Zurich Citizens News, 1974-07-04, Page 34THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1974 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE 19 MARRIED 55 YEARS - Mr. and Mrs, Henry Atkins were honoured by members of their family recently on the occasion of their 55th Wedding Anniversary. The couple have lived in Hay Township for most of their married life. A dinner was held in their honour at the Bavarian Inn, Bayfield. Couple honored on 60th anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Richard Robin- son, a highly respected Stanley Township couple, celebrated 101 Dashwood Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Weber accompanied by Mrs. Vivian Eagleson, Parkhill, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Eric Eagleson and Marshall, Man- itoulin Island. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rader and Darlene vacationed at Niagara Falls and St. Cather - hies last week where they call- ed on Mrs. Louis Higinell. The Altar Guild of Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid for July is Mrs. Valentine Becker and Mrs. Irvin Rader. The bake sale which had to be postponed on account of two funerals will be held this Saturday, July 13. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stormes and family, St. Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cornelious and family, Sarnia were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Haist and Mrs. Laura Grace of Pine- llas Park, Florida, have return- ed home following a pleasant trip to Dinsmore, Sask., where they attended the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Haist's grandson, Gary Dutertre to Brenda Rouse, of Milden, Sask. They also visited relatives at Atlanta, Caseville, Pigeon and Kelman- augh, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. George Grenier have returned home after a pleasant ten day vacation at Edmonton and Bonneville, Alberta, where they visited with George's brother Mike and his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Emile Valle on the occ- asion of their 25th wedding anniversary. They also visited many other places of interest. La their Diamond Wedding Anniv- ersary at their farm on Goshen Line north, , On Sunday a family dinner was served at their home when they were joined by thirty fam- ily members and relatives. Mr. Robinson's brother, Rev. W.O. Robinson, said grace and their son Bill spoke briefly in apprec- iation of his parents. On their actual anniversary date, June 25, relatives and church friends called to extend their congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson's son, John, had assisted his mother in beautify- ing the yard that it might look its best after one hundred and twenty years in the Robinson family. Richard Robinson and Ethel Emerson were married at the home of the bride's parents, near MacGregor, Manitoba. Richard moved west in 1903 living some 25 years of his life is Sask. The Robinsons have two sons, Bill and John and one daughter Norene Hayter. They also have 12 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren. Beautiful gifts and flowers were received, also many cards of congratulations including a congratulatory plaque from Premier Davis, presented by John Riddell, MPP from Huron. Mr, and Mrs. Robinson have been very active in the work of the church with Mr. Robinson singing in the choir for some 75 years. There are 36 acres of forest for every person in Canada.` In general. the heavier the wood, the better it is for fuel. Some species of trees bear both male and female flowers.. CONTINUES TIL TUESDAY, JULY 16 FRIDAY & SATURDAY, JULY 12 & 13 AT 7:30 & 9:30 WINNER 7 ACADEMY AWARDS t /I'HII , d' ; vkQUl JC T 1( e, iJI A GEORGE ROY HILL FILM THE STING A RICHARD D ZANUCK DAVID BROWN PRESENTATION BEST • PICTURE • BEST DIRECTOR • BEST STORY AND SCREENPLAY (Ung,naI) • BEST FILM EDITING • BEST ART DIRECTION • BEST SCORING Allilptatlunl • BEST COSTUME DESIGN (For your fullest enjoyment — you must see this film from the beginning.) Witten ,.,:.. DAVID S. WARD • GEORGE ROY HILL - TONY BILL and MICHAEL & JULIA PHILLIPS Mus,c Adapted ov MARVIN NAM; t.,1 t1 t r.0 t a 1 lli. A l .',.v f otc n2I COMING WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY 4 MG DAYS JULY 17, 18, 19, 2G BUTCH & THE KID ARE BACKI Just for the fun of it! PAUL NEWMAN ROBERT REDFORD KATHARINE ROSS. "BUTCH CASSIDYAND THE SUNDANCE KID" Hear BURT BACHARACHS "Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head" as sung by B. J. Thomas. 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524-7811 MR CONDITIONED'' THIS FILM CONTAINS SEXUAL ACTIVITIES IAI ARNI Jt• AND MATERIAL WHICH MAY BE OFFENSIVE . TO SOME ADMITTANCE RESTRICTEb TO PERSONS 11 TEARS Of AG OR OVER A FILM SO EXPLICIT, EROTIC AND VIVIDLY GRAPHIC IT W ILL MAKE ALL OTHER .' SEXUALLY ORIENTED FILMS UNIMPORTANT • IF YOU ARE A MATURE ADULT AND, HAVE SEEN, THEMAoU Mu T.MEANUAL THE FULL REVELATION OF THEWHY, THE WHO & THE HOW Added Enjoyment OPEN 8:00. STS. JUST( DElIVE•IN T!EATIE .,8 .GGIER G CQNCESSI t,ll O JHEY SHAHEO EVEHYIHING! • THE MONEY • THE DANGER THE WOMEN!