Zurich Citizens News, 1974-07-17, Page 17PAGE 18 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1974 A HOLD ON MAIN STREET - There seems to be a large opening on the Main Street of Zurich as an old building which formerly housed O'Brien's Produce, and during the past few years was the home of The Cheese House, has been torn down. The building was purchased by Isidore Laporte a few years ago, and he decided to have it removed and make way for a parking lot. According to some of the veterans around the village, the building was one of the oldest in the community. Annual medical checkup is it really w c r Should. you have a checkup every year? Medical opinion is sharply di- vided on this question: some phy- sicians believe that everyone should see the doctor every 12 months whether he needs to or not; others, medical like Dr. Harding LeRiche of the University of Toronto, consider that the regular checkup isn't neces- gary for all of us — but for some people it's absolutely essential. LeRiche says that men over 40 should be checked at regular inter - ZURICH LI S CRIB vals, and that women should under- go annual screening for possible cancer of the breast and cervix. The routine physical checkup probably represents the best means at our disposal for treating disease in its early stages. But practicing physicians simply don't have the time or the resources to "look at everybody for everything." That's why many of them recom- mend that the so-called "patient at SUMMER JAMBOREE RICH IDAY, ONTINUOUS DANCING ALL NIGHT Bto TWO BIGBANDS °'DESJARDINE" ORCHESTRA AND "JOE" OVERHOLT risk" should particularly avail him- self of this kind of preventive medicine. Who is this patient? Well, anyone with a family history of a particular disease — especially heart trouble, high blood pressure or cancer; peo- ple with serious weight change (loss or gain); those with persistent chest or abdominal pains, or a continuing And if you notice sudden changes in your general health — or if you just plain don't feel too well and haven't seen a doctor for a while — it's probably time to go along and have a checkup. Checkups often reveal incipient disease problems — problems that can be put right before they become too serious. Luigi: 12:30 - 1:30 p.m, Dinner: 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Weekends: 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. .t4h foffrkt, E n joy a fternoon Ten g� ins: er he Willow Tree 2 Zhe Bayfield For Reservations Call 565-2611 WNIE'Stwv'•, 1. ONTARIO SOX OFFICE OPEN 8 P M SHOW STARTS 8:30 P M WEDNESDAY - THURSD,Ir,Y - FRIDAY July 17.18.19 "MIND-BLOWING SUSPENSE!" EDWARD FOX Is The Jackal Sc,eenptay by KENNETH ROSS Mose by GEORGES DE LE SUE From the best -whiny Houk by FREDERICK FORSYTH A UNIVERSAL RELEASE rCHNICOL OR• WHEN HE RUNS OUT OF DUMB LUCK,IIE ALWAYS HAS GENIUS TO FALL BACK ON! WALTER MA1TNAU1 Adult Entertainment n m ql l+,an,h,, )OE DON BAKER FEEIGA EAHH ANO? R0 NSIIN SHEREE NORTH,1d,II!N VENNON Af1:atIIHX a�e,l,ifPNAtin1t1IMAN IA AN Kalif ;.,,...yam,..„ 1,.111IN ,a r+On, INII:dA1 n nr„.MINN, IAN; A nN4110111tnIlit if11N1111114'PANAVP,;lfN SAT. - SUN. - MON. - TUES. July 20 - 21 - 22. 23 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINEE "BEST ACTOR” Many of his fellow officers consider him the most dangerous man alive - an honest cop. A PARAMOUNT RELEASE DINO OE LAURENTIIS Peasants AL SIN®"SES®' Produced by MANT11a AnEDIMN Deeded by SIDNEY UNMET Screenplay by WALDO SALT end NQNRAAN IAIEMSN Based on the book by ATEA MIAAR Music by MIKell TNE000AAKIS The AN NEIN SIG SHORE Production Entertainment COMING NEXT THURS. FRI. & SAT. "THE WAY WE WERE" STREISAND & REDFORD PLUS "40 CARATS"