Zurich Citizens News, 1977-12-15, Page 14.11
Page 14 Citizens News, December 15, 1977
Godlerloch b0a-tmoncued blmw Bayfield tug
Thursday last, Donald R. it was too much; besides running Clinton is also a guest with and nephew Dennis Florian in
McLeod, captain of the Ferroclad his grocery business and the Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle Clinton.
out of Bayfield went to the rescue other organizations to which he Andrew and great grandma
of a tug in trouble in Lake Huron belongs. He said it wasn't any big Sturgeon. Arena Public !Meeting
about an -hour's run south of thing that had caused his decision Ed Siddall, captain of the Citizens and interested parties
Bayfield. to resign, just a number of small `°Andave H" and crew member are invited to a Public Meeting on
Captain McLeod and his crew things that had gotten to him. Dave Kennedy pulled into home Thursday evening, December 15
of Bob McAuslan, Robert Mit- 'He said he felt guilty about port on Saturday from Kingsville at 8 p.m, in the Community
chell, John Prowse and Earl Sells running out on the people who where he had been fishing the Centre. The purpose of the
--- had elected him to office and past while. The trip was not too meeting is to hear the engineers
hoped they would understand his rough but the tub experienced report on the state of the Arena. decision to resign. quite a bit of ice buildup on the
Doug is the second councillor to trip home. Streets Not To Be Ploughed
by Mi lverna Er4eksonl resign in recent months, Milvena Mr. & Mrs. Dalton Smith Town Foreman, John Lindsay
-- Erickson also tendered her
visited for a few days in is informing the residents that
picked up an S.O.S. call for resignation in July of this year. Mississauga with their daughter the Village streets with card left
anyone in the area to come to Janet, Mrs. William Vrieze, on them after midnight will not
Brownies, Cubs, Postponed William andrandson Bill be ploughed.
their aid. The boat, Larry John, g Y•
formerly owned by Jim Sovie of The Brownies and Cubs were Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rachich
Goderich being piloted by Donald besieged by inclement weather Jennifer and Meagen, Ingersoll U.C.W.Holds Meeting
Bert McAdam and Ron Geddes of on Saturday morning and were spent the weekend with her St. Andrew's United Church
Goderich, was southbound and unable to hold their enrolment or Mother Mrs. Lulu Smith. Women held their Christmas
headed for Lake Erie where she investment exercises. However Mrs. peg Moreley, son Robert meeting, with - 'Jean Dunn,
was to remain; however she lost they will take place early in the - and friend, Cleveland, Ohio spent president elect for 1978-79 in
e new year. the weekend at her home in the charge of the worship. Phyllis
her wheel and was immobile. The Brownies will hold their - Campbell gave a reading, "Let's
Captain McLeod icked u the Village. They had as their guests, „
distress call early afternoon and Christmas Party on Saturday her brother Mr. &Mrs. Ronald go Biome for Christmas".
went to her aid. The first tow -line morning at 10 am. in Trinity Burt and family of St. Kathleen Siertsema read the
broke because of the high seas, Church Parish Hall. Dont forget Catharines. scripture and Jean Dunn read a
and another had to be secured. to bring along your gift, not more Mr. & Mrs. Jack Pounder poem entitled "Three Precious
By 3 p.m. he had her safely in the than $1.00 value and you can wear returned home Saturday after Things". Christmas carols were
harbour in Bayfield despite the Your party dresses for your spending three weeks at their enjoyed by all especially the
high wind and waves that could party, or anything other than home in St. Petersburg, Florida. Young visitors who were to en -
have caused serious problems.Your uniforms. Cubs will also While there they were visited by tertain later.
. have their party in the Municipal their cnn Mr & Mrc Jnhn A program followed the carol
Santa Visits
Santa Claus visited Bayfield on
Saturday afternoon and following
a film entitled "My Pony" he
handed out treats to all the
children then accompanied them
on a ride through the village
seated under a Christmas tree on
Ken Brandon's wagon pulled by
Don Haw's tractor. I'm sure the
parents and children thank the
Lions and Lioness Clubs for in-
viting Santa to stop off in
Bayfield during his busy
Councillor resigns
For the second time in twice as
many months, Bayfield council is
faced with seeking a suitable
replacement for a councillor, who
last week wrote his letter of
resignation to be dealt with at a
council meeting two weeks ago.
Doug Sinnamon who is
finishing his first year on council,
stated personal reasons for his
resigning. He felt that he wanted
to spend more time at home with
his young family, and felt that as
a councillor with all the
associated committees of council
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.bwiaing starting at iu a.m. ana
through to 12 noon. You are asked
to bring your gif t of not more than
$1.50 in value and also don't
forget your detergent bottles.
Best wishes to David Sturgeon
who had the misfortune to break
his collar bone. David plays
hockey with the Clinton Junior C
team and checked a forward in a
game against Mitchell in Clinton,
when the accident occurred.
David will be laid up for 5 to 6
A group of friends surprised
Dick Heard on Sunday when they
called on him at his home and
wished him bon voyage prior to
his departure for England:-
nglandrCorporal and Mrs. Stan Smith,
North Bay visited for a few days
last week with her parents, Mr. &
Mrs. R.J. Larson.
Mrs. Jean Sinnamon is visiting
for a few days with her family in
Brussels. Also Mrs. Laura Kompf
is visiting in Goderich. Both
ladies reside in Clan Gregor
Mr. Bernard F. Sturgeon,
Orangeville, who is on a business
Pounder and children of Welland
who remained for two weeks with
Mr. & Mrs. Rob Irwin and
Robbie, London visited Sunday
with his parents, Mr. & Mrs. E.
Walter Erickson and family.
Mrs. Margaret Garrett and
John spent the weekend in Kit-
chener as the guests of Mr. &
Mrs. Ron Bowers and Sharon.
They also had a visit with Mr.&
Mrs. Casey Homuth and Sheryl of
Kitchener and Mr. & Mrs. Glen
Weber, Lori and Angela, also
Alex Hopf all of Elmira; and Mrs.
Garrett's daughter Norma, Mrs.
Delford Altman and Delford of
Orangeville visited during the
weekend. On Sunday, John at-
tended the children's Christmas
party at the Moose Lodge in
Mr. & Mrs. William Parker,
Kim and Jennifer, London visited
Sunday with his parents, Mr. &
Mrs. Bill Parker.
Miss Geraldine Wilson of
London was a weekend guest of
Rev. William M. and Mrs.
Congratulations to Gary and
sing with Julie Porter, Gail Dunn,
Allison Dunn, Tanya Grillmeyer,
Cathy Haw, Angela Dunn and
Debbie Siertsema singing
"Christmas Bells" and "Little
Baby in a Manager". Allison
Dunn in costume, read "The
Christmas Mouse".
Saturday the Sunday School
children are to be at the church at
2 p.m. and are asked to dress
warmly as they will be going for a
sleigh ride.
Dec. 12/77
Located !Next T®
Veterinary Clinic
Merin St. ZURICH
Mon. -Sat. 10 a,m.-6 p.m.
Mrs. Nancy McKinley
Bone or Sirloin Steak
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Orders taken for Turkeys, Flarns,Ducks or Roasting Chickens.
_ .10HTE .
trip to Sarnia for several days is It (Sturgeon) Potter, whoseli
also spending some time with his son was born December 8 . I
parents, Mr. & Mrs. Jack B. Mrs. Berthena Hammond
Sturgeon and brother Andrew. visited for a few days with her
Little Miss Merry Potter of RR 3, sister Audrey, brother-in-law Ed
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