Zurich Citizens News, 1974-07-04, Page 2PAGE 2 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS' THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1974 nowaturanunsaransatawmagsaummunnommustxmlas 1.1 �l1pY'11uP. 1 uA: es WIN KINETTE AWARDS - Two Hensall cousins, Steve and Betty Beer, were the recipients of the Hensall Kinette Scholarship this year, for the top girl and boy student in the grade eight graduating class. Shown here with Steve and Betty are Mrs, Mary Jacobe, left, and Doug Peirson, right, two of the staff members at the school. Steve is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Beer, while Betty is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, George Beer, of Hensall, About eopl Mrs, Laird Mickle visited recently with Mrs, Thomas Pryde in Exeter and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoffman, in Dash- wood. Mrs. Harry Horton is a patient in South Huron Hospital in Exeter. Mrs, Laird Mickle spent Sun- day with her son and daughter- in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Mickle, of London. Steer This Way BY LARRY SNIDER .111111.1111111311. A radar -controlled speedometer -like dial by the road in Los Angeles shows your exact speed as you ap- proach. Police say it really im- presses - and slows down • - passing motorists. Here's another rule of thumb to keep from tailgating: allow two seconds' space. After the car ahead of you passes land- mark (sign, pole) does it take at least two seconds until you do? E•'oerts say the radial is the tire of the future. Steel belts are very popular. There's a transparent fuel filter that tells you in a glance when it's dirty enough to need ser- vicing. Classic cars now in high de- mand have service problems most of us don't even think of. A 1929 Rolls suddenly came down with a bad case of ter- mites in the teak running boards. Had to be fumigated. Nostalgia is one thing, but running boards are no problem on the new cars at Larry Sniders, Larry Snider MOTORS LIMITED EXETER 235-1640 LONDON 227-4191 Huron County's Largest Ford Dealer Drive in soon! Hensall council plan swimming pool by-law (by Mrs. Rena Caldwell) Hensall Council met July 2. Elgin Rowcliffe, representing the Hensall Union Cemetery Board, 'asked for a grant to help defray expenses pertaining to the cemetery maintenance and upkeep. Council granted $1, 000, Ernie Davis reported that he had opened the drain on Rich- mond Street and augered all the way and had flushed it out and found no blockage. However there is still water in the base- ments. Since Hensall has no swimm- ing Pool bylaw, it was decided to meet with the PUC and ar- range for a by-law governing swimming pools. After considering applications it was decided to hire Glen Nixon to take charge of the dump site. Council also had decided to close the dump at 2 p.m. and have Garth Postil cover the garbage after 2 p.m. Councillor Harold Knight reported that nine men had answered a fire call to a burn- ing car. The Insurance Comp- any will pay the costs and council decided to put an amendment to the by-law for fires involving vehicles on the highway, a minimum of $200. Council learned that Big '0' considered their price for using the dump too high and would not pay their bill. Council decided that they would take advantage of short term debentures bearing 100 and invest cash which is not needed immediately, ' The County Health Unit notified builders that plumbing inspection is now enforced. Mr. Knight said he gets questions about the progress on sewers and he thinks that any- one who desires to see the rep- ort should have the opportunity. Council will meet July 15 at 8 p. m. with Burns Ross, Lorne Archer, and the PUC to discuss Sewage Works. Building permits were granted to A. Vanstone to build a stor- age room; Jim Hyde, a swim- ming pool; T. Pike a new roof; Donald Joynt to put metal lath and plaster on outside of a building; R. Schwalm to build a tool shed; James Aikenhead to remove an old porch and put up a new one; Donald Smale to build a garage with bedroom above; H. Heinze to renovate the dining room and adjacent area. Bills and accounts amount- ing to $59, 636.75 were ordered paid. This included the half yearly levy of Huron County Board of Education of $30, 855,00; the Huron -Perth Separ- ate School, $497.50; the Huron County levy of $18020,00. 0 Hensall Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobal is Duk Baker from Gouda Holland, He is waiting for the arrival of his family, Mr. and Mrs, J. Baker, De Kraa and family from Curacau, West Indies. They will be spending a week's holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Don Dodds and family of Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. De - Kraa are presently touring six provinces of Canada. Joan Dodds, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Don Dodds, Seaforth, spent a few days holidays with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobal, Miss Troyann Bell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell, left Sunday for summer school Figure Skating Academy for eight weeks training. Troyann is a silver medalist and sister of Miss Pauline Bell, a profes- sional and past member of Holiday on Ice, Sandy Bisset of Goderich visit- ed on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sararas, who celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on June 25, were pleasantly surprised Sunday afternoon when their family gathered at their home in Hensall and presented them with a coloured T,V, and table and a silver spoon from their grandson, Chris Sararas. Their seven children and one grandchild were present, Karen of Kitchener; Allan, Barb and Chris, of Preston; Diane of Seaforth; Gerry, Don, Steve and Jodi at home. The family served lunch complete with the anniversary cake. 1973 Styles of panels are now in our stock. Ideal for new or replacing old style panels now in your home. NENSALL YARD R COVERING CLEARANCE CUSHION FLOO from 2.7,E yard CARPET from 3.95 yard AY LIMITED CLINTON - 482-9514 HENSALL - 262.2713 SEAEORTH - 527-0910 TN0tirmon ilmrsfineme ]/E'amont rm.,8R06Easomuud9r...m N,NNLIenomIos :r