Zurich Citizens News, 1972-08-17, Page 13' , . ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1972 . 1, 1 , 1.,. 1 1 1 1 1, 1 1 1 1 40.9tiAil SLPP DASIIW000 and DISTRICT NEWS Correspondent: Mrs. Ervin Rader A number of people from here attended the 25th wedding reception for Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hayter at their Goderich home. Also attending were Jim's four sisters, Mrs. Grace Beavis, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bruce, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. John Snyder, Brantford and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Vandhal, Montreal, who were vacation- ing in Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Chandler and Mark spent two weeks camping at Wiarton. Mr. and Mrs. Leeland Rest- emayer and Robert accompan- ied by Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wednesday afternoons act- ivities last week featured table games in the auditorium with six tables of euchre along with tables of crokinole and check- ers. One of the many popular groups who have entertained during the past two years, The Silver Strings, of Walton, provided another family night program. This group of young people, who have been playing together for about one year, are becoming well known on both stage and television. The musicams include Linda Godkin, violin; Faye Dalton, piano; Beth McNichol, banjo; Ray McNichol, guitar and Alex Robertson, drums. Connie Beauerman and Beth McNichol pleased the audience with step dance numbers. By the way, if there is people in your area who could entertain the resident some Thursday evening, we would be glad to hear from you. NtE�tE woos Mir Liquid 24 OZ 2/790 Bonnie Brand Margarine 1 LB PKG 19c Sweet Mixed Pickles ROSE BRAND 39C Crisco Oil PRE -PRICED 99¢ 89( Cookies $1 Aylmer Tomato Catsup 11 oz 23/43c c Fruit Cocktail 19 OZ TIN 41c Mushrooms 10 OZ TIN 41 Crown Tea Bags 100's 79 Frozen Orange Juice .16 OZ SIZE 59c 10 OZ TIN Old Colony Soft Drinks Van Camps Beans Instant Coffee LUCKY DOLLAR 5 OZ French Prepared Mustard 9 OZ Charcoal or Briquets 5LBBAG Salad Dressing SUNSPUN 32 OZ Sunspun Cheese Slices 8 OZ Supreme Liquid Bleach 128 OZ• Carnation Milk 16 OZ Book Matches 50's in PKG Omo Detergent Celery Stalks 19 OZ TIN 6/59 2/49G 79c 22( 49G 5th 43C 59c 204 19C 89t 2/491 Y • • • PREMIUM BONUS Man Friday Tea Towels 3 in Package with a $5.00 order LUCKY RF D Phone 236-4316 — Zurich 7.17111,1121 Rader, spent a week at Inver- locky Lodge. Rev. and Mrs. M. James and Paul, Windsor, spent a couple of days in town renewing old acquaintances. Mrs. Floyd Wein is a patient in St. Joseph's hospital, Lond- on, where she underwent surg- ery. Mr. and Mrs. David Rader and Richard Denomme spent a few,days at Manitoulin Island. Rev. and Mrs. Bruce Guy and Judy have returned from their vacation in Southern and Eastern Ontario. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Guy and Jordan, of Denfield. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Poland, Lois and Tommy, Campbell - ford and Mrs. Ray Kretzman and boys, Florida are vacation- ing with Mrs. Cora Gaiser. Mrs. Bruce Seebach and child- ren , of Kitchener, were visit- ors last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cornel- ius and Mark, Sarnia, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan. Miss Ann Eagleson, South- ampton is vacationing with her grandmother, Mrs. Henry Eagle son and Mr. and Mrs. Eric Eagleson, while her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Eagleson are vacationing in the West. PHIL'S VARIETY MAIN STREET ® ZURICH featuring a complete line of Groceries * Confectionery * Novelties * Phone 236-4930 for free delivery on orders of $5.00 or over w'xo+to+to�:t.o�o� THURSDAY to TUESDAY AUG. 17, -AUG. 22 S,Nrd.q M.Nnw 2 Showings Fri. & Sat. 7:30 & 9:10 1 o § rou'N �s 4RCNEIt . •' WALT OISNEYin.ivew 0111011501015 lWed.23 rhe.24 Fr1.25 sr.26 DID ASTRONAUTS VISIT THE EARTH 40,000 YEARS AGO? rammairm COY\,QUISTA T l'4fr y,,,411! God- '-_�- • Exciting Soundtrack on POLYDOR RECORDS "The best friend yourh Weyer had::. V Benjamin oore EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINTS Give your home weather-wise protection with Benjamin Moore House Paint. it not only withstands the weather... it beautifies while it protects. Your home will keep that sparkling' just painted" look year after year, Benjamin Moore House Paint is easy to apply too. 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Ycar- ith econo be�e4yatll my. <ilns Nouse Paint, Laloz -17 Hnuic faint, Porch and Floor 11 11i�Ow ` I� Enu Exceptional Values! round protection, w nitiitttlMI _ RemmmtA PHONE 236-4911 MAIN INTERSECTION — ZURICH