Zurich Citizens News, 1974-10-03, Page 6PAGE 6 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 19'74 . MILVENA ERICKSON TELLS YOU..., ALL ABOUT BAYFIELD INTERESTING HAPPENINGS IN ONTARIO'S PRETTIEST VILLAGE Mr. and Mrs. Dick Heard, London, and Mrs. Ed Heard of Dundalk were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Haw, Mr, and Mrs. Rob Irwin and Robbie attended an afternoon tea in Seaforth on Sunday at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bennewies to honor her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bennewies, recent graduates of Waterloo University, Bud Sturgeon has entered his first year of a two year course in Survey Technology at Fah- shawe College, in London. Bud is the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Sturgeon. Gerry Bloomfield, Bili Lat- imer and Ruth Fuhrmann, all of Toronto were weekend guests of Bill's grandmother Mrs. G.L. Knight. Mrs. Violet Sturgeon and Mrs. Fred Mote spent Saturday in London. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Watson, London were Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rob Irwin and Robbie. Mr. Bud Sturgeon and Miss Barbara Davidson spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Davidson in Windsor. Art and Helen Hoggart and family, R.R.2, Bayfield, were in Niagara Falls on Sunday, September 22 to a Bestline Meet ing in the Park Motor Hotel and won a Sunbeam International Mist Styler and Dryer for highest distributor sales in Ontario for the month of August. Earlier in the month they won a Carniv- al Glass candle holder which was presented to them by Maurice and Jean Love, of Exeter for highest sales in August in this London Area. The Hoggart's also received other gifts and pins for highest weekly sales in this same area. Mrs. Vina Parker gave the treasurer's report which was approved. The president reported that we have purchased a shuffle- board, movie projector and screen, tables and chairs and a new coffee perculator. The Senior Citizens identification cards have been given out to most of the members and are available for those who haven't received one, Mrs. Esther Makins thanked the president on behalf of the club for all the work he had done during the summer, which had involved several trips to London to purchase our new equipment. The meeting was adjourned and the usual game of cards was enjoyed. Winners were, ladies high, Fern Baker; low, Clara Johnston; men's high, Ken Lynn; low, Walter Westlake. Lone hands, Pearl Hutchings. 4-H CLUB (by Valerie Merner) The first meeting of the Bayfield II 4-1-1 Club was held on Thursday, September 25, at the home of Mrs. Alice Brandon. Our leaders are Mrs. Alice Brandon and Mrs. Joan Merner. We had an election of Officers with Dianne Schilbe as president; Joyce Mclllwain as vice-president and Valerie Merrier as press reporter. We discussed home entertaining and how to snake a hostess reference file. We also discussed how to arrange flowers. We were then given our home assignments and members pamphlets. Our next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Joan Merner on Tuesday, October 1. Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Sturgeon and Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Erickson attended a Dinner Party on Friday in Stratford at the Golden Bamboo to honour Mrs. Sturgeon on her birthday. While there, they met Mr. and Mrs. James Frances who were celebrating their fifth wedding anniversary. Mrs. Pearl Shaddick, Hensall was a recent guest from Monday to Friday with the R, Roy Fitzsimons family. Dr. and Mrs. R.G. Lea of Charlottetown, P.E.I. are the guests of her brother and sister- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Armstrong and family, R.R.3, Bayfield. Miss Winnie Armst- rong of Toronto was also with her parents and family for the weekend. Sunday services for next Sunday, October 5, in Knox Presbyterian Church at 11 a.m. will be taken by Mr. Oakes. The Thanksgiving Service, October 13, will be conducted by Michael Farris, of Toronto. These will be the last Services in Knox Church for this season. Mrs. Norman F. Cooper, Mount Clemens, Michigan is presently at her village resid- ence. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Weston, Farmington, Michigan, were at their cottage for the week- end and had as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. John Bennett and family also of Farmington. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meyer, Michelle and Marsha, Waterloo, Anniversary Announcement Sandra Dickert, Zurich has recently joined our Staff, and to celebrate our Anniv- ersary we are offering you this special! REG. $15.00 PERMANENT FOR ONLY $12.00 (Offer good until October 25 only) Towne & Country Hair Styling SANDRA & BEATTY PHONE 237-3587 DASHWOOD were with her mother, Mrs. Spinny Ervine for the weekend. Mrs. Meyer and children rem- ained for a few days visit with her mother, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Stone Sarnia, were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Norman F. Cooper. SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB The Bayfield Ever Young Senior Citizens Club resumed their meetings on Thursday evening, September 26 in the Municipal Building. Presided over by the president George Brown who opened with the singing of the National Anthem and repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. The Roll Call was answered by 27 members and we wel- comed Mr. and Mrs. Gibson of the village and Mrs. Stirling of England, a cousin of Florence Brown, as guests. Secretary Mrs. Jean Bell read the minutes of the last meeting, mentioning the July picnic held at Old Homestead and the evening spent at Huronview when some of our members assited with the prog- ram. Her report was adopted.. A few items of correspondence were moved for filing. There will be a meeting of parents and children who are interested in keeping the Bayfielc Figure Skating Club active. Unless an appreciable number of skaters wand to enroll, there will be no figure skating this year. PHIL'S VARIETY MAIN STREET — ZURICH featuring a complete line of Groceries * Confectionery * Novelties Phone 236-4930 for free delivery on orders of $5.00 oa over th COOP OTHER PROVEN VARIETIES Heat Units Big Bonus Areas Varieties 3500 S345. 3300 S345, S327, S326, S300 3100 5326, S327, S300 2900 S280, 277, S300 2700 277, 266, 267, S265 2500 S260, 264, 266, S255, S259 2300 S255, S260, 264 This is $2G5 country Big bonus seed corn ■ vigorous ■ easy picking • fast drying • high yielding EXTRA SPECIAL Two Only - 8 HP Electric Start RIDING LAWN MOWERS PRICED TO CLEAR ! SPECIAL ON ALL LAWN MOWERS STILL IN STOCK. WE STILL HAVE GRAIN BINS AVAILABLE ! Hensall District Co -Op Brucefield HENSALL Zurich