Zurich Citizens News, 1974-11-07, Page 11PAGE 12 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1974 Zurich Institute visit Rest Home (by Mrs. E. Consitt) The November meeting of Zurich Women's Institute was held ou Monday evening at the Bluewater Rest Home with 21 members and several visitors present. Mrs. W. Livingston was welcomed as a new mernbei of our Institute was welcomed as a new member of our Instit- ute. A film on the Paper making industry proved very interesting to the members and residents of the Home. Lunch consisting of pumpkin pie and whipped cream was served to all. Roll call which was answered by "Things I buy my grand- mother made at home" brought many interesting replies from jars to ice cream. Mrs. T. Meyers and Mrs. W. Neeb were appointed as dele- gates to the area convention in Stratford later this month. One of the members offered to donate a cushion top for the craft table at the convention. It was decided to cater to the Bean Board luncheon and the Band dinner in December, and also to have a gift exchange and bring a guest to our Dec- ember meeting. Don't get angry if a farmer is driving his equipment on.the road and you have to slow down until the road is clear for you to pass. If he pulls off onto the shoulder of the road to let you by, he may have to pay a fine if an overzealous policeman sees it. A friend of mine was rec- ently fined $30 for doing so. He is only allowed to pull onto the shoulder if he stops. Rem- ember that he is working and you are most likely on your own time. Several reports have come out in the last eight years on the cause of food costs being what they are. One of the reas- ons cited time and again is the proliferation of supermark- ets. Not much of this is report- ed in the press, for a supermart in the neighbourhood is popu- lar. It makes sense thst if you build two stores almost side by side that they can compete only on the basis of their cost. Within these limits it appears Township Of Stanley ATE PAYER'S MEETING VARNA TOWNSHIP HALL TUES, N 8 P.M. V. 12 ALL RATEPAYERS ARE URGED TO ATTEND! RED CROSS CANVASS • NOVEMBER PLEASE GIVE GENEROUSLY WHEN THE CANVASSER CALLS AT YOUR HOME that the customer will profit by cut-throat competition. Not so, for the extra unnec- essary building will have to be paid for and it is the customer who does the paying. The store can claim low profits, but this is his own fault for being too greedy. He draws customers away from the other store so their profits will be lower too. In order to maintain their profits prices will be higher in the long run, not lower as a superficial appraisal may sug- gest. The Canadian west had some - experience where a large American chain moved into every place where there were customers cutting prices only in these neighbourhoods where other stores were operating. When the other stores gave up, the price immediately want up to.the level of stores in non - competing areas, until this chain could set any price they wanted. Western governments had to step in to stop this practice. So a certain level of compet- ition is needed, but too much raises the cost and hence the price to you and me. A & P in the USA lost a court battle when farmers sued them for price fixing. It appears pen new Stratford office The Industrial Development Bank, which makes term loans to smaller businesses, held a reception in Stratford Thursday, to inakr the official opening of its new branch office at 1032 Ontario Street. At the reception attended by business and professional people in the area, B.B.Baron, manag( of the office, introduced K.A. Powers, general manager of the Ontario region and K.K. Hay Roe, supervisor of the Ontario region Toronto. They briefly described the work of the bank, pointing out that it provides financing by term loans or by equity invest- ments to businesses of almost every type which are unable to obtain such financial assistance elsewhere on reasonable terms and conditions. It was particularly pointed out also that the Bank is mark- edly increasing its advisory services programmes providing advisory assistance and training for small business managers. The Stratford Office was opened about three months ago to serve businessmen in Perth and Huron Counties who had previously been served by the London Office. The bank currently has about 200 custom - es in the area with loans total- ing near $8 million. They include manufacturers, retail stores, farms, restaurants, contractors, and other business- es which have borrowed funds to erect buildings, buy new equipment, make land improve ments, strengthen working cap- ital, effect a change of owner- ship, and for other sound busin- ess purposes. 0 The floral emblem of the Yukon is the hardy and abun- dant fireweed. Fireweed is usually the first flower to appear in burned -over areas, hence its name, that they set high retail prices and low prices for the packers and thus the producers, The US Anti -Trust Act seems to have enough teeth to fight this kind of profit making. Is this going on in Canada too? Get going Plumtre. *Custom hilt Homes *Commercial Beildings *Remodelling *Renovation *Siding 2ffi YEARS EXPERIENCE IN ALL KINDS OF CONSTRUCTION KROHME CONSTRUCTION RR 3 AYFIELD -2 3 OTICE OF PU .LIC MEETING RE: re FOR t Zurich & Surrounding Area 8 P.M. ZURICH PUBLIC SCHOOL Irk lip Does Zurich need a Day Care Centre? What exactly is a Day Care Centre? Who benefits? What does it cost? These and many other questions will be answered by Mr. Jim Deneau, Community & Social Services specialist for the Ontario government. We invite all adults, and especially those parents having pre-school age children, to attend this important meeting! FRESH BUTT PORK Chops or Roast PURE Pork Sausage ROASTERS & BREASTS Frozen Chicken Chicken Wings SCHNEIDER'S Bung Bologna FREEZER SPECIAL 9 :...19 87( 77c PIECE 89C 93; SLICED Quarter of Beef FRONT THESE SPECIALS AVAILABLE AT THE VILLAGE MARKET IN BAYFIELD OR AT YUNGBLUT'S Meat Market PHONE 236-4312 ZURICH 85`