Zurich Citizens News, 1976-05-05, Page 26field happenings The April meeting of the Ever Young Senior Citizen Club was held in the Municipal building on Thursday, April 29. The president, Mrs. Esther Makins, presided. She also read us a very interesting story of a retirement written by a senior retired gentleman, who is leading a very active life and enjoying it; showing us the many ways we could enjoy our retirement life. She also welcomed all the mem- bers especially our very special member, who on the motion of Dorothy Weston, seconded by Harry Baker was made an hon- ourary life member. Mrs. Annie Finkbeiner of Zurich and Mrs. Ilene Warner of Bayfield were also guests. Total members present were 38 and the two guests. Secretary Mrs. Jean Bell read the report of the last meeting which was adopted. She had many thank you notes from members who had been ill or in hospital. Mrs. Vina Parker, treasurer read her report, which was ap- proved. It was moved that she pay all bills as they come in and then report them at the next meeting. Dorothy Weston, Card and flower secretary gave her report showing quite a num- ber of flowers and cards had been sent out. We particularly wish Mrs. Florence Brown a speedy recovery so she and George may have a happy holiday in England. Secretary, Mrs. Bell read an invitation from Grand Bend Senior Citizens executive commit- tee, inviting our executive com- mittee to a seminar at the Village Inn Retreat Centre, to be held Wednesday, May 12. Registra- tion is at 10:00 a.m. and luncheon at 12 noon. There will be a guest speaker and the "Jolly J's" from London will entertain. It was decided to have a dinner at Goderich on June 24 at 12 noon and then return to the Municipal Building in Bayfield for an afternoon of cards. Trans- portation is to be arranged among each member. A nominating committee for a new slate of officers for our new year in September was named by Mrs. Fern Baker and Mrs. Freida • Scotchmer and Mr. George Clark were chosen to bring in the slate for the next meeting on May 27. The draw for the beautiful quilt and sham donated by Mrs. Mary Weston and quilted by the members was drawn by Mrs. Weston with Mrs. Stan Smith of Winnipeg, Manitoba (nee Bettylou Larson of Bayfield) being the lucky winner. Harry Baker moved a very hearty vote of thanks to Mrs. Mary Weston for making this draw possible. Many birthdays were remem- bered, Clair Merrier, Brown and Lillian Higgins, Margaret Lynn, Esther Makins, John Lindsay, Freida Scotchmer and Bill Parker. Euchre winners were Dorothy Merner, Margaret Lynn, John Lindsay and George Brown. The lone hand prize was won by Annie Finkbeiner. Following cards the usual lovely lunch was enjoyed. Next meeting will be Thursday, May 27 at 7:30 p.m. Scout Banquet The Scout and Cub Father and son banquet was held Thursday evening, April 29 in the basement of St. Andrew's United Church, and several of the cubs were pleasantly surprised when they were presented with a trophy and gifts. First prize for all-round points for the year went to Michael Clark (350 points), Trevor Scotch - mer with 325, and Bobby Dunn with 310. David Phoenix and his white six were awarded the trophy and individual gifts for being the best six for the year. Seconder Trevor Scotchmer, Ricky Grilmeyer, Perry Garner and David Telford make up the rest in the white six. Approximately -75 fathers, sons and sponsors attended and were very impressed with the guest speaker, Tim Kildour of Kitchen- er. At 19, Tiny has been in cubbing for 12 years: He has been a Venturer, a Rover and is now a Cub assistant leader, and has recently received a grant from the Cub association to organize the Beavers. He was a delegate to the World Jamboree in Norway in 1975, and showed slides he had taken there and gave a commentary on each place of interest. He was given a hearty vote of thanks for his very fine effort. Seated at the head table as special guests were Frank Clemmets, president of the men's Huron District Committee of Goderich, Mrs. Allan Yates president of the L.A.; Joe May - man, president of the men's group committee and Rev. James Reddoch, minister of St. An- drew's, who asked the blessing. Community Centre . At a meeting of the Community Centre Board last week, John Siertsema, chairman presiding, it was decided that Skateland Arena Ltd. of London should operate the roller skating arena for the summer for a 60/40 split; the 40% to go to the Com- munity Centre Board. Mr. Ken Chaplin, spokesman for Skate - land said they plan to operate it on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday evenings from 8:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. and he said they will run a program to interest skaters of all ages, which should prove to be entertaining. In other business it was decid- ed to appeal to the readers sense of pride in their community and as a Centennial Project, all interested persons are invited to meet at the community centre on Saturday, May 15 starting in the morning and bring along your paint brushes, paint rollers for a "Paint•In" of the upstairs, downstairs and outside. Come on out and paint, for an SPRING & SUMMER SALE ENDS MAY 24th * FERTILIZE * LAWNap�aMOWE;,S * PEAT MOSS * TILLERS * S EEP ANU rrE * GARDEN TO LS SEE ''U _ r GFT SELECTION FOR, OTHER'S DAY CHECK FLYERS FOR OTHER ITEMS zuIc PHONE =6-4911. MILVENA ERICKSON hour, for all day. You will be most welcome and oh yes!, there's absolutely no charge... admission is free! Many villagers attended the "Olympic Games" last Thurs- day night at Huron Centennial School, Brucefield, and came away with a deep sense of pride in the ability of the young people and the patience of their teachers in instructing their pupils in preparation for these extra curicular school activities. It was much enjoyed by those attending and well done by those participating. LAST CALL!!! for the names of your relatives and friends who you would like to let know about Bayfield's Centennial celebra- tions July 1 to 4. Dawna West- lake and Elva Metcalf are getting ready to send out cards to those whose names they have, and they certainly don't have everyone. If you remember someone...do let either of the girls know right away. The readers are reminded aD of the Bayfield Branch of the Huron County Historical Society meeting in the Municipal Build- ing on Monday evening, May 10 at 8:00 p.m. at which time Mr, Harry Baker will be the guest speaker and will talk on the Bayfield Cemetery. Please plan to attend. Mr. Reg Wilson has informed us of the new Banking hours for (continued on page 28) Citizens News, May 5/76 -Page 27 "ATTENTION FARMERS For reasonable prices on 24D, MCP, Atrazine, Bladex, Sutan, Patoran, Eptam, etc. Contact Lionel Wilder 236-4020 Also Iicenced custom spraying with modern equipment—rea- sonable rates. Our Thanks... Zurich Bowling Lanes wish to express their the local and area business people for their support our "Year End Men's Open Tournament" a success. thanks to in making complete Zurich Bowling Lanes e p I 1S' �1' Groun Coffee CHASE & SANBORN Jello Pa I mo l i ve JELLY POWDERS 3 OZ. LIQUID DETERGENT Bathroom Tissue 32 OZ. DELSEY 2's 1 LB. $1.43 3/69c 99r 44V DR. BALLARD'S CHAMPION 15 OZ. Dog Food 4/51 CARNATION 6's Inst .;ant Br kfast 994 AYLMER 250Z. Catsup LEMONADE CRYSTALS 4's T.; ng GRAPE CRYSTALS 4's Tang FUTURE ACRYLIC 27 OZ. Floor Polish THE TEA 60's O.P. Tea Bags FEMININE NAPKINS 12's Kotex 16.8 OZ. Ajax Cleanser SHOUT LAUNDRY 10 OZ. Stain Re;,:, o,7, Fr COLGATE 75 ML. Tooth P ste 694 994 534 99' Tomato Juice 3/894 HALO 225 ML. Shampoo PLASTIC FOOD WRAP 100 FT. 54 Htindi.Wr`p BOUNCE 20's 994 F L brie Softener S1®99 $1.15 794 334 r 51.09 HEINZ FANCY 19 OZ. HEINZ IN TOMATO SAUCE 190Z. Spaghetti 2/854 CHRISTIES 160Z. Fudgee-0 Cookies 99 CHRISTIES 160Z. Coffe Breaks 99 CHRISTIES 160Z. Pir to Cookies 99 CHRISTIES PLUS SALTED 2 LB. Schneider's C en i Sizzlers c,.. RI FSI CANADA #1 d Letle U 0 EA. a gs m 57,3 LB. LB. LB. FLORIDA 9 Ba la as ' 'ii k r,* peke 19' a tYr; FOR �y' ,A , °µ : M :C2YY�f+'M•.tlY,M"_4, 'aCR'3litcFnmWV.111e^17X. MAIN INTERSECTION -- ZURICH Int. +iw:rn..E.AAx"rtnmvuernx21110 a:r. DIAL 236-4354 ZURICH ✓.:P.if! „710;:^ K A34 wNi�;TAd'.:':"h..e6tii^-'aA'::LTs",^�_.`w.a