Zurich Citizens News, 1974-10-03, Page 1crikg
CELEBRATE 60TH ANNIVERSARY - The members of Zurich Women's Institute entertained on
Monday night on the occasion of their 60th anniversary, and over 150 persons attended. Shown in
this photo with their huge decorated anniversary cake are left to right, Mrs. Beatrice Geiger,
president; Mrs. Nancy Koehler, the only charter member of the organization who is still an active
member; Mrs. Torn Meyers, a provincial director of W.I., and Mrs. Ward Neeb, vice-president
of the local organization.
STUDENT COUNCIL - The pupils of Zurich Public School held an interesting election last
week when they picked their Student Council for -the coming term. Back row left to right are
Daryl Rawlings, class representative; Jeff Forrester, class representative; Roger O'Brien, class
representative; Darlene Oesch, class representative. Front row left to right are Jullie Brown,
secretary, Pam O'Brien, president; Grant Love, vice-president and Cindy O'Brien, treasurer.
Zurich Institute 60 years old
Almost 150 members of
South Huron Women's Institute
met in Zurich on Monday even-
ing as guests of the Zurich
group to celebrate the 60th
anniversary of the local organ-
Desserts of all kinds, served
smorgasbord style, were enjoy-
ed, followed by a program
consisting of several musical
numbers by the Mathonia broth-
ers. Miss Elaine Westlake
accompanied by Christine Hab-
erer contributed two pleasing
A short skit portrayed by
three W.I. members in approp-
riate dress, Mrs. Myrtle Hay,
Mrs. L. Dinnip and Mrs. M.
McKinnon, described the found.
ing of the Zurich W.I. in 1914,
when much of their work in
knitting and sewing was devot-
ed to war supplies.
Two other short plays were
given, one by Institute mem-
bers and the other by 4-H
Club members.
Two of the original charter
members were present, Mrs.
Nancy Koehler, still an active
member, and Mrs. Marie Hess.
Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock, of
Auburn, president of London
area W.I., and also Mrs.
James Keyes, Seaforth, presid-
ent of South Huron W.I., were
present and brought greetings.
Congratulations and best
wishes for the future were also
expressed by all the sister
Institute members of South
Separate School Board,
award oil contract
(by Wilma Oke)
The Huron -Perth County
Roman Catholic Separate
School Board meeting in Sea -
forth last Monday accepted the
fuel oil tender of Ross Scott
Ltd., of Brucefield for the
year 1974-75 at a discount of
five cents per gallon off the
posted tank wagon price which
at time of tender was 36.9
cents for all schools except
Winghain which is 37.5 cents
per gallon.
Jack Lane, Business Admin-
istrator, said the difference in
price for Wingham was that it
is located in a different prov-
incial zone.
Ted Geoffrey, of Zurich,
said the Scott tender was the
lowest of three. I -le said it was
not a firm price and will vary
when the refineries adjust their
prices, perhaps later this fall.
Mrs. Trudy Smith, of Zurich
was appoi nted principal's
relief at Ecole Ste. Marie at
St. Joseph.
The City of Stratford will be
granted permission to use the
separate schools for the munic-
ipal elections upcoming in
Six trustees indicated they
would be able to attend the
Christian Curriculum Develop-
ment Conference in Toronto,
November 1, 2 and 3 --Board
Chairman Michael Connolly, of
Kippen, Howard Shantz, of
Stratford, John McCann of
Ailsa Craig, Francis Hickness,
After months of planning
and hard work, this area has
the services of a dentist in the
person of Dr. Grant Lee. Dr.
Lee built a new dental clinic
in the east end of the village of
Zurich, and began practicing
last week.
This Friday night a big
"Open House" is planned for
the new dental facilities, at
which time the general public
is cordially invited to drop in
and meet Dr. Lee and his staff.
The "Open House" will run
from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Visitors will also have an opp-
ortunity to view the most mod-
ern equipment available today
in dentistry.
Dr. Lee's new building has
two rooms in which he can be
attending patients, both with
the newest type of dental chair
available, along with other
facilities. The front part of
the building has a large recept-
ion area, along with an office
for the receptionist. At the east
side there is a private office
for Dr. Lee, along with labor-
atory facilities and a large
size conference room. There is
a full basement underneath.
Coffee and donuts will be
served to all the visitors on
Friday night, by members of
the Zurich Chamber of Com-
merce who are sponsoring the
special Open House for Dr. Lee,
of Seaforth, Ted Geoffrey, of
Zurich, and Oscar Kieffer of
The UNICEF officials were
given permission to distribute
boxes in any separate school
under the board's jurisdiction
at Hallowe'en.
The sketch plans for the
addition at St. Patrick's
School, Kinkora, as presented
by Brian Garratt, architect, of
Kyles, Kyles and Garrett,
Stratford, have been approved.
They have been sent to the
Ministry of Education for app-
The board was notified that
three members of the clergy
have been appointed to the
Trustee -Clergy Liaison Com-
mittee-- Rev. A.J. Durand of
Zurich; Rev. Gordon Dill, of
Dublin and Rev. V.J. Gleeson
of Stratford.
Commenting on the budget
print-out handed out by Arthur
Haid, chairman of finance
committee, Jacl< Lane said it
was well within budget expend-
itures. Trustees are to study
the report at home and it will
be discussed at next meeting.
The board will write a letter
to the council of Hibbert Town-
ship to ask that top priority be
given, when preparing next
year's road budget, to building
a bridge on side road 20-21,
concession two of Hibbert,
Because the bridge is posted to
a limited load, the board is
unable to use the road when
transporting school students as
a school bus exceeds the restric-
ted weight. The board must
pay for an additional nine
miles travelled each day and
this is costing money, Donald
Crowley, transportation coin-
mittee chairman, said.
Howard Shantz of Stratford
asked that the Family Life
Advisory Committee, which is
(continued on page 7)
On Monday at 5:15 p.m. a
bicycle ridden by Randy Wilson,
Huron Park, and a car driven by
Earl Dietrich, Centralia collid-
ed on Algonquin Drive Huron
Park. Damage was estimated
at $30. by Constable Al Quinn.
On Tuesday at 11 a.m. a
turnip truck driven by John
Moir, R.R.2, Kippen, rolled
over on Usborne Side Road 5-6.
Moir received cuts and bruises.
Damage was estimated at $1,
000 by Constable Jim Rogers.
On Tuesday at 6:25 p.m.
vehicles driven by Johannes
Brand, Credition and Ronald
Brand, Exeter, collided on
Concession 6 and 7 Stephen.
Damage was estimated at $700,
by Constable Frank Giffin.
On Thursday at 8:15 a.m.
cars owned by Harvey Krotz
Ltd., Listowel and Alexander
Elliott, Exeter collided on
Highway 21. Neither vehicle
(continued on page 2)