Zurich Citizens News, 1976-10-06, Page 6Page 6 -Citizens News, October 6, 1976 Golden Glimpses BLUE WATER REST HOME We are thankful for all the garden vegetables we have been receiving from the various people of the vicinity, and even though it is October we also have been receiving beautiful floral arrangements which helps to keep the Home more cheer- ful. Birthday party On Monday evening the Grand Bend United Church sponsored the September birth- day party. A male choir con- sisting of Messrs. Doug Martin, Walter Fassald, Irwin Holt, lex Hamilton, Gerry Love and Brock Adams accompanied by pianist Mrs. Ross Love was very much enjoyed as was several numbers on the violin by Mr. Ross Love and accom- panied on the piano by Mrs. Love. Residents having birthdays during the month of September and receiving gifts, courtesy of the Ladies Auxiliary were Mrs. Sarah Douglas, Mr. James Eagleson, Mr. Fred Gibson, Mrs. Melissa Gardner, Mr. John Jones, Mr. Clarence Knight and Miss Jane Lamont. Following the programme, lunch was enjoyed and a social time followed. The sympathy of Residents -and Staff is extended to the family of the late Mrs. Maude Berry. Mrs. Mary . Weston accom- panied by chaperon Mrs. Win- nifred Kipper attended the New Horizons Residents conference at the Sunnyside Home in Kit- chener on Thursday and Fri- day. The conference was attended by Residents and their companions from most of the surrounding Homes. Friday evening bingo was played, followed by refresh- ments. We welcome Mrs. Christine O'Leary as a new guest. She is a former Zurich Resident. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Corri- veau, former natives of this area and recently of Stratford and Mr. and Mrs. O. Todd, former Dashwood residents, have moved into the Maple - woods Apartments. A number of onr Residents enjoyed being out with their families over the weekend, tak- ing advantage of the summer- like weather. The Sunday evening chapel service was conducted by Rev. Harley Moore of the Greenway and Grand Bend United. Chur- ches. Musical numbers were rendered by the choir of Green- way United Church during the service and was accompanied by the organist, Miss Evelyn Curtis. A GOOD MAN TO KNOW in the Zurich area Your new dealer represents Funk's G-Hybrids...seed of genetically improved varieties that consistently produce top yields and profits for farmers. CaII him soon. Ted Lansbergen R.R. 2 Zurich 236-4149 •!•O■M`N TO TH< WORLD