Zurich Citizens News, 1975-08-28, Page 11Page 12 - Zurich Citizens News, August 28, 1975 FORGET THE DIETS - Horne -baked pies, tarts and candy tempted the palates of visitors to the. annual Bean Festival on Saturday. Despite the weather, the Kippen East Women's Institute did a great business. (continued from page 1) until Saturday. The cooked beans are placed in long, wooden crates and stored in a huge cooler to await the final baking dur- ing the last two days when about 600 pounds of sugar. 200 pounds of salt and 150 cases of ketchup and tomato juice are added. Then they are transferred to the "ovens" --nine old refrigerators, stripped and equipped with oven elements and flippd on their backs to bake the beans. When the fridge door opens the rich aroma of home-bak- Steer° This Way 8Y LARRY SNIDER Seat belts not only protect - they keep you secure and better balanced in your seat while you drive. Register your name and ad- dress against the serial number on your new tires, so that manufacturer can get in touch with you if necessary. Now we've seen everything - special carseat for the dog, so he can see out the window. If the idle speed is too high, there may be a clashing noise when going into reverse on a manual -transmission car. More safety in your car - there's now a small carbon monoxide indicator that changes color in the presence of noxious gases. More safety in your car is our prime concern at Larry Sniders. Our mechanics work to make sure your car is running at its best. Drive in for ex- pert service. Larry Snider MOTORS LIMITED EXETER 235.1640 LONDON 227-4141 Huron County's Largest Ford Dealer ils to dampen spirits ed beans filters through the "kitchen" --an old warehouse. Even Saturday, despite the downpour, that aroma brought the people back, making organizers laugh at their early -morning fears. "Knew they'd all come... never worried at all, what else can you do on a rainy day... told you we'd have no probl- ems.,, Activities first got under way in the village at 8 a.m. when the Zurich Minor Athlet- ic Association served a pan- cake and sausage breakfast to early visitors. They continu= ed their breakfast until 11 a.m. when the main dish of the day, homebaked beans, appeared on the scene. A11 the white beans used in the food preparation were donated by the Ontario Bean Producer's Marketing Board, Cook's Division of Gerbro Corp., W.G. Thompson and Sons Ltd., and the Hensall District Co -Operative. Throughout the afternoon continuous entertainment was provided for the visitors at the Zurich Arena. This part of the program was moved indoors due to the wet cool weather, The rain failed, however, to wash out the Canadian doubles Horseshoe Champion- ship play at the local park, as the entire program was completed. Festival day closed with a big dance in the arena, and the largest crowd to date attended this part of the show. Two bands, The Molly McGuires and the Harbour- lites, provided the music. The evening program was sponsored by the Zurich -Minor Athletic Associat- iot,. While the rain finally did catch up to the Bean Festival Day in Zurich on it's 10th anniversary, the results have not discouraged officials and they are already talking about plans for next year's event, which will again be held on the. fourth Saturday in August. Accordiag to food special- ists from the Ontario Food Council, Ministry of Agric- ulture and Food, there will be an abundant supply of Ontario grapes this year and they will appear in markets a little earlier than you might exp- ect. Be sure to include Ont- ario blue grapes in your pur- chases. The season for grapes this year will extend from the first week of September to the end of September. That should give you plenty of time to preserve them in whatever way best, suits you. Freeze them whole, make them into pies, jams or jellies, squeeze them into juice, or make your own wine. Ontario blue grapes are versatile and del- icious. Look for the blue grapes in baskets. They are usually packed in 2,4 or 6 -quart baskets. Wine makers can get them in bushel baskets from markets in the Niagara area. ?ft-A*0w._ REDIMIX CONCRETE LALSOFORMWORK) cCann Const. Ltd, DASHWOOD Phone 237-3381 or 237-3422 Visit Our Store FOR A COMPLETE LINE OF Groceries * Confectionery Novelties * mry St If MAIN ST - ZURICH PHONE 236-4930 1111111161.6.61111 Robert Far Inst fling VINYL 4; Ind ALUMINUM rn Soffat biz Faeias C vered * Eavestroughi.nng *Additions a Renov a uta FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL 236-4808 AFTER 6 P.M. Attention College and University Students: There is more than one way to vote on Sept. 1 8th Elect Jim H< yter and the PC's would like to show you each 1. Voting in Person — each municipality is divided into polls - find your poll and vote accordingly 2. Voting by Proxy --- we'll obtain the proper forms - just ask a relative to vote for you 3. Voting in the Advance Poll — vote in the nearest poll, Fri. Sept. 12th, 9-8 p.m.; Sat. Sept. 13th, 12-9 p.m.; or Mon. Sept. 15th, 12-9 p.m. 4. Vote at Your New Residence -- just apply to the Returning Officer in your new community. He'll add your name to the Voters list. Jim Hayter HURON - MIDDLESEX Sponsored by Huron - Middlesex P.C. Assoc.