Zurich Citizens News, 1974-07-17, Page 2PAGE 2 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS FIGHT GRASS FIRE- The Zurich Fire Department were called to the farm of' David Blackwell, R.R.2, Hensall, on Monday, to quell a stubborn blaze which had broken out in a hay field. Several acres of choice hay were destroyed before the brigade arrived at the scene and managed to extinguish the blaze. A couple of the firemen are seen in this photo pouring water on the burning crop of hay. Varna A shower was held in the Township Hall for Joyce Tay- lor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Taylor on a week ago Tuesday night with about 125 in attendance. Mrs. Doug Mc - Ash and Mrs. Bob Webster were in charge of the following program, A mock wedding by using puppets was presented. Five numbers were sung by young girls of the village. Mrs. Ida McClinchey gave a monol- ogue on Grandma's Girlhood, comparing her way of living with today's way of life for Joyce. Gifts were presented and lunch served. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Doug McAsh and family for the �► past weekend were Elaine Turner and Paula Raymond, of Sault Ste. Marie. Several members of the Orange Lodge attended the cel- ebration of the 12th of July in St. Thomas on Saturday, Brenda Dowson, Bonnie Dowson, Lori Consitt and Jackie Taylor, twirled their batons and joined in the parage. Kippen news St. Andrews church held their Sunday School picnic at River- view Park, Exeter, on July 7. Results of the races: pre- school, Christine Cooper; kindergarten, Mavis Turner; Primary girls, Melanie Lovell; Primary boys, Philip Lovell. Intermediate class, Nancy McGregor; Junior class, Tim .Lovell, Senior girls, Debbie Consitt, Senior Boys, Greg Love; Married ladies, Myra Lovell, Married men, David Cooper. Wheelbarrow race, Mark and Les Consitt; girl's kick the slipper, Robyn McLellan; Boy's kick the slipper, Tim Lovell, ladies kick the slipper, Myra Lovell; men's kick the slipper, Peter DeWys Orange relay race, Keith Lovell's team, Life Safer race, Laird Finlay's team; lucky spot, Barb Cooper; guesting jar, Bob Cooper; lucky plate, Grace McBride. There was also a candy scramble and a wonder- ful picnic lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc- Gregor and Mr. and Mrs. Will - COMPLETE REDUCTION ON ALL Ladies & Childrens Summer Wear SAVINGS UP TO 50% TAYLOR'S MAIN ST. Ready to Wear H ENSALL iam Bell are presently on tour • in Europe with the Huron County Beef Producers under the lead- ership of Stan Paquette. 1 Give TH URS Df Let Live BE A REGULAR BLOOD DONOR Come to the clinic in Zurich on Tuesday, July 30 Kinsmen Club of Hensall HARD TYMES DANCE ICE SURFACE — HENSALL ARENA Sat., July 20, 1974 Music by: "MOZARTS MELODY MAKERS" (ALL PROCEED$ FOR CF) $4.00 Per Couple Refreshments Available BALL - MACAULAY Ltd. BUILDING CE ARE YOU PLANNING TO ERECT OR RENOVATE FARM BUILDINGS? VVe Offer You A Complsite Farm Building Service We Ca Provide complete service from basic m teri®ls h;' a finished barn y;r shed CALL US FOR ASSISTANCE IN PLANNING YOUR BUILDING AND A FREE ESTIMATE. MAKE BALL-MACAULAY YOUR BUILDING SUPPLY CENTRE FOi ALL YOUR REQUIREMENTS BALL -MA CA ULA Y LTD. BUILDING SUP:LIE5 Clinton .• ;2.9514 — Kansa 262-2713 — Seaforth 527.0910 tr ihe,4 4.4 P0#4,44~44V44 6,0,0 Tr?4ar,d.o.fos..., a� na�.n a smr remra�n oo��dd 3