Zurich Citizens News, 1974-07-25, Page 14PAGE 14 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1974 Looking for something to do? Visit the County Museum Committee active A committee formed to prot- est a proposed nuclear generat- ing station south of Goderich will continue to investigate rhe effects such a plant would have on Huron County despite last week's announcement by Ont- ario Hydro that it has suspend- ed its plans for the project. Huron Power Plant Commit- tee chairman Adrian Vos of Blyth said Friday: "The issue can be revived at any time. This action may be a political move on the part of Ontario Hydro." He said a subcommittee of the group will continue to gath- er information from other areas where power plants and trans- mission lines exist. NOTICE Ninth Annual Bean Festival IN ZURICH Anyone wishing to operate a booth or conc- ession of any kind at the BEAN FESTIVAL on Saturday, August 24, 1974 Should contact: GLEN WEIDO, PHONE 236-4629 As soon as possible! Twin Problems Faced Require Better Mai t o "May I use the car?" This question is no longer the exclusive property of some teen-ager asking dad for permission to use the family auto. With growing shortages of fuel, restrictions of emission ]'units and other regulations facing the motorists, soon the whole nation night be asking, "May I use the car?" As we enter the period of the year when car ownership and 'operation is most pleasureable — vacation time the motoring public must face up to some unpleasant facts. The energy shortage is growing more severe and pessi- mistic sources predict that the price of a gallon of gasoline may climb even higher in the near future, SOMETHING SPECIAL. OUR QUALITY BLADE or CROSS BUTT RANCH STYLE SP R OUR OWN PURE P® STORE SLICED - SUMMER PIECE SLICED FREEZER SPECIAL We reserve the right to limit quantities! PHONE 236-4312 ZURICH NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY sommannemanitamenauraourmxtama t ei osco 1350 to 1500 ' B shel C p city (Jacks Av t ika13ble) GET YOUR ORDER IM RIGHT AWAY! HENSALL DIS""' -ICT CO-OPERATIVE. Phone 262-3002 Hensnll