Zurich Citizens News, 1971-09-09, Page 10THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1971 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE 11 About People You Know... Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs, William Baechler were Mr. and Mrs. Brian Adamson and son, John, of St. Catharines, and Mr. Jim Blomfield, of Toronto. Miss Sharon Baechler has moved to Wingham where she has accepted a teaching position in East Wawanosh at Turnberry Township Public School. Miss Pauline Baechler has returned to the University of Guelph, where she will resume her studies. Mr. Eddie Hey, of Chilliwack, B.C. and Mr. Albert Hey of Cromarty visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Steinbach, Zurich. Winners of the Catholic Women's League Draw which was held at the.Bean Festival, were Mrs. E.W. Johnston, of Strathroy, Rose of Sharon App- liqued quilt, and Mr. Gib Duch- arme, of Zurich, the Green and Gold Fancy Quilt. Steven and Marilyn Walper are vacationing with their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ted Steinbach, while their mother Mrs. Allan Walper is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Golden Glimpses . . . plait WATER REST HOME September has arrived and it's back to school for all the students, and back to a normal routine for all the mothers. All of our student help have also left us. Miss Mary Ellen Ging- erich of the kitchen staff will be enrolling at Western Univer- sity in London, Miss Kathryn Hendrick of the Housekeeping staff will be enrolling in Univ- ersity of Toronto, and Miss Karen Hendrick will be returning to Grade 13. Our regular staff Mrs. Iia O'Rourke has returned to the housekeeping staff, Mrs. Ruth Greb, to the nursing staff, Mrs. Wilma Erb to the kitchen and Mrs. Phyliss Campbell to hairdressing, so like all other households, we will be getting back to our normal routine. I St. Joseph - Drysdale - Bluewwcater I Leslie Hogg CORRES]POND]EloTTS Theresa Jeffrey 2.1Z-4857216-{659 News Along The Shore of Beautiful Lake Huron Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Jeffrey were Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Jeffrey and Dennise; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Jeffrey, Linda Jeffrey and Joe Denomme, all of London Theresa and Jeannette Jeffrey returned home Friday after spending a week in London. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jeffrey, Jim and Scott, of Detroit, visit- ed Mrs. Sara Jeffrey, Monday. Mr. Gerard Jeffrey has returned to Ottawa to teach. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bossen- berry and family, of Detroit, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bossenberry. Mr, and Mrs. Tuffield Duch- arme spent the weekend at their cottage at Ducharme Beach. Mr. Bert Bossenberry returned home Thursday to Kalamazoo, Michigan, after spending some- time with his brother, Clayton. Mr, and Mrs. Franklin Cor- riveau and Jo -Ann, of Windsor, spent the weekend with Mr. 18111181111111. AMOR Zurich Mennonite Cyril K. Gingerich, Pastor SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 9:45 a.m. Worship Service 10:45 a.m. Sunday School Meditation: Life is a chronicle of friendship Friends create the world anew each day. Without their loving care courage would not suffice to keep hearts strong for life. Helen Keeler Everyone Welcome LAKEVIEW CONSERVATIVE Mennonite Church Formerly SS 4, EAST STANLEY MERLIN BENDER, Pastor SUNDAY,SEPTEMBER 12 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service 8:00 p.m.—Evening Service Every Wednesday Evening — 8:00 p.m.—Bible Study and Prayer Meeting We invite you to worship with us and Mrs. Charles Rau.. Most of the cottagers have returned to their homes in the States after spending most of the summer in this area. Mr. Fred Siemon returned home Tuesday after spending a couple of days in South baron Hospital, Exeter. Mr. Charles Screenan is now a patient in South Huron Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Ron Denomme and Rene, of Kitchener and Brenda Rau, of London, visited Mr. and 1`•irs. Tony Rau over the weekend. n Drivers are advised never to overtake another car on a back road without first signalling by horn or headlights. If the driver ahead doesn't know you are there, the Ontario Safety League points out, it is possible that he will collide with you by swerving suddenly to the left to avoid a bump or chuckhole. 811e. 411881811.81810 St. Peter's Lutheran Church Rev. A. C. Blackwell, B.A., B.D. Pastor SUNDAY,SEPTEMBER 12 Rev. L. H. Kalbfleisch in charge 10:00 a.m.—Worship Service 10:45 a.m.—Sunday Church School Everyone Welcome imossangemismomer Emmanuel United Church ZURICH Rev. John Huother, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. Milton Desch, Organist SUNDAY,SEPTEMBER 12' 10 a.m. Morning Worship 11:10 a.m. Sunday Church School resumes RALLY AND PROMOTION SUNDAY Monday, September 13, 8:30p. m Comm. of Stewards Tuesday, September 14, 8:00 p. Christian Educ. Comm. weememeseensinemiesscsestagemeemestemezi believe the residents found it refreshing to have these young people around for the summer. On Wednesday evening, the Auxiliary held their first regular meeting to begin the fall season. Mrs. Theresa Stark was in charge of the program. Those taking part were Danny Overholt, Garry and Dianne Ducharme and Raymond Mathonia, Follow- ing the program, a delicious lunch was served. On Thursday evening, bingo was played as usual. We wish to thank Mrs. Sydney Ramer for her donation of tom- atoes, Mr. Ferd Ilaberer for the generous donation of honey, and Mr. and Mrs. Seth Ammanns for the delicious pears. These fresh products certainly are a treat. We are still interested in don- ations of used nylons and quilt patches, and at the moment would be pleased to receive pieces of corduroy suitable for quilt patches. On Sunday evening, Rev. Harold Dobson, of Grand Bend United Church had charge of the chapel service. Miss Idella Gabel presided at the organ. For a new gardening experience plant currant and gooseberry bushes in your garden. Spring planting is satisfactory, but Ontario Department of Agricult- ure and Food horticulturists say fall is the best time for planting these small fruits. Use strong, well -rooted, one- year- old plants. Space goose- berry and red currant bushes four to five feet apart. The vigorous -growing black currant bushes slightly deeper than they were at the nursery. Do not plant in low-lying ground which remains wet throughout the winter. Firm the soil around the roots and water if dry. If planting the bushes.in the fall, delay pruning until spring. Then, cut back the branches to stimulate vigorous growth. In areas of unreliable snow cover, place a protective mulch around the plants. We Kellogg's 12 Oz Corn Flakes are You 33: Rosy Red Grape & Orange 48 Oz Hawaiin Punch 3/$1 Howdy assorted 10 Oz Tins Soft Drinks 10/89G Miracle Whln COMPARE PRICES ON QUALITY FOODSI Sal,' d Dressh Blue Bonnet t Lb Soft Margarine 73' 53' Chase & Sanborn 16 Oz 2 to,customer) Instant Coffee $1.79 o%o• %'••••••••••••••••••••••••••• -7‘• -7o ♦oo•oo•\•\oo♦ \••••••\\o',. PORK SHOULDERS FRESH Ib 33t PORK BUTT CHOPS FRESH Ib 49t FRESH HAM ROAST Ib 59t FRESH HAM STEAK Ib 69C HOMEMADE SAUSAGE I 55t COTTAGE ROLL BLSEEET Ib 59t •o••,ow000V%%Nit0000•• o%:o o•• 24•',o o:V%• o o%%VV.%%V% N. o1 VV.%;V.. Silverwood's Deluxe Ice rea ONE GALLON PAIL INTRODUCTORY Regular $2.39 SPECIAL OnIY Half Bushels 9 o:0000••VS.% V voo•ov`%%%NV%o;o.o-••%%N.• •••••ovo.vo .. MELBA APPLES 99' 4 Quart Basket Early MacINTOSH APPLES 89' Bradford Stalk WASHED CELERY 25' Chiquita BANANAS 2 lbs 29c %N.%•.o-o%%=%0000%,o.%ovo.`,o♦00000.oo.oo•oo•^.ownv•,00.%,ow.o•:oo••*•.• %.V• ot, BONUS FEATURE SUNDAY ONLY SCHNEIDER'S RED HOT WIENERS Ib 55c w0000oo SCHNEIDER'S I LB PKG RINDLESS BACON 59c oxxvoo.000.o;,84,1%v:oovooooo71o4%oto.•.x.o74,000•o0000o00oovooN.%V% '%A& Monday thru Thursday, 8 a.m, to 6 p.m. NEW STORE HOURS Friday, 8 an m, to 9 p m. Saturday to 7 p ,m Sunday, 9 a.m. to IS p.m , 00000vv,0000wo.o.o:a000 o,000.•Iao,o,v,V. s.%VINA o •. Loo.: w:o Grand Bend r 238-2512