Zurich Citizens News, 1975-01-16, Page 3THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1975 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS MRS. JOYCE PEPPER, CORRESPONDENT° WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The Citizenship and World Affairs meeting of the Hensall W.I. was held Wednesday even- ing in the Legion Hall. The meeting opened with 0 Canada, The Ode and the Collect, President Hilda Payne welcom- ed members and guests. The roll call was answered with six- teen members with "the way the atomic age is changing our lives." Joyce Pepper and Hazel Corbett were the program con- venors, which started by every- one singing "The Maple Leaf Forever. Mrs. Phyllis Deichert, Zur- ich gave everyone a brief out- line of her work with music which she and her family enjoy very much. She and her daugh- ter, Elizabeth favoured everyone by singing vocal selections with Elizabeth accompanying on the guitar. Hazel Corbett gave a reading on Rome. Twelve girls from grades 7 and 8 from Hensall Public School, dressed in costume introduced themselves and told what country they were representing. They then sang "It's a small world." Joyce Pepper introduced Jessie McAllister who gave a very interesting talk on Paul- ine McGibbon, Lieutenant Governor of Canada. She told about Pauline's life, from childhood through school days and later life as Lieutenant Governor. She also showed some pictures that she had collected. Jessie also read a news letter from The Federat- ed Naturalists concerning doing away with non returnable bottles Janis Bisback read minutes of the December meeting, Treas- urer Marg Ingram gave a fin- ancial report. A special collection was taken for Brother Bob in India. Leaders for the two 4-H clubs for the club coming up in the spring were announced. They are Belva Fuss and Kathy Fuss for Club I; and Mrs. Dirk Van Wieran and Janis Bisback for PALI Club II. Correspondence cons- isted of a 4-H leaders Training School to be held on January 30, and 31 at the Hensall United Church for spring proj- ect "What Shall I wear." Ministry of Agriculture and Food announcing Senior Leaders training school to be held February 6 and 7 in Clinton for the project "Baked in a pie." Hilda Payne told about the two resolutions that were worked on at the London Area Confer- ences in November. Marg Ingram gave the duties of the Treasurer. Arrangements for the February guest night and euchre party were made, Hostesses Winnie S1<ea and Mona Ward find their helpers served a delicious lunch. UNITED CHURCH NOTES Don and Gail Travers provid- ed the special music for the service of worship in Hensall United Church on Sunday morn- ing. They sang a duet accomp- anied on the piano by Ton Travers. Rev. Don Beck preach- ed on the sermon topic "On Choosing Life." Next Sunday will be the United Church's 50th anniversary celebration, as well we will be celebrating 50 years of service to the Hensall choir by a faithful member, Harry Horton. Ref- reshments are to follow this service. Wednesday evening, January 29 will be the Pot Luck Dinner and Annual meeting of the Hensall congregation, and January 30 will be the Pot Luck dinner and annual meeting for the Chiselhurst congregation. 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr, and Mrs. Fred Brock celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at their home at Richmond Street in Hensall ou January 12. In the afternoon their relatives, friends and neighbours enjoyed a social time with thein. They were recipients of beautiful flowers, gifts and many cards. They also received telephone congrat- ulations. CARMEL W.M.S. Mrs. Harvey Hyde presided at the opening meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of Carmel Presbyterian Church, and gave a notation on "Epiph- any Day, " reading scripture pertaining to same and outlined the study book for the year. The Presbyterial will be held on January 8 at First Presbyter- ian Church, Seaforth. Mrs. John Soldan was appointed assistant secretary, and Mrs. Clarence Volland will be in charge of the Cradle Roll. The next meeting will be held February 3 at 2 p.m, Mrs. Malcolm Dougall will be in charge, The Ladies Aid meeting followed with Mrs. Clarence Volland presiding. Mrs. Harvey Hyde gave the Treasurer's rep- ort, Mrs, Daisy Ivey is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lond- on, with a fractured hip. TED VOOGEL AND SONS BUILDING CONTRACTOR FRAMING Houses & Cottages *Renovations* CUSTOI\1 BUILT Homes Free Estimates! DA S I I W OOD R.R.1 PH: 238-2742 unu mmunmminunmmummmimmiu ttumun ttnmm°11°011t°1tttu11t°tottuu1i11°tttn1O1B1 muutot°tttummtmmilntnnunnnumminunnnnnununnnu ummu nnnmmmnu mm num im mumu unnt uunnnu1mmiinn1minnunuin1ninmmunmunu11uiinm1umm11mni1uuuiu1unnumm11nnnn Kraft Smooth PEANUT BUTTER Chun King Canned CHINESE DINNERS Weston's SODA BISCUITS Chase & Sanborn All Purpose Grind COFFEE Martin's Fancy APPLE SAUCE mer CATSUP' monte Fancy TOMATO JUICE BEANS WITH PORK BTIDE DEiERGENi ASPIRIN TABLETS INSTANT COFFEE Dare's Cello Pack COOKIES Valley Farm FRENCH FRIES 16 oz. 79' 40 Fl. Oz. 31.09 1 Ib. 59, 1 lb. 11.09 19 FI. Oz. 2/79' 25 FI. Oz. 69c 48 Fl. Oz. 47, 14 Fl. Oz. 2/97, 31.99 100's 69, 32.15 1lb. 89, 5 Ib. FROZEN FOODS 10 oz. 2 Ib. bag 2/85' Canada Packers Peameal Back Bacon$1. 29 . e $1. 39 11.94; 98t' E1. 69 lb 79! e 79# 51.19 Canada Packers Devon Side Bacon Maple Leaf Sweet Pickled Cottage Rolls Sliced Maple Leaf Cooked Ham Fresh s piece sliced Ib. SidePork sliced or by the piece Sliced Minced Ham Sirloin or Wing Steak "FREEZER SPECIAL" SIDE OF BEEF Fully Processed LOIN OF BEEF Fully Processed SIDES OF PORK Bev Hill processed PRODUCE Product of Guatemala BANANAS Canada Fancy Macintosh APPLES US No. 1 Cello RADISH 6 oz. Ib. Ib. Ib. 95' Ib. $ 1 .1 9 Ib. 73s Ib. 2/29', 5 Ib. 3 Pkg. 89' 29' WEEKEND SPECIALS JANCJARY 15, 16, 17, 18 PLEASE NOTE:•,We reserve the right to limit all quantities on all advertised items.