Zurich Citizens News, 1974-07-04, Page 25THURSDAY, JULY '11, 1974 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE 9 TODAY'S CHILD BY HELEN ALLEN • Eddie, 14, is short, sturdy and healthy, Anglo-Saxon in descent. He has brown eyes, dark hair and fair, clear skin. He wears glasses for short-sightedness. Eddie is an intelligent, outgoing lad with a nice sense of humor. He is going into Grade eight. Though high average in intelligence he has some learning difficulties and at present lacks a well developed sense of responsibility in regard to school work. Verbally he is above average and is a delightful, vivacious conversationalist. Eddie enjoys attention — sometimes seeking it in ways which can be irritating to adults. At other times he will be con- scientious and helpful, obviously relishing the approval generated by this kind of behavior. Fishing is Eddie's hobby. He belongs to the YMCA and reads a great deal on a variety of subjects. Eddie needs a home where he will be the youngest family member and where the parents are warm, stimulating and at the same time firm. For such parents he will be a rewarding son. To inquire about adopting Eddie, please write to Today's Child, Ministry of Community and Social Services, Box 888, Station K, Toronto M4P 2H2. For further general information, please contact your local Children's Aid Society. FISHING HIS HOBBY Emmanuel United Church BRUCE GUY, B.A. SUPPLY MINISTER Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist SUNDAY, JULY 14 10:a. m. - Sunday School ll:a.m, - Worship Service Everyone Welcome immo immemaimsimmom Zurich Mennonite CLAYTON KUEPFER, PASTOR SUNDAY, JULY 14 9:45 a.m.-Worship Service 10:45 a.m. -Sunday School Friday 7.45 p.m. Vacation Bible School Program at Zurich School Gym. Sat. - 8 p. m. MYF Wiener roast and baseball game at Ken Gascho's Park. MEDITATION - But without faith it is impossible to please him; for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him, Heb. 11.6 Everyone Welcome Eimmemsemsvimmmumme meamsommommormmomm St. Peter's .Lutheran Church A.C. BLACKWELL, B.A., B.D. PASTOR Mrs. Audrey Haberer, Organist SUNDAY, JULY 14 10: a.m. - Worship Service 10:45 a.m. -Sun Church School Everyone Welcome suramimmiesammominamis ummi Lakeview Conservative Mennonite Church MERLIN BENDER, PASTOR SUNDAY, JULY 14 10 a.m. - Sunday School 11 a. m. - Worship Service 8 p. m. - Sun Evening Service EVERY WEDNESDAY 8:00 p.m. - Prayer and Bible Study 11 Corinthians 6:2 - Now is the accepted time, behold, now is the day of Salvation. "Time was --is past!" Thou canst not it recall. Time is --thou hast: "Employ the portion small." Time future is not'and may never be. Time present is the only time for thee. Everyone Welcome massziansmosommainewm Golden Glimpses BLUE WATER REST HOME Mother Nature has certainly turned on the heat for election day, By the time this column reaches you we will know how the race ended, This past week was one of those quiet weeks where activ- ity seemed to be at a minimum. buss Reta Farwell, of Zurich has been appointed by the ,Department of Social and Fam- ily Services to work on the SISS program (Students involved in Social Services) for the summer months Isere at the Home. Her work will involve assisting residents with letters, seeing that they get out for fresh air, and many little things that the ordinary staff do not have the time to do. Reta is not a stranger to us since she was a regular visitor during the years her grandmother was a resident here. We regret that Mrs. Rebecca Clarke is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Residents enjoying outings with their families during the past week were Mr. Andrew Dougall, Mrs. Hannah Talbot, Mr. John Jones, Mrs. Susie Snider, Mrs. A ice Traquair, Mrs. Jenrette Finnigan, Mr. Moses Erb, Mrs. Sarah Douglas and Mrs. .Viary Doerr. Since the weather had moder- ated a bit on Thursday, the residents were able to get out for a bus trip. Friday evening was spent playing bingo followed by ref- reshments. Congratulations are in order for Mr. and Mrs. William Pass- more who celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary on Sunday, All of the family were present along with several grandchildrer great grandchildren and other friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. McKinley dropp- ed in to offer their good wishes as well. We wish to thank Mr. Bob Heywood, of Exeter, who entertained the celebrants and their guests during the afternoon Refreshments were served by the kitchen staff including an anniversary cake, The Sunday evening chapel service was conducted by Rev. Harold Dobson, of Grand Bend. 0 About people you know! Rev. Lloyd H. Kalbfleisch conducted the regular services in St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Milverton, and in St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Ellice, on Sunday June 30 and July 7. He was accompanied by Mrs. Kalb- fleisch. Vacation Bible School Program at the ZURICH PUBLIC SCHOOL on FRIDAY, JULY 12 Parents and friends or anyone who would like to see a display of the work done in Bible School, are invited to attend. DISPLAY FROM 7 to 8 - PROGRAM AT 8 BONELESS IN EVERY AISLE SCI( NEIDER' S B Y- THE- PIECE Sirloin Steak l.B$1.791 Bologna COUNTRY STYLE Pork Ribs LB 99' BY -THE- PIECE Slab Bacon LB 79c COOKED 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 LBS Dinner Ham LB $1.29 i 'Swifts WeinersLB 79` OUR OWN LB 79c LB Country Sausage 89` STORE SLICED Cooked Ham LB $1.49 WATERMELON U.S. NO.1 SANTA ROSA U.S. NO 1 PLUMS TOMATOES 2 LBS. 85C EA$1.27 U.S. NO1 PEACHES SILVERWOOD'S DELUXE Ice Cream PINTS Butter CANADA NO 1 Coffee MAXWELLLB OUSE 1 GS Lemonade ' SUNKIST 12 OZ 2/89 LB 83t $1.09 2/65C ESSEX 14 OZ Corn Beef Hash 99t A.S.A. 500's Aspirin Tablets $1.45 2/891 OLD SOUTH Orange Juice 12 OZ W IIWRVE .TN RIONT TO ROOT AWAaa . THE TENDER SPOT PHONE 238.2512 — GR4' NP BEND