Zurich Citizens News, 1974-06-13, Page 4PAGE 4 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1974 PC LEADER VISITS 111.IRON - lion. Robert Stanfield, leader of the Federal PC Party, made au official visit to lluron on Saturday on behalf of "Bob" McKinley, the Conservative candidate in the riding for tine upcoming election. Mr. Stanfield is shown here with Mr. McKinley as he talks to a group of followers at a beef barbecue al Pineridge Chalet. From this are the leader and his parry travelled to \Vingham where he participated in a television program, (T,A, Photo) Cut down on professional days (continued from page 1) ing year are: Jini Dade, to St. Columban; Airs. Doreen Nogalo, St. Patrick's, Dublin; Mrs. Carol McDonnell, Precious Blood, Exeter; Sister Loretta Hagen and Miss Elizabeth Ern- est, both of St. Mary's School, Godericli; Thomas heeler, St. James, Seaforth; Sister Mary Regier and Edward Capelli ro l-loly Name of Mary School, St. Marys; Sister Mary Winifred Miss Katherine Dick and Gary Prince, both to St. Boniface, Zurich; Percy Lauwaert, St, Michael's School, Stratford; Mrs, Jeannette Eybergen, St, Aloysius School, Stratford: and Mrs, Loretta Iload to St. Ambrose School, Stratford, Itinerant French teacher hired: Mrs. Rita Lauwaert to St. Marys, Ilesson; St. Patricl<;s, Kinhora, St. Patricks, Dublin and St. Columban. The board authorized the trading of a small strip five feet by 450 feet on the east side of the Seaforth property purchased recently from Arthur Wright and Neil Bell for anoth- er narrow strip five feet by 2Su feet on the south side owned by Ewart Wilson, of R,R.4, Sea - forth. The trading will provide the school board with property with an outlet to a side street which has not been constructed as yet. The Board will pay the total cost of severence and legal fees. Another trade in property happened in Stratford in the northwest area of the city where the boundaries were adjusted on the 11.87 acres owned by the Huron -Perth Board as a future site for a school. The trade was with Eiwo Canadian Building Company Limited in order to finalize the subdivision plans for the area proposed by the Ie Eiwo Company. 'Ted Geoffrey, R,R.2, Zurich, chairman of building and maint- enance C011110itlee reported it is costing the board :r:, per ntontll for lite storing of old windows in the Coliseum which have been taken from schools renovated by the hoard. The board endorsed the resol- ution from the City of London for the development of a prow- • ince-wide system of demount- able schools. The London Board of Education is proposin;gro dev- elope a •joint adntinistrat ive- board committee to study Ile applicability of the demount- able structure concept for !lie proposed new schools in the 11)7.) capital works budget. The board will advise the I luron Count y Board of Rlucat 101 that there is no additionil space 10 rent al the former four - room St, Peters School in Gud- erich. ,1t the present bone the Huron Board rents 1 hree class- rooms for the Queen Elizabeth School for the Trainable Retard- ed and had requested the fourth room. it is rented ro the Knight of Columbus for a meeting roost, Vincent t oun;g, of God- erieli informed rite board Intent - hers. Ile said, "T fail to see the urgency of putting the Knights • our of !louse and (tome because a year from now they (Moran Board) will be through renting," The I lurnn Board is in the pro- cess of building an additinn and renovating Victoria Public School in Goderich where it is providing space in the school for the Queen Elizbeth School for the Trainable Retarded which will be ready for the 1073 16 term. ZURICH Citizens NEWS PRINTED BY SOUTH HURON PUBLISHERS' LIMITED, ZURICH HERB TURKHEIM, Publisher Second Class Mail Registration Number 1365 vu Member: Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association 3' Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association ;Fre ryrr r1121 ,4.+ Subscription Rates; $5.00 per year in advance in Canada; $6, 00 in United States and Foreign; single copies 15¢ The 'Town of Guderich is interested in renting space for the Day Nursery School next year when 1110 I luron Huard no longer rents the roosts, also the Guderich Art Club and they will he informed the Huron- Perth Board will consider renting at that time. The Board acepeted the res- ignation of 01151 LN:thin and hits driver, 'Tony I\ iionntte, al Ecolc Ste. Marie, effect ive June 11011 Crowley, of R, , dads hill, reported The two tett 72- ; passenger bases were it1 service at ITcole Ste, Marie and at Ilesson, TI ie old buses were traded in. At the request of Joseph Looby of Duhliu, Snperlutendent of j Education John Vintar, or his assistant, Joseph Tohar, has been asked to visit St. Patrick's School in Ituhliu to determine what should be (kite for the K indergarten e lass. Presently it is housed in the former Ions into tic 1100 across t road from St. I'atricks. ilr. 'mob) said there is a request for floor covering for the Kind- ergarteu roost and the teacher wants the toilets moved up- stairs. Ile said he was told the • reacher is lonely with only her class in Thr; school and she complained to having, ro cross the main street with the child- ren to go over to SI. Patrick's Mr. Looby said t hat as rite hoard does not own tire. building Ise questioned spending motley in it. Ile asked about getting, a REDI-MIX CONCRETE (ALSO FORM WORK) McCann Const. Ltd. DASHWOOD Pl+om 237-3361 or 237-3422 portable. Francis llicknell, of R.12.5, Seaforth said he had received complaints too, and said he felt the K indergarten class should nor he housed in the former Continuation School,but one of the older classes . He said when the Kindergarten rea- cher and class wanted. to use the gym they had ro cross the high- way and the teacher ihad to put on the outer clothing for almost every child herself. Mr. Ilick- nell said that if a Kindergarten pupil became ill (as often happens in this age group) then the teacher had to phone rite principal to serol over a Grade i student ro assist. The administration staff will check with the teachers to find ow how many are interested in taking a first aid course. This is a follow-up 10 a request front Mr. Looby who feels one teacher in each school at least should have first aid Training in ease of an emergency. Tf enough teachers are interested to form a class rho St. John Ambulance will be asked to give the course, Howard Shantz, Stratford, Vincent Young, c;oderich and Oscar Kieffer, of Bluevalo, who attended the Canadian Trus ....,a. �...� tees' Association convention in Regina, gave reports, Mr. Young said the main thing for him was the concern expressed about rhe pastors teaching religion in the schools. The problem seemed to he if "we should give it back to the parish priest to teach religion in the schools, and if not, then we should educate our teachers ourselves at special courses." Mr Young 'said that now par- ents want reading, writing and arithmetic but they also want religion, especially when they are paying extra for it (in the separate schools). Mr. Shantz said that he felt each catholic trustee should be willing to enter the pulpit to expound on catholic education. 0 A DECISION TO DECORATE A good rule of thumb when decorating a new house is to keep the cost of furnishings between one-third ancl one- half the cost of the house. If hiring an interior decorator check if the designer belongs to a national professional organ- ization. If possible, look at examples of rite decorator's previous work to determine if your tastes are similar. Business and Professional Directory OPTOMETRISTS J. E. Longstaff OPTOMETRIST SEAFORTH MEDICAL CENTRE 527-1240 Tuesday, Toursday, Friday, Sat- urday a.m., Thursday evening CLINTON OFFICE 10 issac Street 482-7010 Monday and Wednesday Call either office for appointment. Norman Martin OPTOMETRIST Office Hours: 9.12 A,M. — 1:30.6 P,M. Closed all day Saturday Phone 233.2433 Exits, INSURANCES Robert F. Westlake Insurance "Specialising In General insurtorece" Phone 236.4391 — Zurlsh NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE, ANYWHERE We give complete sale service. PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 233.1N14 EXETER AUCTIONEERS PIrGRC' WRIGHT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Kippen, Ont. Auction Sale Service that is most efficient and courteous. CALL TM® WRIGHT AUCTIONEER Tolophorie Hensall (519)262-5515 O & J RIDDEL.L AUCTION SERVICES * Licensed Auctioneers and Appraisers • Complete Auction Service • Sales large or small, any type, anywhere * Reasonable -- Two for the price of one Let our experience be your reward. Phone Collect 'Doug' 'Jack' 237-3576 237-3431 Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' experience of complete sale service Provincially licensed. Conduct sales of any kind, any place. To insure success of your sale, or appraisal Phone Collect 666-0833 666-1967 Guaranteed Trust Certificates 1 and 5 YRS 10% 2,3,i=t 4 YRS 9 3/40 J. W. UABERER ZURICH PHONE 236.4346 GERALD L. MERNER Chartered Accountant BUS: 20 Sanders E. — EXETER — 235-0281 RES: 10 Green Acres — GRAND BEND — 238-8070