Zurich Citizens News, 1974-10-03, Page 3THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, '1974 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE 3 Mrs. Wilbert Dilling is a patient in South Huron Hospit- al, Exeter, where she is receiv- ing treatment. ATTEND CHRISTENING Mr. and Mrs. Ken McLean and Mr. and Mrs. John Lansink of Seaforth, attended the christening of Angela Marie McLean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry McLean at Sacred Heart Church in Ingersoll. Also attending were Master Todd McLean of'Thamesford, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Devereaux, Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. Ray McLean and Danny, London. Following the christening a smorgasbord dinner was held at the McLean residence in Thamesford. AMBER REBEKAHS Noble Grand Mrs. Aldeen Volland presided at the regular meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge recently and was assisted by Vice Grand Mrs. Margaret Consitt. Arrangements were finalized for the installation of officers on October 2, when D.D.P. Mrs. Jean Brydge of Brussels will visit the Lodge and install the officers. All members were asked to bring items for a penny sale.. A letter was read from the Rebekah Assembly president, Mrs. Grace Love, whose motto this year is "Let us climb to greater heights, " All the Lodges are asked to support the home at Barrie. Mrs. Irene Blackwell, Jr. P.N.G., was appointed trustee of the Lodge. Mrs. Olga Chipchase announced that tick- ets are available for the Grand Masters banquet to be held in Huron Centennial School, Brucefield, on October 17, at 6:30. There will be an "Open Installation" at Brussells Octob- er 18 when all Rebekahs are inv- ited to attend. UNITED CHURCH NOTES Dr. Ivan Smillie of Burnaby, B.C. was the guest soloist at Hensall United Church on Sun- day morning. He sang two solos, accompanied by Mrs. Turkheim on the organ. Rev. Don Beck preached on the serm- on topic "Seeing it through." The flowers in the church were from the Payne -Alexander wedd. ing on Saturday. BLIND CAMPAIGN Eric Luther, campaign chairman for the Canadian National Institute for the Blind, advises the Hensall and area, campaign for funds will be conducted during the month of October. A door-to-door canvass will be conducted in Hensall and a mailing camp- aign in the surrounding area. Presently there are 83 blind people in the County of Huron. Last year the campaign totalled $900.43. A target of $1, 000. has been set this year. HENSALL 4-H CLUB The first meeting of Hensall I was held at the home of Mrs. Ann Lenting on September 18. After voting, the results are as follows: president, Nancy McCurdy, secretary, Susan Stretton, treasurer, Dale Simmons, press correspondant, Lucy Van Esbroeck. Dues were discussed and it was decided that a $1.50 lump sum would be paid by each member. Title covers and names were discuss- ed. Following this different flower arrangements were made. A proposal was made that we move to the Hensall United Church for the remaind- er of the meetings. The second meeting of Hen- sail I was held on September 24•, at the United Church. We opened with the 4-1-1 Pledge President Nancy McCurdy called the role which was "why I like to entertain." Table settings and manners were dis- cussed. Following this we set a table and -had a mock meal. Horne assignment for the up- coming week is to practice table settings and services. Record book and reference file must also be worked on. Next meeting will be held at the United Church. 0 MESSAGE FOR BLIND Some deaf -blind persons find the Telatouch a constructive means of communicating with sighted friends. The sender types his message on a type- writer and the deaf -blind rec- eiver reads in Braille with his finger as each letter moves into a special slot. The Tela - touch is supplied through the Canadian National Institute for the Blind. JAVEX a MOSES S. ERB A life-long resident of the Zurich area, Moses Erb passed away at Blue Water Rest Home, on Thursday, September 26, in his 85th year. He was born in Hay Township on February 9, 1890, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Erb. His wife, the former Mary Zehr, pre- deceased him some years ago. For many years Mr. Erb farmed in Hay Township before retiring to Zurich. He had been a resident at Blue Water Rest Home for the past year. Surviving is one daughter, Mrs. Rena Schultz, Niagara Falls; one brother, Edmund Erb, Zurich; one sister, Mrs, Aaron Gingerich, R.R.2, Zurich; and two grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Two other brothers, Christian and Aaron pre -deceased him. The body rested at the West- lake Funeral Home, Zurich, until Sunday afternoon, when the service took place at the Blake Mennonite Church, at 2:30 p.m., with interment in the adjoining cemetery. Rev. Clayton Kuepfer officiat- ed. Pallbearers were Len Erb, Emmerson Erb, Gordon Erb, Lee Erb, Roy Erb and Edgar Gingerich. JUST QUALITY FOODS AT IG SAVI 64 FL OZ 11,11 UI FLEECY 128 FL OZ PREPRICED $1.49 SCOTT IC S' ,.ENE 2 ROLL PACK LYON'S 100'S T LS TEA GS ROBIN HOOD PARFAIT 7 OZ PUDDING HOSTESS 10 OZ INSTANT C ' FEE 12 FL OZ ROSE RELISHES PARAMOUNT TUNA SOLID PARAMOUNT 7 3/4 OZ SOCKEYE SALMON 0,09:1,0, CHIPS BABY SHAMPOO BLANCHED or SPANISH .11 OZ PREPRICED 69¢ JACK'S PEANUTS McCORMICK'S 11 SODA BISCUITS Rio Strawberries 15 OZ 1 59¢ 3c 5 T -Bone, Wing, or Sirl in BEEF AND PORK 4 $1.,9 3/1 63¢ $1.09 2/89c 89` 2/$1 59` 59` US 9 „Sl MAPLE LEAF SMOKED - CRYOVAC z's ISIx�- � LB 1 LB SCHNEIDER'S THURINGER - PIECES um e,Saus SCHNEIDER'S RING Bologna LB '""1 39 LB • 9 t FREEZER SPECIAL FULLY PROCESSED LOINS OF SIDE OF PURE BEEF HAMBURG BEEF BEEF PATTIES $1e:19 LB 984 LB 10 LBS $8.75 CANADA NO 1 POTATOES GARDEN FRESH SPINACH U.S. NO 1 RED GRAPES IOLBS 69 100. 2/69 PKG. LB39C WEEKEND SPECIALS October 2, 3, 4,5 PLEASE NOTE: We reserve the. right to limit . all quantities on all advertised items.