Zurich Citizens News, 1974-07-17, Page 9THURSDAY, JULY" 18, 1974 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE 9 Golden Glimpses ® Y • 0 All the excitement of the election has come and gone it seems. We had a polling booth here and all who were able were on hand to cast their ball- ots. The residents enjoyed the program of the little tots from the summer Bible School under the direction of Mrs. Mary Foreman and Irene Clausius. On Tuesday evening, the ladies of Kippen United Church sponsored the monthly birthday party. The program consisted of a piano solo by Frances Kins- man, tap dance numbers by Shelly and Sandra Finlayson, vocal numbers by Debbie Con- sitt, Sharen Finlayson, Theresa Ferris and Sue Ann Finlayson who also played ukuleles. Mrs. Mary Broadfoot presided at the piano. Following the program birthday gifts were distributed to the following who celebrated birthdays during the month of July. Mrs. Rose Russell, Mrs. About people Mrs. Mark Bialkowski, of St. Thomas, spent last Friday visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stade. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Schilbe spent the weekend with friends in Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Blowes of Cambridge are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gascho. Larry Merner is a patient in University Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kirk and family, formerly of London, have moved into the home they purchased from Mrs. Hilton Truemner, Zurich. Emmanuel United Church BRUCE GUY, B.A. SUPPLY MINISTER Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist SUNDAY, JULY 21 10:30 a.m. - Dashwood United Church, Combined service, with Rev. Murdock Morrison, Preacher. Everyone Welcome mmuemmummmmmmmm aammoomemmmmw Zurich Mennonite CLAYTON KUEPFER, PASTOR SUNDAY, JULY 21 9:45 a.m.-Worship Service 10:45 a.m.-Sun. Church School MEDITATION- Cast thy burden upon the Lord and he shall sust- ain thee. He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. Psal. 55:22 Everyone Welcome Maggie Sleamon and Mr. Grant Edighoffer. Needless to say, all enjoyed the delicious lunch which was served following the program. We wish to welcome Mrs. Catherine Hicks of Centralia as a new resident here. A sincere thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Scotty Fox and Mrs. Amelia Prang for the beautiful bouquets of flowers which they have brought in from time to time. On Thursday afternoon some of the residents enjoyed a bus tour of Bayfield, up to Goderich and drove around the harbour. Friday afternoon another group of residents enjoyed a ride around Grand Bend and through the Pinery where many of them were interested in the many changes that have taken place since their last visit there. Bingo was enjoyed on Friday evening followed by refresh- ments. The following residents enjoy- ed outings with their families over the past week, Mr. Moses Erb, Mrs. Sarah Gingerich, Mrs. Mary Doerr, Miss Sue Hartman, Mrs. Alma Southcott, Mrs. Hannah Talbot and Mrs. Jenetta Finnigan has returned from a week's vacation with her family in Barrie. The Sunday evening chapel service was conducted by Rev. Harold Snell, of Exeter. Mrs. Margaret Coates presided at the organ during the worship service. St. Peter's Lutheran Church A. C. BLACKWELL, B.A., B,D, PASTOR Mrs. Audrey Haberer, Organist SUNDAY, JULY 21 10: a.m. - Worship Service 10:45 a.m. -Sun Church School Everyone Welcome mansmonommisminaumemmm Lakeview Conservative Mennonite Church MERLIN BENDER, PASTOR SUNDAY, JULY 21 10 a.m.- Sunday School 11 a.m.- Worship Service 8 p.m.- Sun Evening Service EVERY WEDNESDAY 8 :00 p.m. - Prayer and Bible Study GOD UNFAILING The Just Lord is in the midst thereof; he will not do inequity, every morning doth he bring his judgement to light; he faileth not. He faileth not - for He is gone, He faileth not - IIes' pledged His Word. He faileth not - He'll see you through, This God with whom we have to do, Zephanieh 3:5 Everyone Welcome Board studies rates The Ontario Energy Board, presently conducting public hearings on Ontario Hydro's proposed rate increases for 1975, may attempt to measure the impact of those increases. Addressing the Toronto hearings, R.W. Macaulay, the Board's legal counsel said, "One of the very best ways of getting at some of the impact, is to cross-examine some of the municipalities on their ability to absorb it." He added that he would attempt to obtain municipal utility opinions on what is likely to happen within the municipality in "trying to pass on these increased rates." Hydro is proposing a 15 per cent increase to municipal utilities and a 16 per cent increase to the direct industrial customers in the province. Several municipal electrical utilities and the Association of Direct Customers of Ontario Hydro (ADCOH) which repres- ents some 37 major industries have indicated their inability to absorb the rates. There is implicit, if not an explicit allegation, " Mr. Macaulay said, "that their customers either cannot absorb them (the increases) or there will be difficulty in doing it, " he said. "In the setting of rates, I take the position that no tribun- al should seta rate which is going to destroy the customer in the process, " said the Board counsel. "I think a tribunal has to see the effect," Mr. Macaulay asked the legal counsel for ADCOH to obtain, from each cornpany belonging to the Association, replies to some 35 questions which he believes may assist in measuring the impact of increased electrical rates, "You are either not going to walk down the path at all, or you are going to go as far as (continued on page 19) McCann Const. Ltd. DASHWOOD Phone 237-3381 or 237-3422 THANK YOU! We wish to take this opportunity of saying "THANK YOU" to all our loyal friends and customers for the generous pat- ronage and kindness shown us over the years, It was sincerely appreciated. At the same time we wish to extend our Best Wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Ron Heimrich, the new owners of the Zurich Variety Store. Leeland and Anne Willert CHUCK STEAK COUNTRY STYLE SHORT RIB ROAST SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLL BUTT PORK CHOPS STORE SLICED FAMILY PACK GOLDEN YELLOW ANANAS ONTARIO NO 1 HEAD LETTUCE ONTARIO NO 1 - 10 LB BAG NEW POTATOES LB 19t EA FRESH PORK Wider". ast 534 LB SUPER FREEZER BUY RED BRAND "A-1" STEER 294 HI S of BEEF 99cLB (Price subject to present stock only) 994 PLUS DEPOSIT Coke 26 oz 5/$1 BANANA SPLIT HAWAIIAN JUBILEE 1/2 GAL Ice -Cream SI DEL OOD'S '$1049 5 LB BOX Tide Detergent $1.99 EVAPORATED 16 OZ TIN Carnation Milk 2/57 KADONA 100's Tea Bags 69C HEINZ 12 OZ Green Relish 3/$1 ANGEL FOOD 15 OZ Westons Cake 79C WESTON'S 10 OZ (Save 10¢) Date Turnovers 49c INV RIE SRS MOO TO LINT AOROMTUS. s PHONE 238-2512 -m GRAND BEND