Zurich Citizens News, 1974-07-17, Page 6PAGE 6 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1974 News of Dashwood Mrs. Aaron Restemayer had the misfortune to fall from a ladder fracturing her right arm. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cudmore, Willowdale, spent the weekend Watch rot "Whether you are growing staked, pole, field or cherry tomatoes, all can suffer from blossom -end rot, " says J,K. Hughes, a horticulturist with the Ontario Ministry of Agric- ulture and Food. The disease is usually related to a deficiency of calcium and/ or water stress from lack of soil water. Fruit becomes mis- shapen and black, dead areas develop near the blossom end, opposite to where it joins the plant. Application of a fertilizer such as calcium nitrate and gypsum willhelp supply suffic- ient calcium to the plants. If water stress is the cause, frequent watering early in the mroning is necessary. Mr. Hughes cautions against water- ing tomatoes in the evening. "Early -morning watering will give the plants time to dry off, and lessen the chance of botry- tis fruit rot developing." To help maintain uniform soil moisture, a mulch such as straw, grass clippings or thin black plastic may be added around the plants. Close, deep cultivation late in the season should be avoided. Steer This Way BY LARRY SNIDER Insects are a real threat to summer driving. Not only windshields, but headlights and front grill should be check- ed and cleaned regularly. Bug buildup on grill interferes with cooling air flow, hurts perfor- mance. Clutch slippage, in a manual - transmission car, may develop if owner has a habit of resting his left foot on clutch while driving, or if pedal adjustment has been neglected. Excessive wear in center of tire tread usually indicates tire was overinflated. Remove luggage rack when y ou're not using it. Adds to car's wind resistance, adds strain to engine, adds to your gas bill. The alternator should be checked every 5,000 miles, more often if car spends a lot of time on dusty dirt roads. It should be kept dry and clean, and the wiring and connec- tions inspected. Regular maintenance of course • but the car you buy at Larry Sniders is designed to give you years of trouble- free service. Larry Snider MOTORS LIMITED EXETER 235-1640 LONDON 227-4191 Huron County's Largest Ford Dealer Drive in soon! with Mr: and Mrs. Albert Rad- er. Miss Doris Stephan, Woodham spent a few days with her grand- mother Mrs. William Beierling, Mrs. Morris Denomme has returned home from South Huror Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rader and Darlene vacationed last week at Wasaga Beach, Mrs. Harold Stire AWCM, announces results of her piano pupils with the Western Conserv- atory of music as follows, Barb- ara Ratz, grade u piano, pass; Yvonne Turnbull, grade II rudiments, honors. Pastor and Mrs. Arthur Rader and Marc, Edmonton, Alberta, are vacationing with Mr. and Mrs, Elgin Rader and Brian. Huron -Middlesex John Lyndon, Liberal; Robert McKinley, Progressive Conserva- tive; Mrs. Shirley Weary, NDP. L. Mc. W. Ailsa Craig 109 186 15 Ashfield 288 419 15 Bayfield 67 228 24 Biddulph 410 333 69 Blyth 104 298 13 Brussels 138 349 23 Clinton 416 902 71 Colborne 197 398 54 Exeter 493 1138 95 Goderich . 1279 1899 255 Goderich Twp302 521 46 prey 282 444 66 Hay 334 580 61 Hensall 141 334 20 Howick 471 751 101 Hullet 261 424 32 Lucan 218 295 63 McGillivray 353 454 44 McKillop 314 339 31 Morris 248 481 45 Seaforth 403 625 35 Stanley 174 575 23 Stephen 562 881 142 Turnberry ...... ,248 364 92 Tuckersmith ....494 757 97 Usborne 212 323 38 E. Wawanosh 187 302 29 W. Wawanosh 211 292 28 Wingham 667 879 67 Zurich 172 240 14 Advance Poll 392 511 42 Totals 10039 17204 1752 Majority for McKinley 7,165 76% Voter Turnout Make your will work Everyone should make a will. Your lawyer will draw it up to suit your individual wishes. Then the experienced specialists at Victoria and Grey Trust will take it from there and make sure — as your trustee — that your intentions are fulfilled both efficiently and sympathetically. Talk it over today with Victoria and Grey. Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation VICTORIA.n, GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 Kurt Bowman, Manager Main St., Exeter 235-0530' Sunday visitors were Mrs. Ivan Taylor, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Gernet Weiberg, Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kraft, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Gamble, London; Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Rader and family, Stratford; Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Herman and grandchildren, Shakespeare; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rader and Tammy, Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rader and Mich- ael, and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Rader, Heather and Allan. A former resident of Zurich, passed away at the Brunner Nursing Horne, Millbank. The funeral was held at the Omend Funeral Home, New Hamburg, with interment ID Dashwood United Church cemetery. i4 1/4 1< Nt''•L'! z< `y. Ontario believes that residents 65 or over, the blind an the disabled should have an income of at least $2600 a year In July, Ontario will introduce a Special Benefits program. it will place extra funds on top of federal Guaranteed Income Supplements—enough to guarantee the elderly who are qualified residents of Ontario an income of $2600 a year. Blind and disabled people who qualify for Family Benefits will also be entitled to these special benefits. Beginning September I, approved drugs prescribed by a doctor or dentist will be available, free of charge, to those qualifying for the special benefits outlined above, Family Benefits or the federal Guaranteed Income Supplement. Drug cards will be Miiailed automatically. You don't have to apply for them. Who will receive these special benefits? If you arc 65 or over (with an annual income of Icss than S2600)...and you now receive both Old Age Security and the Guaranteed Income Supplement... vou will receive your benefits cheque each month, automatically. You do not have to apply for it. If you are 65 or over (with an annual income of less than S2600)...and You do not receive a,iv federal income supplement... .please give us a call. Our telephone number is shown below. If you are blind or disabled... and you now receive assistance under Ontario's Family Benefit Program... you will receive your benefits cheque each month. automaticallv,\'ou do not have to apply for it. if you are blind or disabled... and vou do not receive Provincial assistance... please give us a call. Our telephone number is shown below. Any questions? Call us, free of charge. Dial "0" and ask the operator for Zenith 8-2000 Residents within the Metro Toronto local calling area should dial 965-8470. Ontario GUARANTEED ANNUAL INCOME SYSTEM Arthur Meen, Minister of Revenue William Davis, Premier Rene Brunelle, Minister of Community and Social Services Frpnk Miller, Minister of Health 74-H22B 11 • • s cwt