Zurich Citizens News, 1974-07-04, Page 4PAGE 4 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1974, •e • ra. 4 w • e • • • ®• • • o••••••••••111100 Zurich, Ontario, June 30, 1974. RE: - The dismissal of the adm- inistrator of the Adult Rehabilit- ation Centre, "ARC", Dashwood Ontario. Dear Editor; We all know we are living in a democratic country, but from time to time we come up ag- ainst a situation when we see a man's democratic rights being threatened, Each time we sit by and do nothing to prevent this, we are one step nearer a dictatorship. I bring such a situation to your attention. Mr. Don Rawlings came here a year ago as admin- istrator at the "ARC Industries in Dashwood. He had a good educational background, but more valuable still, he had exp- erience working with retarded adults in a sheltered workshop. Last week, right out of the blue, with no warning of 'dissatisfaction with his methods, he was asked to resign. The reason given was the vague accusation that the "ARC" was not being run "at its full potential." This brings a number of interesting quest- ions to mind. Is the board talking about the potential of nineteen adults between the ages of nineteen to fifty? Or are they talking about rhe potential of nineteen adults who have just begun to enter and participate in the world outside their sheltered home? Some have never gone to school so can neither read nor write. Some are like five year olds when it comes to coping with new ideas and situations. I wonder if the board had considered what "full potential" really means. It would be hard to define in the case of this group of such var- ious abilities. It takes a person with great patience and understanding and, I might add, training, to cope with the situations that arise in a factory workshop of this type. This experience and training Mr. Rawlings has. The next question I would like to ask is "How many of the board has ever taken the time to actually spend an afternoon at the "ARC" and watch the trainees at work?" I have been over several afternoons and I was greatly impressed with the ingenious ideas Mr. Rawlings had thought up to cope with their inability to remember instructions and event) count articles for packaging. There was no feeling of "boss' and "workers." It was like one big family --which is the only atmosphere these people could function in. I wonder how many people know of the extra one and a half hours he pur in for free each day so that he could be there when the early bus carne in; of the miles he has travell- ed and the hours of his own time has spent publicizing the "ARC" and getting organizat- ions interested enough to cont- ribute equipment to the "ARC". Ile has even used some of his SIRLOIN TIP or ROUND TOP 'BAR-B-QUE STYLE OUR OWN SAU MAPLE LEAF SLICED COOKED STORE- SLICED S, AK C G E LB We reserve the right to limit quantities! r ,:et PHONE 236-4312 ZURICH Z'UR I H Citizens NEWS PRINTED' BY SOUTH HURON PUBLISHERSLIMITED, ZURICH HERB TURKHEIM, Publisher Second Class Mail Registration Number 1385 els w Memb•r: 11 Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association • Nil) Ontario Weekly • Newspapers Association . Subscription Rates: $5,00 per year in advance in Canada; $fid 00 in United States and Foreign; single -copies 15¢ own equipment to help the "ARC" get on its feet, I could mention many other reasons for regretting that Zurich may loose so good a citizen --among the, his attempt to organize Cubs as well as the fact that his son has been chosen to super- vise the Zurich playground for the summer. Had this situation arisen with a unionized factory, an invest- igation would have been neces- sary before such a dismissal were possible. It makes one wonder if some form of legisl- ation should be passed to prot- ect the innocent victim in less protected professions. To have one's reputation questioned without being able to fight back is not frustrating, it is undem- ocratic. We must Iemember that the "ARC" belongs to the commun- ity not a small group of indiv- iduals who seem to wield a very unwieldy axe. This is the second administrator who has felt it in the short tirne the "ARC" has been organized. You service clubs have shown your interest in contributing a Van and expensive equipment to the "ARC." Why not cont- ribute further by demanding an explanation of the present problem and seeing that it is made public. Yours truly, (Mrs.) Norma Siebert 0 iris erence During the week of July 9-12 200 4 -II Homemaking Club girls from all parts of Ontario will be•participating in the Girl's Conference held at the University of Guelph. The girls who are attending from Huron County are Joanne Kieffer, R.R.2, Teeswater; Mary Edith Garniss, R, R.4, Wingham; Barbara Moore, R. R. 5, Wingham; Dorothy Boneschansker, R. R.1, Ethel; Joanne Gibson, R.R.2, Seaforth, Marie Betties, R.R.2, Bayfield; Shelley Weber, R. R. 3, Dash- wood; Kathleen Gielen, R.R.2, Crediton. The purpose of this Confer- ence is to assist girls in gaining an appreciation of their opport- unities and responsibilities as individuals, members of a club, a community and as Canadian citizens. This conference will encour- age members to share their ideas and broaden their exper- iences by meeting with club members from across the prov- ince. A program has been planned to include special speakers, exhibits, demonstrations and participation of club girls in discussion groups. L1VESTOC y IPPg<<io TO TORONTO UNION STOCK YARDS Dunn and Levack Eery Monday AR Loads Fully Insured'. CONTACT Campbell McKinley Ili 1° ZURICH Phaco 2624430 rowin Stratford IDB provides financing by loans or by equity invest- ments to almost all types of businesses which are unable to obtain financial assistance from other sources on reasonable terms and conditions, Busi- nessmen are invited to discuss the financial require- ments of their businesses at the IDB office recently opened in Stratford. Ask for our booklet. INDUSTRIA! I1EVELIIPMENTIMNK Manager—B. B. Baron 1032 Ontario St., Stratford, Ont. N5A 6Z3 Tel.: 271-5650 usiness nd FO w ssionai Direct OPTOMETRISTS J. E Longstaff OPTOMETRIST SEAFORTH ME:}sICAL CENTRE 527.12 Tuesday, Taursday, Friday, Sat- urday a.m., Thursday evening CLINTON OFFICE 10 Isaac Street 482-7010 Monday and Wednesday Call either office for appointment. orman Martin OPTOPAETRIST Office Hour): 9- 12 A,M. — 1:,r,t., -6 P.M. Closed all day Saturday Phone 235-2433 INSURANCES Robert Fm Wesi ins r.:nce "Sialls.4Tae General inetaranne PP10144 2 ���,., .:' �.�;1 — ZurIais ORM WHIT1N LICENSED AUCT1ON51ER APPR448s%<R Prompt, °Durteous, Efficient ANY TYPE, ANY, SIZE, ANYWHERE We give complete sale service. PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Plasms West 1,4A,,; R1tETRI AUCTICAMI6 PRFPcY WRIGHT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Kipper. , Auction Sale Service that is most efficient and courteous. CALL INS WIGHT UCTIONEER Teleolioct® Hensel) (517)262-5515 O & J RIDDELL AUCTION SERVICES Licensed Auctioneers and Appraisers * Complete Auction Service * Bales large or small, any type, anywhere ° Reasonable — Two for the price of one Let our experience be your reward. Collect °Jack° 227-3431 °Deus° 237-3576 Hugh Tom FILSON fond Rev;,°.. AUCTIONEERS 20 y®ars° experience of complete soler service Provincially licensed. Conduct sales of any kind, • any place. To insure success of your sale. or appraisal PerPhone Collect 666•0333 666-1967 t Trust Certificates 1o% 1 TO 5 YEARS ZURICH GERALD L. MEANER Chartered Accountant BUS: 20 Sanders E. — EXETER — 235-0281 RES: 10 Green Acres — GRAND SEND — 238-8070 !!i