Zurich Citizens News, 1974-07-25, Page 17THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1974 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE 17 In these days of time and effort saving appliances, esc- alators replacing stairs and automobiles replacing walking, its little wonder that Canad- ians are among the most unfit people in the world. We have all heard that the average 60 year old Swede is probably fitter than the average 30 year old Canadian. Another little talked about comparison is that American on the whole are more fit than Canadians. Can- adians were tested on Americ- an Heart Association standards of cardio -respiratory fitness and it was found that 405 of men and 475 of the woinen tested had fitness levels which could be classified as fair or low. Women, generally are less fit than men, with women in the age.group 15-29 rating lowest in that study. As Federal Health Minister Marc Lalonde stated, "The end result of all •this shows an overweight and inactive pop- ulation. Our labour saving devices, our automobiles, our elevators and the use of tele- vision as a substitute for physic- al recreation are contributing factors." It is horrifying to think that, • 8010 of Canadians are complet- ely inactive while 5CP/o, of Can- adians are overweight in addit- ion to being inactive. A study carried out by Nutrition Canada showed that overweight people ate the same number of calor- ies daily as people who maint- ained their normal weight. The reason some people gain weight is that they lead inactive lives and cannot utilize all the cal- ories they consume which eventually become stored in the body as fat. Too often in the past we have tended to view health as the • absence of disease, but in reality health is much more than that. A contributing factor to a person's health is his or her level of fitness. Physical fitness reduces anxiety, .iinprove the functioning of the cardio- vascular system, and increases productivity in a work situation. Our Government is recognizing these facts and is beginning to investigate what its role should be in promoting the health of Canadian citizens. In Ontario, the Provincial Government has set up a Task Force on Fitness to find out what the Ministries should be doing to promote individual fitness. The Task Force was set up under the auspices of the Ministry of Health, but there is representation from other Ministries including Education and Community and Social Services. The Task Force started its work two weeks ago and is expected to make recom- mendations to the Minister of Health, Frank Miller, some time in November. Another Government group concerned with fitness is the Sports and Recreation Bureau, in the Ministry of Community and Social Services, which is about to launch an extensive new sports project. This Branch is the major source of govern- ment support for services to sport in Ontario. Further grants for approved recreation prog- rams are paid to municipalit- ies throughout Ontario. from this Branch. Another area that could use ZURICH LIONS CLUB UMME JAMBOREE ZURICH ARS <A FRIDAY, JO Y CONTINUOUS DANCING ALL NIGHT 8to1A,M. TWO BIG BANDS "DESJARDIME" ORCHESTRA AND "JOE" OVERHOLT klonormarmaramommarnmassemmoierercomozennimaro some attention from the Prov- incial Government is fitness in the schools. The Ministry of Education should start plac- ing more emphasis on making sure that students are getting the proper exercise from the time they enter the school system until the t ime they leave. Hopefully by that time students will have developed good exercise habits which will stand them in good stead for the rest of their lives. School adm- inistrators ought to be convinced of the values•of fitness and its contribution to the quality of life. The Ministry should enc- ourage and support continuing education for teachers respons- ible for fitness and health prog- rams and also give higher prio- rity in the curriculum to phys- ical fitness and nutrition educ- ation: Finally school boards should increase their fitness facilities for students and also Snake these facilities available to the community. The Federal Government is also involved i•n promoting fit- ness, sport and physical recrea- tion. The budget of the old fit- ness and Amateur Sport Direct- orate was raised to 17 million this year, in keeping with the greater emphasis being placed on getting Canadians moving. I feel that although the Fed- eral and Provincial Govern- ments have their contributions to make in this area, it is essentially up to us, as indiv- iduals to run," walk, swim or do anything that will get our hearts pumping a little faster and our lungs working a little harder. Try it --you may like it. klaelloweedbasimesamaiag Independent Shipper to United Co-operative of tario Livestock Dept Toronto Ship Your Livtalock with Roy Scotthmer Monday Is Shipping Day From Varna Stockyard CALL BAYFIELD 565.2636 By 7:30 a.m. Monday For Prompt Sorvicaa No Charnas on Pickup Grand Bend First Show of Dusk Children Under 12 In Cars Free R'4'?.>AJ.7�111A1'1]117sXA1gC1A16>W.767lAAiAS11lA''�AX�.!41X.0.1.>1► FRI. — SAT. — SUN, — MON. July 2Ei-27-28-29 i • i i e i • SOY, HAVE WE GOT A VACATION FOR YOU... ...Where nothing can possibly go worn YIJL BRYNNER RICHARD BENJAMIN. JAMES BROLIN Written and Droved by MICHAEL CRICHTON • Produced by PAUL N LAZARUS III PANAVISION' METROCOLOR Ca MGM Adult Entertainment THE S («I(NG ON EELS imW2LIEL"" .!7 WELCH, KANSAS CITY MEtPOEM° BOMBER Adult Entertainment TUESDAY — WEDNESDAY July 30-31 PauLNEwnrax THE MACKINTOSH MAIC whoever he is he's not what you; think. From Warner Brom ® A Warner Communications Company Adult Entertainment RICILIUD RAMIS ROD TATUM UF.ADIN TRACKERS From Warner Strom 0 A Warner Communications Company Adult Entertainment 5 1 i •• • • •i i r • • • • • v • • • • • • r i i ••• • • • •