Zurich Citizens News, 1974-07-04, Page 28THURSDAY, JULY" 11, 1974 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE 13 ears ao Fifty friends and relatives of Mr, and Mrs. William Truem- ner gathered at their home to celebrate Mr. and Mrs. Truem- ner's 25th wedding anniversary. Last Wednesday morning 60 autos participating in the Listo- wel motor hike made a stop in Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eickme- ier, Misses Flossie and Gertie Weber, all of Zurich, motored to Brodhagen on Sunday to attend the Synod of the Luth- eran church, which was in session there. Large catches of fish are being caught almost daily at the lake at St. Joseph by the pound net fishermen. The annual district meeting of the South Huron Branch of the Women's Institute was held in Senior's 1-lall, Exeter, on Thursday, June 12. Mrs. J. FIey, Zurich, was elected President, and Mrs. T.L. Williams, direc- tor. A goodly number of villagers attended the picnics at Grand Bend last Thursday afternoon. Last Friday evening Mr. Elzar Mousseau, of Zurich, fractured his arm while riding Music results of rea students Results of music exams have been released from the Royal Conservatory of Music. Pupils of Miss Idella Gabel, ARCT, grade 10 piano, honours, Sue Davis; grade eight piano, pass, Elizabeth Deichert; grade five piano, honors, Torn Hayter; pass, Julia Armstrong; grade four, piano, honours, Maureen Hartman. his bicycle in front of W.L. Siebert's residence. 35 Years Ago The back streets in Zurich received their annual dose of calcium on Tuesday. A few hours later a heavy downpour of rain washed most of it down the drains. Two marriages were solemn- ized on July 1: Catherine Mern- er became the bride of Carl Burn and Veola Klopp became the bride of Gordon Howald. On Sunday morning thieves entered the butcher shop of Milford Merner, Dashwood. Finding only three coppers in the till, the burglars left with a supply of meat and sausages. Charles Thiel, Ross Johnston, Clarence Farwell, Miss Thelma Fisher, all of Zurich; Miss Wright, of London, and Miss Smale, of 1-Iensall enjoyed a motor trip to Callender and other points of interest over the weekend. Construction of new rural hydro lines in various sections of Huron County this year ind- icates that many more farms will have power installed. 25 Years Age On Friday, July 1, the Zurich Mennonite Church will cele- brate the re -dedication of their church, of which vast improve- ments have been made during the past year. Miss Anita Datars, of Zurich, is spending the summer months at Grand Bend where she has accepted a position. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Thiel are enjoying a trip through the Montana Rockies. The location of the Commun- ity Centre and Arena in Zurich was dediced upon at a public meeting held at the Township Hall. SUMMERTIME FURNITURE SAVINGS...FOR TOTAL OUTDOOR FUN, COMFORT *4.10A. to, Chaise Lounges '! Folding Law Chairs CHOOSE FROM OUR WIDE SELECTION Westlake Furniture 236-4365 ZURICH 10 Years Ago At the regular meeting of the council of Hay Township on Monday night, councillors agreed to sell a 10 -foot strip of land between the St. Joseph Esso Service station and the residence of Charles Burgess, to Mr. Burgess. The village of Grand Bend has warned for Hay Municip- al Telephone System at Zurich that the village may begin bill- ing the system for costs to whoch the Bend's fire depart- ment is put, due to false fire alarms. After being approached by ratepayers, several members of the council felt that the poss- ibility of provincial police prot- ection for Hensall should be looked into. Council felt that Mr.. Davis should not have to be on call day and night. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ducharme Sr., attended the double wed- ding of their grand-daughers, Marlene and Rosalea Denomme, Goshen United Church was well filled on Sunday, June 28, for the dedication of the new Hammond organ which the con- gregation had purchased this spring. FRESH BREAD 2 Loaves 694 10 Loaves $3.39 TASTY -NU BAKERY ZURICH • For ORE INT L Latex each gall °" of Moore's Nouse Painnttor rGOrd quad Nouse Rrint you buy -we'll man yourchace o{any BenjamTh Moore trO product!c .„'.t•.. Ikornl+mm Moe PAINTS House Paint EXTERIOR GLOSS FINISH • For wood siding, doors & trim. • Covers most surfaces in one coat. • Long lasting durability & excellent gloss retention. GALLON AM We UM 100 OM ® WaS8Y0 MO MEN •:�MME r ::$?ft0.4.'G li7! MOORGARD® LOW LUSTRE LATEX HOUSE PAIN"( • Easy brushing— quick drying. • Resists blisteriAg, • Non fading colors stay clean & bright. G ALL ON M. ®® Ifs OM 0818 OMR NOM SEMI IRO IWO 1:11111 MVO _. ..a.w... ...,...... '4::• •'t:'. PLEASE FILL OUT IN FULL: I purchased --gallons oi: 0 Moore's HOUSE PAINT 0 MoorGard and received as a BONUS gallons quarts. NAME ADDRESS CITY D,1 � Nl 1l;;"" .. r .• i1I 4tr. : �•.... a O� Or o0 1!O ®1®I ASO 81N 9BA. .....:.,\'•.Uk2v::..+::;,+:q:.a.;:;:<:>..Sa:::%:•a^z I TAKE THIS COUPON- TO ZURICH PHONE 236-4911 HARDWARE MAIN INTERSECTION — ZURICH