Zurich Citizens News, 1974-11-28, Page 13PAGE 14 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 28, 1974 50 ears Ago The Molson's Bank was rec- ently purchased by the Bank of Montreal. Mrs. Catherine Wurm and Miss Annie Wurm left on Sun- day for Chicago, where they will spend the winter. A grand concert will be given in the Town Hall on Monday evening under the auspices of the Zurich band, by the "Sun- beam Concert Trio." Hensall Reeve Geiger is busy canvassing for re-election again, and will be opposed by councillor Robert Higgins, who so nearly defeated him last year. Miss Rose Albright is confin- ed to her bed with an attack of scarlet fever. About 20 cottages on the Long don side of the summer resort of Grand Bend have been looted -OF- YEARS GONE 35 Ye rs Ago Gov. J.B. Reynolds of the county jail reported that 79 prisoners had been committed in the previous six months and that the cost of feeding them was 11 1/2 cents per day per in- mate. Also at county council Reeve. L.E. Cardiff, Conserv- ative candidate in North Huron said it was doubtful if he would be back. Reeve Sanders, of Exeter, announced his candid- ature for the wardenship. William Decker recently purchased a valuable tearn of horses from Mr. E.G. Kraft, Khiva, for a handsome figure. This is one of the finest teams in the township. Fine weather has prevailed this week and there has been practically no snow on the ground this fall. There are frosts but it always thaws out VOTE FOR: YTO for Si .IP C f' U %CIL On December "2 Your Supp rt will be appreciated RE-ELECT: ay Township Co :rncillor *Having served on council for the past year, I have found it to be most interesting and challenging. Seeing the changes in the past years, it is going to be a greater challenge to keep our Municipal Affairs our own --rather than regional. *I ask your support on December 2, and if elected I will endeavour to serve you to the best of my ability. VOTERS IN H LET 12 YEARS EXPERIENCE Keep orking for you Having served you in the capacity of Reeve for the past '7 years, I again solicit your A support in the forthcoming election. I will endeavour to serve all ratepayers to the best of my ability On Dece.,,ber 2, Re-elect: eeve r, f H ; y To + ;ship during the day time. Only a few days away from December and just nice fall weather. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thiel have moved to their home near the Lutheran Church. 25 Years Ago Now playing at the Aldan Theatre, Grand Bend" Blondie's Secret, " starring Penny Single- ton and Arthur Lake. Construction at the local arena is at a standstill because rough, cold weather snakes it impossible to work outside. Mr. Ivan Yungblut has sold the building lot just south of his new home to Mrs. Fanny Bender, who intends to erect a new house for her own use next summer. Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Hess and daughter Pauline attended the Royal Winter Fair at Tor- onto last Thursday evening. 10 Years Ago The council of the village of Zurich was elected by acclam- ation last Friday night, when only the required number of candidates qualified for the various positions. Milton Oesch was returned to the office of reeve, while councillors W.B. Coxon, Mrs. Isabel Gascho and Leo Meidinger were given accl- amation. Although he was agair nominated to the office of councillor, K.M. Brcakey chose to retire and his position on council was filled by Gordon 1 -less, the only other nominee for the post. Residents of Zurich and dist- rict will have an opportunity to see first hand the inner work- ings of the new dial building on Main Street West in Zurich. An open house will be held Monday, November 30, from 7 p.m, to 9:30 p.m. Eric Campbell 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Campbell, was admitted to South Huron Hospital, Exeter; Saturday night with undetermined injur- ies suffered when he was hit by a car while trying to pull another auto out of a ditch on Highway 4, a mile and a quart- er north of Hensall. The family of Mr. Chris Gascho celebrated his 91st birthday at his home on Thurs- day. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bedard were married recently in Imm- aculate Heart of Mary Roman Catholic Church, Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Miller celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on Sunday with a dinner. Their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Siegfried Miller, of London, were present. 0, SNOWMOBILE HAZARDS Planning on joining the snow- mobile set this winter? For safety's sake keep the following points in mind, says Consumers Association of Canada. tparstwaratrammazionamstategaartmumatsi Independent Shipper to United Co-operative of Ontario Livestock Dept Toronto Ship Your Livestock with Roy Scotchmer Monday Is Shipping Day From Varna Stockyard CALL F3AYFIELD 565.2636 13y 7:30 a.m. Monday For Prompt Service No Charges on Pick-up adwaiwiawasiswanisaaosassanwasaasanaws International Scene' (continued frompage 4) Food Conference held in Rome. I must admit that the suggest- ion has some merit after all. Either we pay for this grain out of tax money or we eat less (only one hamburger per week less) and we have the food we have promised to give to needy nations. However, I like the comment one person made. "We can't even ship eggs from Halifax to Vancouver, " he said. "How are we going to get them to the rest of the world?" He has a point for, as we discovered in our recent efforts to feed the starving of Central Africa, our biggest problem was not one of food, it was that of distribution. While we work that one out, start eating one hamburg a week less. Wife at breakfast table . to grumpy husband: "Look on the. bright side. In sixteen hours you'll be back in bed." TED VOOGEL AND SONS BUILDING CONTRACTOR FRAMING Houses & Cottages * RenovatiIns* CUSTOM BUILT Homes Free Estimates! DASI-IWOOD R.R.1 PH: 238-2742 To The Voters In Hay Township: With 7 years experience as a member of the Council of the Township of Hay, I ani again a candidate in the coming election on December 2. I solicit your support at the polls, and if elected will work in the best interests of all the people in Hay Township. RE-ELECT: LIONEL WILDER To Hay Tonship Council FOR ship. C ;oocliner ELECT: Ti v For REEVE of AY TO°,', NSHIP *12 years experience on council *keen interest in municipal affairs *willing to listen to problems Your support at the polls will be sincerely appreciated! ON DECEMBER 2, VOTE TINNEY f,;