Zurich Citizens News, 1978-11-02, Page 4Citizens News, November 2, 1978. E9mo0,04 "The burden of responsibility, urgent problems to overcome, decisions, pressures...thank goodness parliament's back in session so 1 can get away from all that!" cminim„mimili munnmunn„imininn„mmmmmmmi m in„mimmmtmmmiinumlmimnnuinmtnnm„mmnmmmmtmrmmmnmmiimmmrni„mmmnt_ lYle 410 . __ nun„„nnnnuunnmruinniu mminuntnuiuunmmffirnlnuminiinuuniimmi nmunmunnnnuumnini „1„iiintimiiinnnun firm„„ unnmnnn„„ninE A `different' election year With the municipal elections a little over a week away, only one municipality in this area will be going to the polls to elect their civic officials and that is indeed an indication of the lack of interest in this year's election. While elections on the local level have never captured the voters' interest on the same level as provincial. or feaeral elections unless there has been some burning issue, the change in the voting date seems to have caught the electorate, the bud- ding politicians and existing elected officials off - guard. In talking with a few clerk -treasurers, the general consensus has been that the moving of the election date is a big factor in the apathy which sur- rounds the elections. Only in the township of Hay is there any indica- tion of election fever with former deputy -reeve Cjaire Deichert going up against incumbent reeve Jack Tinney. It should prove to be an interesting race withTinneysaying a month ago he'd like to try for Warden of Huron County Council. The race for the three council positions should also prove interesting with Dick Rau and former councillor Tony Bedard going up against Don Geiger and Lionel Wilder. In Zurich and Hensall both municipalities avoided calling a second round of nominations with Klaas Van Wieren filling _the final council spot in Hensall and Jim Bedard doing likewise in Zurich. For Board of Education, veteran Hensall municipal politician Minnie Noakes could give this area's present representative Herb Turkheim something to think about. All in all, municipal election '78 might turn out to be interesting. Universities are for the rich A report released by the Ontario Economic Council confirmed what most people involved in post -secondary education have known all along. Universities are for the rich. Despite all the nonsense churned out by the government about how the new student aid programme will make university education more accessible; despite the dribble of scholarships that the corporations hand out to "deserving students” ; despite all the drivel about "anybody can work their way through college” universities are still ivory towers for the middle and upper classes. The study confirmed the fact that the doctor's sons have an inside track for becoming doctors. Law families breed lawyers, and the sons of factory workers, well, .. . If you think this state of affairs is fine and im- possible to avoid anyway consider the tremendous waste of human potential. Children from lower-class families do not for- sake their education and end up with menial jobs because they're just not very bright. It is ridiculous. to subscribe to the theory that the upper and middle classes have the exclusive preserve on intelligence. There is also no reason to assume that the poor lack ambition. The barriers that they face are economic. Their parents simply cannot afford to put them through, the government loan programs forces them to accumulate large debts, the lure of a job and some quick money becomes almost irresistable. Of course, their are always a few super human souls, poor boys and girls who "pull themselves up by their boot straps” but they are only exceptions that do not change the essential. point. The fact is that children from lower classes are badly under -represented on university campuses because they find the cost on higher education_la crushing economic burden. It is not enough to take the smug attitude that this is the natural way of things and nothing can be done. All of us are losing in a big way because some people never got the chance to reach their full potential. All across the country thousands of men and women are slaving away at jobs that are deadly dull because they are working below their mental capacities. A lot of people who have the brains to improve our society have been lost to us because they have never had a chance. Somehow the standards for university admis- sion must change. Too many bright students never make it out of high school. Too many mediocre students slip through simply because they (or their parents) can come up with the money. The only really fair system is one based on brains rather than money. A system . where everyone who reaches a certain academic.standard will be entitled to move on to post -secondary educa- tion without worrying about the financial burden. Of course that academic standard may have to be high, perhaps much higher than it is' now. But it is the only system that is fair, the only one that makes sense. The Gazette, University of Western Ontario. d.111111111I111111111m111111111111n1111111111m111a++f+++tf++t++f tfu++u+++un111efflnNaaltU t..5, Miscellaneous, Rumblings 13y TOM CREECH A happy anniversary The column which is about to unfold marks a minor milestone for the Citizens News and a major milestone for this writer: it was one year ago minus a day that you the readers, had a chance to find out something about the latest person to assume the Citizens News editor's chair. It's been a year which this writer has enjoyed im- mensely for I could not imagine a better place for an inexperienced journalist to begin his career. To all the people who have helped me, who have complimented me and who have criticized me, Thank you. The preceding twelve months have been a period of growth and change for the Citizens News editor. While I have had some inkling of what I was get- ting into when I was initially offered the position, it hasn't been until recently that I actually think I know what I'm doing. In fact some people still don't think I know what I'm doing. The most difficult part of this job was not in the actual writing but the assembly or the pasting up por- tion of the job. I can well remember venturing into the paste-up department of the Times Advocate my first Tuesday on the job and hearing the editor of the previously mentioned newspaper say "Back that story around the ad and leave enough room for a one and one.” One and what? Backing around an ad? In other words, for about the first three months "Tuesday” was synonym for utter confusion in the daytime and chest pains in the evening. Confusion also managed to find its way to the coverage of various news events with this writer recalling walking out of the Citizens Office, dashing into his car to take a picture in Hensall. Only problem was our "Joe ace photographer” forgot to take his camera. After five miles and fifteen minutes I can recall rushing back to the office and remarking to office manager Betty O'Brien "It's hard to take pictures with a clipboard." Even after a year of experience, I still can't take pictures with a clipboard. Maybe Edwin Land, the in- ventor of the Poloroid camera will read this and help me out. There are memories from this first year that I will forever treasure. Covering the Hay township secondary plan meetings gave me a crash course in how a township works. Spending a day on a Grand Bend fishing tug taught me that the life which these men lead is something definitely out of the ordinary. Being a "victim" for the Hoffman's Ambulance crew taught me that the days of a rack in which tor- turers of old stretched their prisoners, are not dead. No matter what kind of camera you have it doesn't pay to take pictures directly into the sur. My apologies to the students and parents of Ecol; St. Marie's graduating class for this "learning ex- perience." I hope the next twelve months will see an im- proved performance from this writer, possibly to the extent of eliminating that one comment that seems to follow me where ever I go: "Have you got film in the camera?" Seriously, we welcome your comments both good and bad, about the. paper or anything you have strong feelings about, • One item which we welcome is letters to the' editor. If you've got something to say, get it off your Please turn to page 5 :_:'•'.<i:::;'+.:ii::<s:;t>;�>;:.>..••:.:.;•.••r,:y:'i;;:::>::;a;x':;:;:;;;::;:.o-o-to-»:::.>:.;•`..R2iiRi'+'•): ... ... .. :..........v...... , ..................... . .. IIl3I WITH IDUI NEWS Published Each Wednesday By J.W. Eedy Publications Ltd. Me rn ba r ; Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association News Editor - Tom Creech Second Class Mail Registration Number 1385 Subscription Rates: $7.00 per year in advance in Canada $18.00 per year outside Canada Single copies 20¢