Zurich Citizens News, 1974-07-04, Page 31PAGE 16 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1974 ZURICH PUBLIC SCHOOL Grades 7 and 8 students enjoy a game of football in the chuckwagon circle during a 2 1/2 day visit to the Camp Sylvan Conservation School which is an outdoor educ- ation project sponsored by the Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority. SK EEP .,yr The 1974 Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority's S.W.E.E.P, (Students Working in an Environmental Enhance- ment Program) is into full swing with this week's addition of three work crews. The crews, consisting of stu- dents from all over the Bayfield and Ausable River's watersheds will be carrying out various jobs for the Conservation Auth- ority as well as the various municipalities in the Authority's area of jurisdiction. The mun- icipalities send in requests for SWEEP aid on many jobs which are included in the work program during the summer. Exeter Crew 1, which began work early, completed a cleanup project on the main beach at Grand Bend, as well as roadside cleanup in Hibbert and Tuckersmith Townships, and the fixing of a monument in Harpurhey, just west of Seaforth. They are currently working on a project at the Hensall cemetery in Hensall Ontario. The work they will be doing there consists of const- ructing a fence around the cem- etery, straightening tombstones, ram 4 wings into pruning trees and painting benches. The crew is scheduled to spend about a week on this project. Blaine Stephenson, of Varna, is the crew foreman and the crew members include Bill Wilson, of 81 Hill St. Exeter, Shelley Weber of R. R. 3, Dashwood, Paul Jeffery of R,R.1, Hensall, Leisa Ritchie, of R.R.1, Centralia, and Linda Hern of R.R.1, Woodham. The Exeter Crew 2, under their foreman Ted Jones, of Exeter, has been busy at the Bannockburn Wildlife Manage- ment Area. This area is an Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority property being devel- oped to encourage small wild- life to inhabit the area and to provide an area suitable for nature study. Here the crew has cleared an area for a park- ing lot and begun the construct- ion of two walking bridges over the Bannockburn River. These facilities will be very useful to those people who use the area especially during periods of high water. The building of brush piles by the crews en- courages small wildlife to inhabit the area, making it an ************* ******* SERF I RTH LIONS 39th arm FOUR NIGHTS, WED. — THURS. -- FRY. — s.T. DIFFERENT PROGRAM EVERY NIGHT WED. — 2 mato open, boys and girls bicycle race ending asiy the Park about 8:15. Entry formas available at the Fmk Rooth at 9:00 am. on Friday, duly 12th. First 20 entries only accepted. Prime contributed by g- 1We* are first: Watch, Value $100; 2nd, Travel Bag, Valise 916.00e S rLI Travel a , Vable Z015.00. If weather 'Mable race will be held follow nigh - HURS. --Earl "::eywood pate's two dhows featuring mnasdo and ramie. FEL Se forth and Clinton tem compete in a swim meet. If weather unfavorable meet will be +..=. d Saturday night. iT.-- Silver Strings in 2 ohms at 8:80 and 10;00 p.m. Dr ing for 4 Quarters of Beef MONSTER RIN131.0 BRIPIVAY . PENNY SALE is GAMES of CELAhZ 3FRRY-GO-RO3IA r.F� MS�EL- H. Adruleidon FR= — Perms svai[abie a. 0;00 POP car ction even more interesting place to visit. Construction of signs to aid the public in locating the area will also be a part of the crew's job in the Bannockburn area. This crew, known as Exeter Crew 2, consists of Mary Marg- aret Jeffery of R.R.1, Hensall, Rick Hayter, of Dashwood, Keith Crittenden of 12 Orange St., Clinton, George Van Esbroeck, of R. R.1, Hensall and Judy Miller of R. R.1, Dashwood. Another crew, working out of the Parkhill area, under fore- man Malcolm McLain, of R.R. 6, Strathroy, is currently doing Authority work at the Parkhill Conservation Area. The work consists of maintaining nature trails as well as developing further hiking and cross country ski trails. The crew members will also be painting booths and privies. A good recreation program is being conducted at the Parkhill Conservation Area for the summer and the Park- hill Crew will be working on the construction of recreation facilities including a baseball diamond, volleyball area and a path to the canoe dock. This crew consists of Ron and Mary McEachen, both of R. R.4, Parkhill, Bill Kunz, of Seaforth, Martha Horn, of R.R.1, Den- field, and Kerry Amos of R.R, 8, Parkhill. Four other students working on the Authority crew this summer are Doug Carroll of Dashwood, Jeff Beck, of Hensall, David Street, Blyth, and Barb Rosser, of Ailsa Craig. Barb Rosser works full time at the Port Franks Boat Ramps, while the other three crew members RECE'TI H FOR Mr. & Mrs. Frank Boyce VARNA on the occasion of their 50th edding Anniversar FRIDAY, JULY 19 Bayfield Community Centre EVERYONE WELCOME do Authority work including manning the Parkhill Conservat- ion Area concession booth and gatehouse, and also cutting grass and other maintenance. These crew members are working under the supervision of Jim Cousins of Exeter, who is employed on the SWEEP tech- nical staff at the Ausable- Bayfield Conservation Authority. The SWEEP Program is des- igned to provide an educational working experience for students and is sponsored by the Ministry of Natural Resources GE Sat rdt y, July 13 music by MOZARTS MELODY MAKERS TRY OUR SPARERIBS, PIGTAILS STEAKBURGERS, FISH OR CHICKEN. PHONE FOR YOUR RESERVATION 262-2673 236-4213 236-4610 mid nks -- to the electors in the Constituency of Huron -Middlesex, for the gratifying exp- ression of support and confidence. I will endeavour to represent all consituents to the best of my ability. A very special thanks to all those who participated in the campaign. sincere 1,1 99 * JOHN LYNDON