Zurich Citizens News, 1974-06-06, Page 5THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1974 R. JOHN KALBFLEISCH Funeral service for R. John Kalbfleisch, a native of Zurich, was held in St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich, on Wednes- day afternoon, June 5, at 2 p.m. Interment was in St. Peter's Lutheran Cemetery, Goshen Line. Mr. Kalbfleisch passed away in St. John Hospital, Detroit, on Sunday, June 2. He was born in Hay Township, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Kalbfleisch, and has been a resident of Detroit for many years. Surviving is his wife, the former Gertrude Stieler; two brothers, Rev. Lloyd Kalbfleisch and Ivan Kalbfleisch, of Zurich, and two sisters, Mrs, Iva Datars and Mrs. J.W. (Vera) Haberer, both of Zurich. Rev. A,C. Blackwell and Rev. David M. Strang officiat- ed at the funeral service. 0 Bedding plants require a min- imum of care and will bloom profusely for the entire growing season. "New varieties of bedd- ing plants are constantly being dev eloped, offering the garden- ing enthusiast a practically un- limited choice, " says Hughes, a horticulturist with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. "But the plants should be chosen with their final loc- ation in mind. Geranium, marigold, zinnia, and petunia are among the sun - loving bedding plants, while salvia, alyssum, begonia and impatiens prefer the shade. Wild flowers sold by some nurseries should be planted according to their natural requirements. "If you're not sure what environment would be best for your bedding plants, ask a nurseryman for his advice. Bedding plants are ideal for brightening up apartment bal- conies. But the type of bedding plant selected depends on whether your apartment is on the sunny or shady side of the building. ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS surers Petite, well proportioned or abundantly endowed, Canadian women have one thing in com- mon from the waist down - pantyhose snags and bags. If you're still trying to find the elusive brand that fits you, feels comfortable and wears well, check the June issue of Canadian Consumer. For test results on 16 brands of one -size pantyhose sold in Canada. Only one brand - 'L'Eggs'- lived up to its claim. It fit all fugures comfortably. But, it didn't rate so well for touch and appearance in the wear trial. Cheaper brands will perform favourably on certain figure types. CAC recommends as acceptable for medium and large figures types 'Whisper' Simpsons -Sears', 'Petite Belle' 'Young Flair' and Maybelle" in that order. For figures with long legs - 'Secret' "Fair Set' and 'Zellers, ' and for small figures with short legs. 'Boni - mart' and 'The Very Thing, ' 'Eve' 'Chorine, " 'Loblaws, and 'Jewel' were considered poorer in fit and comfortable while "Miracle Mart' brand was found to be unacceptable for all sizes. Many factors influence the wear and tear of pantyhose, deeming it almost impossible to establish the life expectancy of a pair. In comparative wear life tests 'L'Eggs' reinforced panty- hose, "Loblaws, "Petite Belle, ' Simpsons -Sears' and 'the very thing' rated higher than the other brands. But you dollar is wasted if the brand you buy doesn't fit, or is uncomfortable. At least one third of the samples of 'Zellers, "Loblaws, 'Jewel' and 'Chorine' were discarded because of poor fit. Frustrating for CAC's testing department, and likewise for shoppers, are the fancy pack- ages that tell next to nothing about what's inside. CAC feels it would be helpful to consumers if labels told about sheerness, reinforcement, type of waist as well as size and colour. Also needed is agreement over terminology so that terms such as nude, sheer, stretch, and one -size -fits -all have def- inite and precise meanings. As of December 1972, the text- ile labelling act has required that pantyhose labels indicate fibre content and identity of manufacturer or distributor. Okay, so now you've discov- ered your brand. It's up to you to keep the hose in top shape. Before putting them on, watch out for rings and rough finger- nails. Then sit down, gather down one leg of the pantyhose with both hands and put on the foot; Place the seam of the toe closure under the toes, straight- en out the heel and bring the pantyhose up over the ankle. Do the same with the other leg. Gently but firmly draw up each leg alternately, a little at a time until you're above the knee; stand up and repeat for most of the thighs. Then with your palms facing the thighs, pull the panty section up to your waist. If you don't get a good fit, bring them down to the ankles and back up again. Tensions and snags in panty- hose relax when washed gently by hand in warm water Internation Scene (continued from page 4) come speculators or traders, seeking to buy some commod- ity --land, food, clothing --that will continue to have value. As a result of the unwillingness to work, the complex econom- ic machinery breaks down. There is one curious aspect of hyperinflation that I think merits notice. Why do workers have to carry their wages home in wheelbarrows? Why doesn't the government simply print the necessary trillion mark notes, so that a man's wage could fit into his pocketbook. Henson !Chimes (continued from page 2) babysitting course for the teenagers in the community, and paid for a month's supply of ice time so the children could have free skating. The Kinettes have helped the Kinsmen pay for the Firemen's Resusciator, and made a don- ation to the Firemen for the fireworks. Each Kinette helped with a child's exercises prog- ram in Hensall over the fall and winter months. TENDER Interior & Exterior Maintenance Projects Interior and exterior maint- enance projects at various schools in the County. Maint- enance projects will involve all construction trades. Tender forms and specific- ations are available at the Huron County Board of Educat- ion, 103 Albert St„ Clinton, NOM 1LO. Deadline for tender sub- mission is 12 o'clock noon, June 20, 1974. R. McVean Plant Superintendent E.C. HILL D.J. Cochrane Chairman Director School Bus Driver GREY CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL ETHEL, ONTARIO Written applications, add- ressed to Mr. R. C, Cunning- ham, Transportation Manager, Huron County Board of Educat- ion, 103 Albert St., Clinton, NOM 1LO, will be received until 12 o'clock noon, on Fri- day, June 14, 1974. Duties to commence on Tuesday, September 3, 1974. E.C. HILL D.J. Cochrane Chairman Director PAGE 5 Huron County Board Of Education requires a CUSTODIAN At Robertson Memorial School, Goderich. Written applications stating age, experience and telephone dumber, should be addressed tc Mr. R. McVean, Plant Super- intendent Huron County Board of Educat- ion. 103 Albert St., Clinton, -NOM ILO Applicants will ba notified if required for an interview. Deadline for applications is June 13, 1974. E.C. HILL D. J. Cochrane Chairman Director TENDER ADDITION & ALTERATION Phase 1 to Victoria Public School, Goderich, Ontario. Sealed tenders properly identified as to contents for the General Contract and addressed tc the Huron County Board of Education, will be received at the office of the architects, Kyles, Kyles and Garratt, 165 Huron St., Stratford, until 12;01 p.m. local time, June 20, 1974. Each tender must be accomp- anied by a bid bond or certified cheque, in the amount of $2, 000. The successful cont- ractor will be required to furn- ish a performance bond of 100/0 of his contract price. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. General building contractors may obtain drawings and spec- ifications at rhe office of the architect. Huron , County Board of Education Clinton, Ontario. AT A GUES EEF A ELME LC , E ON SATUR r,:A , Ju FROM 12 TO 2 P.M. AT E P NERIDGE CHALET (West of Hensel) on Highway 84 to second corner, one-half mile south) HON. ROBERT STANFIELD LEADER OF THE NATIONAL P.C. PARTY (Published by the Huron -Middlesex P.C. Association) and 41/4S�� R.E.OB" McKINLEY PDIDATE .C.