Zurich Citizens News, 1977-12-15, Page 6Page 6 Citizens News, December 15, 1977 Reeve tells council Progress on arena as good as passible Hensall Reeve Harold Knight told council this week that progress on the new community centre is as good as possible. He reported that the building committee would soon have to make decisions on some items, such as the layout of the kitchen and whether they would have the contractor complete work on the conference room, MRS. A. MacGREGOR MRS! HILDA PAYNE Ladies' Legion Hold Christmas Party The Ladies' Legion Auxiliary held their Christmas meeting Tuesday evening with the president Mrs. Beatrice Uyl in charge. The "money doll" draw will be made December 24. Plants and treats will be given to the shut-in members at Christ- mas. Mrs. Mona Campbell won the mystery prize; Mrs. Beatrice Uyl won the attendance prize; Mrs. Donna Allan won the guessing prize. The members exchanged Christmas gifts and a social hour enjoyed when refreshments were served. Children's Party The Legion and Ladies' Auxiliary entertained the children Sunday afternoon when they enjoyed films after which Santa Claus arrived and distributed treats and gifts to all. There was a good attendance. Hensall Motors Ltd., the Campbell's and their. employees held their Christmas party at the Pineridge _Chalet, Saturday evening. Meeting held The W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyterian Church held their Christmas meeting Thursday afternoon with president Mrs. Harvey Hyde presiding, and opened with "Thoughts on Christmas". Mrs. Clarence Volland was in charge of the Christmas devotional assisted by Mrs. Agnes Madge who read the Scripture. Mrs. Malcolm Dougall played a piano instrumental "The Bells of St. Marys". Mrs. John Soldan presented the slate of officers and they were installed by Mrs. Alex MacGregor as follows: president, Mrs. Harvey Hyde; vice- president, Mrs. John Soldan; secretary, Mrs. Bert Thompson; assistant secretary, Mrs. Rochus Faber; treasurer, Mrs. Percy Campbell; Glad Tidings secretary, Mrs. Percy Campbell; friendship, social and literature, Mrs. Earl Campbell; supply secretary, Mrs. Edith Bell; associate mimbers, Mrs. Ed Munn; Queensway represen- tative, Mrs. Rochus Faber; Cradle Roll secretary, Mrs. Clarence Volland, stamp collector,` Mrs. Rachel Schwalm; pianist, Mrs. Malcolm Dougall. The next meeting will be held January 9 at 2 p.m. The Ladies' aid meeting followed with the following of • - ficers, president, Mrs. Clarence Volland; vice-president, Mrs. Malcolm Dougall; secretary, Mrs. Edith Bell; treasurer, Mrs. Harvey Hyde; group leaders, Mrs. Esther Wright; Mrs. Percy Campbell, Mrs. Malcolm Dougall. A Christmas lunch was . served following the meeting and a social hour enjoyed by all, Persona Is Mr. & Mrs. William MacKin- non, Bryon, were Sunday guests with the former's mother, Mrs. Janet MacKinnon. Knight said that the contractor required a decision so materials could be ordered for the job, Completion of the conference room is a $19,000 option in the contract. No decision has yet been made on air conditioning for the con- ference room as prices have not been received. Knight said the contractor was • having difficulty coming up with a satisfactory "knock -out panel" for the refrigeration room. He said tha panel has to be flimsy enough to fall out in an emergency, but must be sturdy enough to stay in place during a high wind. As far as can be ascertained, the Hensall facility is among the first to be required to install such a panel. The next on-site meeting is scheduled for January 12 and Knight said decisions about the kitchen and conference room should be made prior to that. 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