Zurich Citizens News, 1974-07-04, Page 11THUR.DAY, JULY 4, 1974 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS RETIRE FROM VARIETY STORE - After a little over 25 years of operating the Zurich Variety Store, Lee and Anne Willert have retired as of July.l. The popular Zurich couple have sold the business to Mr. and Mrs. Ron Fleimrich, who have taken up residence in the adjoining living quarters, while the Willerts have temporarily moved to a farm home on the Parr Line. Prior to operating the Zurich Variety Store, Mr. and Mrs. Willert operated Tasty -Nu Bakery for some years, and before that he operated the former Zurich Dairy. Now they will enjoy a well-deserved retire- ment. News of Dashwood Relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rader, Strat- ford, attended a reception in their honor at Tavistock Com- munity Centre, Saturday, June 29. They were married June 25, 1949 by Rev. Louis Higinell in Zion Lutheran Church, Dashwood, and farmed on the 14th concession of Hay Township until selling their farm and moving to Stratford. The reception was arranged by their children, Philip, Douglas, Jim, and Dianne. Mrs. Rader is the former Arvis Haugh, daughter of Mrs. Hilda Haugh and the Late William Haugh; Elmer is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Rader, Miss Sharon Rader, London, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Irvin Rader. Mrs. Frieda Keller has return- ed home from Victoria Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Burke and Susan, Brampton, spent the weekend with Milt Haugh. Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold Mill- er, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Miller and family attended the Jacober Stumpf wedding at Kitchener, Saturday, June 29. The bride, daughter •of Mr. arid Mrs. Earl Stumpf, is their niece. Mrs. Nora Koessel, Rev. and Mrs. Louis Dorn and family, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Koessel and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Schultz and family, all of SUMMERTIME FURNITURE SAVINGS . , a FOR TOTAL OUTDOOR FUN, COMFORT 2�z 4* e Lounges Folding Lawn Ch},:drs OOSE FROM OUR WIDE SELECTION Detroit who had attended the Jacober-Stumpf wedding, call- ed on Mr. and Mrs, Albert Miller, who were unable to attend due to illness, on Mon- day. PAGE 11 PHIL'S VARIETY MAIN STREET ZURICH. featuring a complete line of ceries Confectionery Novelties Phone 236-4930 for free delivery on orders of $5,00 or over GUARANTEED CERTIFICATES and jt EEENTUBES 0/ 0 For 1 to 5 years JOHN R. CONSITT 236-4332 -- ZURICH ZURICH LIONS CLUB SUMMER JAMBOREE ZURICH AREN L CONTINUOU ALL NIGHT 8 to 1 A, M. TWA BIG BANDS stlake furniture "DESJARD1NE" ORCHESTRA AND "JOE" OVERHOLT