Zurich Citizens News, 1974-07-17, Page 13THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Auditor's Report FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1973 TO THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION: I have examined the Balance Sheet of the Huron County Board of Education as at December 31, 1973, the Revenue Fund, Statement of Operations and the Statement of Source and Application of Capi- tal Funds for the year then ended. My examination included a general review of the accounting procedures and such tests of accounting records and other supporting evidence as I considered necessary in the circumstances. BALANCE SHEET As at December 31, 1973 ASSETS Curreit Assets Revenue Fund Cash $ 85,403 Accounts Receivable: Municipalities: Under -requisitions .. 30,292 Other School Boards . ... . 100,775 Government of Ontario.... 445,183 Other ..._ • 7,273 Due from Other Funds: Capital 4,572 Prepaid Expenses 84,697 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS •...... $ 758,195 Fixed Assets Land Buildings Furniture and Equipment Buses Capital Fund $ 26,921 1,993 28,914 359,182 21,336,450 2,398,542 537,049 $ 758,195 $24,660,137 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Revenue Capital Fund Fund Accounts Payable Municipalities: Over -requisition $ 26,624 Other School Boards " 48,362 Trades Payable and Accrued Liabilities ......... ............. 483,209 Due to Other Funds: Revenue Total Current Liabilities In my opinion these Financial Statements present fairly the financial position of the Board as at December 31, 1973 and the results of its operations and the source and application of its capital funds for the year then ended, in accordance with accounting prin- ciples generally accepted for Ontario school boards applied on' a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. Goderich, Ontario, A. M. HARPER, May 31, 1974 Municipal Auditor -4440 NOTE: (1) Other Revenue includes transfers from the capital fund, proceeds from the sale of assets, insurance claims, earnings on temporary investments, reimbursement for services and other miscellaneous items that are in the nature of recovery of expenditure. (2) Local Taxation includes the total of the 1973 requisitions on muni- cipalities, supplementary taxes, license fees for trailers, taxes levied directly by school boards, and any other amounts provided by municipalities over and above the requisition, other than accounts in respect of sale of assets to a Municipality or revenue from shared cost programs. REVENUE FUND Statement of Operations FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PURPOSES for the year ended December 31, 1973 EXPENDITURE Business Administration $ 86,401 Computer Services 1,473 Instruction 3,967,318 90,452 2,258 448,882 Plant maintenance 83,153 14,926 Transportation 565,877 Tuition fees 17,083 4,572 Capital expenditure (non -allocable) 44,849 Other operating expenditure 19,044 Educational Services Attendance, health and food services... Plant operation 558,195 19,498 Long Term Liabilities Unmatured Debenture Debt 7,198,930 Less: Sinking Fund Reserve for Working Funds ... Investments in Fixed Assets 200,000 7,198,930 17,441,709 $ 758,195 $24,660,137 Note 1: There is a contingent liability of an unknown amount with respect to accumulated sick leave. REVENUE FUND Statement of Operations FOR SECONDARY SCHOOL PURPOSES for the year ended December 31, 1973 EXPENDITURE: Business Administration ..... .. ..... .. $ 82,516 Computer Services 1,407 Instruction ... 4,230,666 Educational Services 47,850 Attendance, Health and Food Services • . ..,5,587 Plant Operation 497,691 Plant Maintenance 55,259 Transportation 450,473 Tuition Fees ......... • 302,259 Capital Expenditures (non -allocable) 42,236 Other Operating Expenditure 21,00: Debt Charges on Capital Borrowing 393,118 Non-operating expenditures excluding transfers to reserves ... .. .. a5,772 TOTAL EXPENDITURE RECOVERY OF EXPENDITURE: Other School Boards ...... •Government of Ontario: tuition fees and miscellaneous ...__ .... Government of Canada Individuals (1) Other Revenue excluding transfers from Reserves $ 6,165,838 633,557 19,034 9,980 23,792 4,064 TOTAL RECOVERY OF EXPENDITURE._ $ 690,427 NET EXPENDITURE $ 5,475,411 Financing of Net Expenditure: Government of Ontario General Legislative Grants $ 4,101,103 Deal Taxation 1972 Over (under) Requisition ... .. ..... 13,260 (2) Local Taxation raised in 1973 1,330,756 Decrease (increase) in reserve . . 1,344,016 Net Under (over) Requisition Required .._. . to be applied to 1974 taxation 30,292 TOTAL .....................................................$ 5,475,411 Debt charges on capital borrowing 557,034 Non-operating expenditure excluding transfers to reserves 20,666 TOTAL EXPENDITURE RECOVERY OF EXPENDITURE Other School Boards Government of Ontario, tuition fees and miscellaneous Individuals (1) Other Revenue, excluding transfers from reserves TOTAL RECOVERY OF EXPENDITURE .... NET EXPENDITURE $ 5,904,490 $ 12,311 6,423 200 4,655 $ 23,589 $ 5,880,901 FINANCING OF NET EXPENDITURE Government of Ontario: General legislative grants $ 4,359,502 Local Taxation: 1972 Over (under) requisition .. 11,019 (2) Local taxation raised in 1973. 1,537,004 Decrease (increase) in reserve .... 1,548,023 Net under (over) Requisition required to be applied to 1974 taxation (26,624) TOTAL . . $ 5,$60,901 Statement of Source and Application of Capital Funds for the year ended December 31, 1973 SOURCE Unexpended funds at beginning of year $ 108,027 Capital expenditures from Revenue Fund 220,321 Federal sales tax refund 4,540 Bank interest 793 TOTAL ............. APPLICATION Fixed assets and work in progress: Buildings 169,437 Furniture and equipment 83,922 Buses 70,907 Other Unexpended funds at end of year TOTAL NOTE: The bank interest should have been shown revenue fund instead of in the capital fund. 333,681 324,266 9,415, $ 333,681 as revenue in the