Zurich Citizens News, 1974-07-04, Page 10PAGE 10 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1974 Pepper reunion at Seaforth The annual Pepper reunion was held at the Lions Park in Seaforth. The weather being unfavourable only fifty people attended. In charge of the sports for the afternoon were Roy and Irene Pepper and Roy and Barn Walter. Results of the sports are as follows;- races 6 and under, Judy Walter, Vicki Gordon, 9-12, Laurie and Jo- Ann Pepper; young lathes, Brenda and Marilyn Pepper; kick -the -slipper, Brenda Pepp- er, Cecil Pepper. Birthday nearest the picnic date, Eleanor Falconer; anniv- ersary nearest picnic date, Cecil and Joyce Pepper; lucky spot, Lillian Pepperl youngest child, Charles Walter, son of Roy and Barb Walter; largest shoe, Roy Walter, elimination races, Laura Pepper and Fred Miller; guessing number of jelly beans in a jar, Mrs. Roy Pepperl family coming the farthest, Julerie Riley and children. After a delicious picnic supper, president Cliff Pepper presided for a short business meeting. Officers elected for next year's picnic were; past president, Cliff Pepper, presi- dent, Cecil Pepper; first vice president, Sandy Pepper; sec- retary -treasurer, Viola Taylor; table committee, Roy and Irene Pepper and Stewart and Grace Pepper; sports committee, Dalt- on and Mari Malcolm and Law- rence and Lois Barker. BOB McKINLEY has fou • ht for you IN OTTAWA Here are some of the issues raised by your M.P. in the past year, as taken directly from the official index of the House of Commons. Banks, allocating capital to government guaranteed loans, 4255 Business of the House, livestock trans portation legislation, 5155 Customs Tariff Bill (C-195), 5724-5 Customs, tariff, budget changes, 1935 Dairy industry, policy, 2582 Dental Examining Board of Canada Bill, 8058 Farm improvement loans, 3870 Feed grain, 7302 Fruit and vegetables, 1935 Grain, 3200, 6287, 6375-6, 8348 Great Lakes, high water level, etc., 2638 Hall Lamp Co. of Canada Ltd., Centralia, layoffs, 8305 Income Tax, 397 Income Tax Bill (C-170), 3112-3 Livestock, transportation guidelines, etc. 473 Local initiatives program, 89 Milk and butter, 2582 Oil seeds, 5874-5 Railways, passenger Ontario, 275 Sugar beets, 1595 Television, CATV systems, application to CRTC, expediting, 3614 Canadian Forces, closed bases and stations policy, 1060 Dairy Industry, policy, M. 796-8 Electoral Boundaries Readjustment Bill, (Huron -Middlesex), 1270 Farm Improvement, Small Businesses and Fisheries Improveme.it Loans Acts Bill, 1386 Milk, subsidy, 796, 798 Oil and gas, oil from west to eastern Canada, Sarnia pipe line, farmer's protests, 170 Olympic 1976 summer games in Montreal, athletes training at closed Canadian Forces base at Clinton, 731 Pork producers, assistance, 797 Sugar, 1386 Boundaries Readjustment Bill, 2030 Farm Improvement Loans, 2145 service, southwestern Since theP resent Federal Government has been in office, the purchasing power of your dollar has decreased to 61. Bob McKinley will work to restore the purchasing power of your income! ON JULY 8, REELECT: PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE (Published by the Huron-alliddlesse P.C. Association)