Zurich Citizens News, 1974-07-25, Page 3THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1974 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS MRS. JOYCE PEPPER, CORRESPOIWEN1' Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zychow- ska of Prince Albert, Saskatche- wan, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm. Mrs. Zychowska was formerly Miss Hilda Blackwell, a Deaconess for 25 years for the Presbyterian Church of Can- ada. They were touring through to the east coast calling on places and friends which they had previously worked with. They also toured Goderich and visited with Miss Lily MacArth- ur, a retired children's work secretary of the National Coun- cil Board of Canada of the Presbyterian Church, and Miss Hazel Macdonald,retired Missionary of Ethiopia, Formosa and Niarobi, Africa. Dr. and Mrs. Charles" Dales and Mrs, Margaret Chisholm of Toronto were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs, John Soldan, and families. Mr. and Mrs. Ken McLean have returned from a pleasure trip to the western provinces. CHURCH NOTES The Rev. G.A. Anderson conducted the service in St. Paul's Anglican Church on Sunday morning. The theme of the sermon was "Barnabas was a good man." The orchestra played "The Old Rugged Cross." and also accompanied in the singing of the hymns. Don and Gail Travers suppl- ied the special music for the joint services in Hensall United Church on Sunday morning. They sang "Stranger of Galilee. accompanied by Mrs. Turkheim Rev. Don Beck preached on the sermon topic "Let's do some research. " Mr, and Mrs. Don Ort and Brenda of Witchita, Kansas, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm on Friday on their way to Tobermory and Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Don Coughlin, Debbie and Paul of Fordwich visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gord- on Schwalm, BRIDAL 511OWER A miscellaneous shower was held in the Legion Hall in Hensall Wednesday evening, to honor Miss Pauline Allan, whose marriage to Ron McBride will take place August 2. Eleanor Shiels presided and welcomed everyone. A game of Anne Landers was enjoyed by all, Angela Mittman favoured everyone with selections on her accordian. A mock wedding with Eleanor Shiels as Rev. Beck; June Maxwell as the best pian; Marg Vanstone as the groom; Marlene Ingram as the bride; Joan Allan as staid -of - honor; Joyce Pepper as the bride's mother, produced quite a few laughts. Jean Swale read the presentation address to Pauline, and Karen Shiels, Donna Jean Allan and Kathy McDonald helped to present gifts. Pauline fittingly thanked everyone and a delicious lunch was served. THOMSON REUNION The 35th annual Thomson reunion was held in the Hensall park on Sunday afternoon. After a delicious smorgasbord lunch, president Dorothy Chase presided for a short business PAGE 3 meeting. It was decided that next year's picnic will be held the third Sunday in July at Goderich Harbour Park. Dffic- ers for next year are, president, Dorothy Chase; vice-president, Norm Stanlake; secrerary- treasurer, Mary Parsons; sports committee, Bob and Glenda Cornish, Lunch committee, Cecil and Joyce Pepper and Lloyd and Helen Thompson. The youngest person present was Tara Nichole Cornish, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cornish of Guelph. Results of the sports are as follows; winners in the various races were Elizabeth Thompson, Tania Cornish, Greg Chase, Jo -Ann Pepper, Jeof Chase, Laurie Pepper, Marilyn Pepper and Brad Chase. A candy scramble was enjoyed by all tate children. Ladies kick the slipper was won by Cindy Cornish. Guessing content of an unlabled can, Laurie Pepper, guessing number of jelly beans in a jar, Cindy Cornish, waddy (men's gauze) Clarence Presrap, water in a balloon contest, Laurie Pepper and Brad Chase. Mrs. Margaret Thorndyke, Mrs. Lockhart, Mrs. Coombs and Mrs. Montford, of Clinton visited with Mrs. Rachel Sclt- wale and Mrs. Ivey last Thurs- day. Obituary MRS. MARY TAYLOR Mrs. Richard Taylor, the former Mary Richardson, of Hensall, passed away at South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on July 22, in her 87th year. She was the wife of the late Richard Taylor, and mother of Mrs. Gordon (Jean). Munn, of R, R.1, Exeter; Mrs. Lorne (Margaret) Kay of London; Mrs. Milt (Myrtle) McIntosh, of Vancouver, B.C. John, Sea - forth; Richard, Hensall; Edwin, R.R.2, Kippen. Two sons pred- eaceased her. She is also surv- ived by several grandchildren and great grandchildren. Mrs. Taylor was a member of the Anglican Church and a life member of the Hensall Legion Ladies Auxiliary. The late Mrs. Taylor rested at rhe Bontltron Funeral Home in llensall where funeral service was held on Wednesday, July 24 at 2 p.m. with Rev. G.A. And- erson officiating. Interment was in McTaggart's Cemetery. Pallbearers were John, Alvin, Bedford, and Ray Taylor, Doug- las Munn and Grant Walker. 20 FL, OZ. ALYMER CATSUP 49c LIBBY'S 14 FL. OZ. 2/69c ORANGE CRYSTAL 5/79c NESTLE MINT 5 OZ. PUDDING CUPS 3/55c WI-JITE SWAN TOWELS 2 ROLLS 79c TENDERLEAF ORANGE PEKOE 60'S TEA BAGS 89c CAMAY BATH SIZE BAR SOAP 3/95c DOWNY 66 FL, OZ, FABRIC SOFTENER 1.49 CHEER 5 LB, POWDERED DETERGENT $1.89 BEANS WITH PORK ALLEN'S 3 OZ. SPIC AND SPAN 2 LB. 8 OZ. PREPRICED 99¢ CLEANSER 89c CHOCOLATE DIGESTIVE, CLOUD 9, FAVOURITE 5 TROPICAL CREAMS 14 OZ. 79c 89c WESTON COOKIES WESTON 12 OZ. SQUARE BOYS Banquet Cream Pies 14 OZ. 43 c FRESI1 PORK SpareR RII> ENI) Bicetl: LB LB urn FS L6 10 LB BOX -$5.50 Min ced m LB FRESII Ham Steaks L8 9t ROLLED Pot Roasts FRESH LB Side Pork ,B79t Canada Nol Field Tomatoes L;833( Ontario Nol Field Cucumbers 2/37( US Nol Nectarines 2/69( WEEKEND SPECIALS July 24, 25, 26, 27 PLEASE NOTE We reserve the right to limit all quantities on all advertised items.