.he preg-...sm Gesta
Lammie.1.Tr." `-'• Mr. and Mrs. Dominique Jeffrey,
Varna RdeCross tand eon Peter, of St. Joseph. spent
VarnSunday in this burg with hie: parent.
a ▪ Cr: r eeer. tee:-
in -see !..seneere.:rez - Mr and Mrs. Leonard Denomme
land Mies Pearl Papineau of Windsor
„„_,,tirtt eere Sunday visitors with Mr. and
C., Mr.e. Len Sararas
alg.geneeen. Mre. Rachel Denomme of Wind-
ithed 11.1.4..e.sor, who has been visiting in this
meAsh, r. a• ts: of . neighborhood for the last few weeks
wench nese, ennesens rt, are 'rens returned to her home in Wind-
Seepheneonas ern: ,:leiree he" Mu,- a7 -3r on Sunday
Anson Cera. itleereeng ne the aiseenc
of the presidens, th neet nenaiderne
Mrs. Alf' jelinsten,
business. The none-en:ere' repented
for January that 1S. era:es:es were
ished and 32 dreeeen ens Knitting.
2 acro caps, I. pr. seaman's 'seen; 5
pr. seaman's rib -lied socks., e pr. army
socks 2 pr. initte, etnet,.. eeck ewe
ater, 1 scarf. Tilt., eecy. reported 6
letters of appreciation and thanks:
for parcels, have beer received from
young men ;of the connenunity who
are serving their King and Country.
St. Joseph and Beaver Town
n*--. Roes Hewette who is staying
at the home of Mee. RnYM; jeff,-( y
for some time, acaornpained by her
husband who le stationed rn Port
Albert, motored to Winueor recenlly
Miss Margaret Duel:am! of Len -
don spent the week -end with her par-
ents on the Elite Water north.
The sleseere. Avila and Cyril Du-
charme and Mr. Maxime Jeffrey 01
Winder $pen: the Sunday with their
3liee Jeanne Bedard of St. Joseph
nerth spent a few days with Miss
Antionette Jeffrey of the 15th con.
Comment—Well, Day Light Saving
Time Ls here. and the day e come and
ae they did before. They are me-
ting with approval in many centres,
but the same. can not be said in this
particular coinmtnity.. After a full
one day e trial the authorities of
Separate School No. 1 rejected the
ystem on the grounds that it is inn
poesible for the children to be there
in time, as some at a considerable
distance to walk, and speaking from
a staight point of view, the farmers
from the community as well as .there
have 11111th surpassed the Day Light
Saving Tirne for the benefit of their
country, But rather they are com-
pelled to work from dawn to dark
'saving time; in the long summer
M. G. Drysdale has leased the Ran-
nie store and will use it as a show
room and warehouse in' connection
with his hardware.
Members of Hensall Sr. W, I. met
recently in the Town Hall and pack-
ed 12 overseas boxes.
Friends of Mrs. Kate Cantelon,
who has been seriously ill is Clinton
hospital suffering from a stroke, will
be pleased to learn that she isimpro-
ving nicely.
Mr. John Horton of Glidden, Sas.
spent a short visit with his sister and
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. J.
Paterson. He was a delegate who at-
tended the conference held in Ottawa
recently in connection with the price
of wheat. He has lived in the west
for many years, and his friends heree
were glad to see him.
te. Jack Shepherd of the RCASC
who is stationed at London spent a
Thursday, February 19th, 1942
few days recently with his, parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Win, :Shepherd.
.&01 Don. I/Isaias:On of Mares -
borne, Mb, Is spending a few weeke
leave with, his wife and faintly, 1 -le
has been with the RCAF for the
past six months,
Mrs, George Hess, accompanied by
Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Doan, of Big-
gar, Sask., motored to Durham eo
A.. P
family of Detroit, visited the farm-
er's sister, Mr and Mrs. Geo. Hesse
Miss Minnie Reid has gone On a.
vacatom in the interest of her'health
and hafts closed her home here for the
winter months.
Miss Pearl Harpole of London,
was a recent visitor with her mother
Mrs. Grace Halpole.
Valentine Dance ...
Proceeds of the Valentine stance in
the town hall, sponeored by the cham-
ber of Commerce, went to the War
Work Association. Music was played
by Adam Brock and his Columblanse
Members of ,the :decoration committee -
were NM R. IL Middleton, Miss Sal-
ly Manson, EVIss Beryl Pfaff and. Mss
Irene IlogsgHarry
Smith Dies
Mrs. Harrly Smith, well-known
Hensel! resident, died at the tome of
her son, Alfred, in London, in her
69th year. :Her death was attribute&
to heart condition. .She was born in
England in 1873, coming to tC-anada.
36 years ago. She was formerly Ern -
ma Dowling and had been a resident
of Hensall for some years. Seriously
ill for the past two weeks, she was
taken to London for treatments. Sur-
viving are her husband and three
sons. Harry, Alfred and Albert, all.
of London. Funeral was held :Mon-
day from Hensel]. United ;Church,
Rev. Brook officiated. Burial follow-
ed in Baird'e Cemetery, Brucefi eld..
Williams—Drysdale -
A very pretty wedding was solem-
nized in Kitchener on January 3let,,
when Father Holler united in mar-
riage Kathryn Lucille Drysdale of
Hensall, to Mr. John Laird Williams.
of Seaforth. The bride wore a floor -
length white dress and ,white veil
and carried a white prayer book with
streamers of lover's knot and sweet
peas. The bridesmaid, Mrs. Geo. Wil-
liams, wore a blue fioor-length dress.
and blut veil. The best man was the,
groom's brother, Mr. George Will-
The groom's gift to the bride
was a white prayer book; to the
bridesmaid, a pearl necklace, and to,
the :best man a gold tie clip. A ree
ception was held at the homeof the
groom's brother. The bride and gro-
om received many beautiful gifts.
Mr. and Mrs. Williams will reside in
days when there are no limits to
finish their work, and while the go-
ing is a bit easier for them in the
winter months, they feel within their
rights to relax an hour longer in the
morning when its most beneficial to
them, and their children for at least
the winter months; and so it goes,
the board of trustees k to be compli-
mented on their sane and just dec-
Red Cross Shipment
1 boye jacket, 12 quilts, 4 pre.
boys pyjames, 2 pr. boys pante, 2
gles blouses, 5 boys blouses, 5 pr.
sea boots, 3 turtle necks, girls skirt,
6 pr. whole mitts, 4 aero caps, 2 al-
ternation eaps, 17 wash cloths, 1
girls dress.
Miss Onieda Restemeyer R. N.,of
London spent the week -end with her
Mr, and Mrs. George Thompson of
Detroit spent a few days with her
parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker.
Mr. and Mrs. R Barteliffe of Clin-
ton were Sunday visiors with relati-
ves here.
Mr. and Mts. Harry Guenther .of
Windsor spent the week -end with
hi mother Mrs. Guenther and ;deter
Several girls, from here attended
the E.L.C.E. tea in Zurich on Sat-
urday afternoon.
Miss Belva Truemner *f the 14111
Con. and Helen Waiver spent the
week -end with Miss Myrtle 011,iSOP,
Mrs, N. tvans Topuy and ,Carok,,
of Kitchener spent last week -end with
her -parenti Mr. and Mm Hy. Hort-
Of interest to all loyal Americans
—and. particularly valuable for scho-
ol children. studying history—will be.
three George Washington Birthday
Anniversary Pages..including one
page in fmll color. .appearing in The
Pictorial Review with this Sunday's
1 (Feb. 22) issue of The Detroit Sun..
day Times. Be sure to get The De-
troit Sunday Times this week and
every week.
For Your Rubber Boots and Sock Rubbers See
.s. 4.
• sommaammessosimommumssessomos 4-
.!- We handle the well known +
+ ' MINER line of Miner Rubbers. Theyl:
.... +,
RUBBER BOOTS have stood the test for years at:.
moderate prices. 4t-
+ (vacuum -pressure cured)
We also handle the famoust
Greb work shoes for men and+-
Water- boys. These shoes will give
proof you satisfaction.
comfort In Shoe Repairing we -give 1. -
at a you the best money can buy.
thing for4.-
slushy 13ECAUSE We do not believe int.
days. fooling our CustOmers, the cost of
free offers must he wrapped up some- 4_
where in the Selling Price. You get j:
all value at Edighoffees. it
Give us a all our Prices are right. 4'
E. H. EDIGHOFFER. Zurich, Ont.
MST HATCH( MI 106. Alter it every Toes and Thur -
We s1ll linVo about 600 nvoilloble rrom 1l Math
Plunift 4 Hensall Ont..