Zurich Citizens News, 1973-04-26, Page 9THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1973 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE 9 News f Grand Bend CORRESPONDENT The Golden Age Club's meet- ing opened with the usual sing- song, after which arrange, emts were completed for our May 2 Pot Luck Luncheon. Regular meetings will be discontinued for the summer. However, a mid -summer picnic was discus- sed and tentative plans were made. The program committee read several articles, including "The Soldier's Bible, " "Johnny's Retirement" and "Tried Them Yesterday." The balance of the afternoon consisted of games and lunch. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE After an enjoyable Pot Luck Luncheon the Women's Institute held their annual meeting for election of officers on Thursday at the Village Hall. After the yearly reports by the convenors, President, Mrs. Gill asked Mrs. Bariteau to take over for the election. After a talk on the value of the Women's Instit- ute, the following slate of off- icers was installed. Past Presid- ent, Mrs. Ed Gill; president, Mrs. Alec Hamilton; secretary - treasurer, Mrs. Frank Plumb; Ass't sec -treasure, Mrs. Jeanne Kading; district director, Mrs. Ed Gill; Alternate district dir- ector, Mrs. Hugh Morenz; branch directors, Mrs. Wellwood Gill, Mrs. William Lovem Mrs. Vern Ridley, Mrs. Arthur About People You Know ... Mr. and Mrs. George Suplat spent Easter with relatives in Wallaceburg. Mrs. Mary Waters and Emily, of Ottawa, visited with friends in Zurich over the weekend. Mr, and Mrs. William Mern- er and family, of London visited relatives and friends in Zurich over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miller, and family spent Easter week- end in Windsor with the former's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Labute. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bowden, of Toronto spent Easter weekend with Mrs. Anne Turkheim and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dinnin spent Easter at their cottage at Pointe Au Baril. imisinaminitsmamassommagman IOVI111W CONS%VATeV ammonite Ch MBILR'1 BEND Paszcc SUNDAY, APRIL 29 10 a.m. - Sunday School 11 a.m. - Worship Service Every Wednesday Evening — i9:OO p.ta.—Bible Study and Prayer :-eating e invite -you to woraTmip with w St. Peter's Lutheran Church Rev. A.C. Blackwell, B.A., M. Div. - Pastor Organist - Mrs. Audrey Flaberer SUNDAY, APRIL 29 10 a.m. Worship Service 10:45a.m. Sun. Church School Bveryorie MRS, nd re FRANK PLUMB Finkbeiner. Public relations officer, Mrs. Les Adams; auditors, Mrs. Don Hendrick, Mrs. Nola Taylor. Curator of Tweedsmuir History, Mrs. Jeanne Kading. Book committee, Mrs. Don Hendrick, Mrs. Ed Gill, Mrs. Susie Devine; Mrs. F. Plumb. Pianists, Mrs, Charles Reeves, Mrs. Mansel Mason. Standing committee conven- ors, Agriculture and Canadian Industries, Mrs. Carman Lovie; Citizenship and World Affairs, Mrs. Frank Plumb, education and cultural activities, Mrs. Susie Devine; family and con- sumer affairs, Mrs. Nola Taylor; resolutions, Mrs. L.A. Bariteau; horticulture, Mrs. Colin Love; The outgoing president, Mrs. Ed Gill and secretary -treasurer Mrs. Hugh Morenz were present- ed with a gift each by the new president, Mrs. Alec Hamilton. St. John's -by -the -Lake Anglican Church held their board of management meeting and gave permission for the A. A. group to meet in the church office on Saturday evenings. A new caretaker Mrs. M. Mac- Donald was hired to take the place of Horace •Lake who has moved to Watford. A cash gift and letter of appreciation will be given to Mr. Lake in recog- nition of his years of faithful service as a caretaker and sides - man of the church. CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE The annual meeting of the Catholic Women's League of Grand Bend was held in the Alhambra Hall, Monday April 16. Father Boyer installed the following slate of officers for the corning year. Past president, Mrs, Cornelius Smeekens; president, Mrs. John Peters; first vice-president, Mrs. Tom Vlemmix, second vice presid- ent, Mrs. Carl Rood; third vice-president, Mrs. Joe Groot- jen; recording secretary, Mrs. Martin Vandenberk; correspond- ing secretary, Mrs. Jack Smeek- ens; treasurer, Mrs. Gerald Back At the conclusion of the meet ing, Dr. Maureen Sass of Menlo Park, California, showed pict- ures, and described a recent trip she, and a group of collea- gues, had taken to Alaska. The Chu ch ZURRea4 REV. BRUCE GUY, B.A SUPPLY MINISTER Mrs, Men Omanast SUNDAY, APRIL 29 10 a.m. - Sunday School 11 a, m. - Church Service Everyone W ewe Zurich Mennonite CLAYTON KTJEPFER, PASTOR SUNDAY, APRIL 29 9:45 a.m. - Worship Service 10:45 a, m. - Sun Church School MEDITATION; 0 sinner, Christ was slain for thee. He suffered on the shame- ful tree, It was there He died for you and me., that we might live eternally. , purpose of the trip, was to make a survey of the Medical Communications, that already exist in remote Indian and Eskimo villages, so that the limited service may be improv- ed, and extended. Dr. Maureen Sass was visiting, briefly, with her mother, Mrs. Marty Burke, of Oakwood. The Anglican Church was well attended for Easter Service, Rev. W. Mills had to leave without greeting the people to go to Greenway where his moth- er, Rev, Mary Mills had started the service and awaited his arrival to assist in the Easter Communion Service. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Green returned from Florida, telling of the flooded roads in the Suw- anee River Area. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newton returned from Reddington Shores, Florida, Mrs. Newton is conv- alescing from an operation. Mrs. Ada Wilson, a senior citizen broke her arm in a fall on the stairs and stayed in Exeter Hospital for a couple of days. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Bowen, of Calgary came to visit Mr, and Mrs. Verne Ridley on Wednes- day evening. Coronation Cabins on Warwicl. Street have been sold, and the cabins are to be moved up north, the former owner said. Mrs. Glenn Grindlay broke her leg on Friday and travelled from South i-iuron Hospital to St. Joseph's Hospital in London for treatment. Mrs. May Keown of Rexdale, formerly of this area, writes that she is at home now able to do a little and gets around with a cane part of the time to spare her weak ankle. She is still recuperating from the car -truck accident of early December, and her doctor says she was luck: to survive at her age. Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Baker are celebrating their 67th wed- ding anniversary this week. Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Keyes and family, of Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Becker and family; of Dashwood, and Arthur Baker joined in the celebration of the 35th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fahner. Lutheran Women discuss money Mrs. Albert Deichert, Mrs. Bert Klopp, Mrs. Earl Deichert and Mrs. Carl Willert were in charge of the April meeting of the Lutheran Church Wcmen. The Deichert family, Mrs. Phylis Deichert and her daught- ers Elizabeth and Susan entert- ained the ladies with a couffle of musical numbers. Mrs. Albert Deichert led an interesting discussion on "Money The way we as Christians give, spend and the different values put on it. A short dialogue was given by the committee, follow ed by a question and answer period. The business meeting was conducted by the president, Mrs. Clair Deichert, The May, June and September meetings will be held at 8:30 D.S.T. A thank -you note was read frorn the Waterloo Lutheran Auxiliary for the two quilts the ladies donated to the university. The ladies of group two were asked to cater to the confirmat- ion reception on Sunday, May 6 A social hour followed, IIAF ..*VECogitiotigitHeiVE$VV8T'. FRESH rkj:h y; 4r,rLB FRESH -WHOLE or HALF Hutu Rousts LB Fresh.ountry SNE MONtY-SAVINS MOD VALUES FOR U/' BLADE BONE REMOVED lud ust LB BLADE BONE REMOVED - SHORT 0;f.St LB Chicken 3 Breast Portions .5 3 Leg Portions FRESH Side Ribs LB Essex ers LB BUTT 3 Wings 1 Ng; Giblets rk Chops LB 7 Mess BUt®nLB8 ntarh +r P; t NO.1' -2 LB BAG U.S. Ca:1rrats FLORIDA NO.1 Sia,; eet Corn CANADA NO.1 - QUEEN Cucumbers U.S. NO.1 J Ha Oranges 20 OZ TIN es 79t 29 6/59 2/49 Doz. 79t Utopi ; Tomatoes 3/$1 Tea BagsPRIOR PAK 100's WHOLE KERNEL 12 OZ TIN Stokleys Corn 2/49 20" OZ BOTTLES Pepsi Quarts DEPOPLUSSIT /$ l FRITO LAYS 10 OZ Potato Chips 59 SWANSON'S TURKEY, BEEF, CHICKEN ►,� sir; T P1 S 3/65 SILVERWOODS DELUXE VANILLA HALF GALLONS ALL VARIETIES 24 OZ Puritan Stews 59er McCORMICK'S ASSORTED 24 OZ PKG Cream Cookies 85 Tide KING SIZE $1.88 WHITE SWAN or BABY'S ONLY Toilet Tissue 3/$1 Medium Eggs DOZ 63( Dairy 5preadELMGROVE 61 r Vit>MOM TIRE; RIGHT': TO .MT MIANIMS STORE HOURS Monday till Thursday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ONE 238-2512 �s:vmm,rsxrs�.,cmea