Zurich Citizens News, 1969-06-05, Page 3,. THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1969
MAUDE HEDDEN. Correspondent
Donald McArthur of Newton
visited with relatives in the
vicinity on Sunday.
Annual penny sale draw by
Legion Ladies Auxiliary will be
held Friday, June 6, at 9 p.m.
Holy Communion was admin-
istered in Hensall United Church
Sunday morning. Rev. I -I. F.
Currie delivered an inspiring
Message, The following were
Transferred to the Hensall United
Church, A1r, and Mrs. John
Alexander, Mr. and AIrs, Geo-
rge Ilow'son, Air, - and Airs.
Frnest Nth.
Ilarr\ Page left Monday, Mute
for his Il\:\\ position as utcrn-
ay?,c:'.r of the i}1'C itt w irwh..,u1.
Mrs. fag.... will remail] in Ilen-
sall fur the Itresenr,
t'ho ,l
1••,‘ k , resident of the
flute 1•••:iter ice.. f iol ,e 311d
I•t:.iident i,tt Ill.tllV A e;ll'` t f!
a.11 celebrate:; l;i 'ii'il. ilirthda`.
'll '+.tout;...., t 1,
lei. l cod., and Patricia,
olid 1rs, !. It w•ar'tf I.e1,t11!on,
Varna: ile-'1011 Letllint Ii, Loudon,
spent the weekend \•;illi rt:+latives
in Toronto.
Miss Carolyn Crooh, dctu.T1ltur
of Air. and ?,Irs. Rohcrt Cook,
has accepted a position as life-
cuarc.l at the Huron Part: Swiin n-
iig Pool.
Hensall W. I. will hold their
annual picnic in the Legion Hall,
Wednesday, June 11. Supper is
to be served at 6:30 p.m, roll
call - "Sing, say or pay".
Mrs. 1-Iarry Caldwell is visit-
ing with her daughter and son-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. lack
Moore and family, Stratford,
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mic:kle,
dr. and i\Irs, Atickic,
Alr. and Alrs. Charles Crouch
and Hiss Lynne Crouch, Aria,
Charles 1\liclae and Alis ;'inn
..Beide, attended the Convocat-
ion at the University of Western
Ontario last Saturday, when the
formerli, sort, Robert Ernest,
graduated with his '',]asters
Degree in science.
Ir. and '.1rs, 1 airtl :,lit Iwlt
entertained tiietr i':tl!:il\
(',l'aduati,'1i dilutor I ileFtl,i, of
Last veek, at Ilot l` Pc:ranran;
in l ,,utitl, i1, lloit+,r of tltt it
d n, 11 t e r t o art kiln, Who
r.:IL !:led that Iili ti:td. –
tor t f Arts degree tl0I the
1.'1)1\i'rsil\ of\V'e.tteru tutlli,,
]host.. present for the occasion
were alt, and \!t`, William
,Bich] , Pamela and Judith:
1\1r. and.\irs, Pos,. "MacMillan,
Waterloo: ('11ar1es and Robert
\Iichle. and !iitesrs Airs. Florence
Jovnt, Miss 1.yrnit. Crouch and
Paul Willoughby.
Mrs. Keith Buchanan is a
patient in St, Joseph's Hospital,
London, where she underwent
sur ery on Tuesday, June 3.
Mrs. Louise Simpson, resident
at the Blue Water Rest Hoole, is
spending a few weeks with
members of her family in Birm-
ingham, Michigan..
IIT, and Mrs. Fred Funk have
taken up residence in Exeter.
Mrs. Earl Soldan is a patient
in St. Joseph's 1lospital, London,
where she was taken by ambul-
Kippen E. \\'. I.
1:ippcu East \\', 1, sponsored a
bus trip lreduesda\ to 11trltener
with ladies taking the trip,
111e\ visite..] the I t'ud-I:-1
turl\i.\ and chicken prone :;i11,.'
plant 11 Petersburg. Pr`LIi ..'tit 1,
of this I)lani t'\t'i'6t1 ;ilt't'1:
i?,111i01.1 .t111CI\-
t'tli .11 tint fa't' :'i
• hour:
1ltalso tdtired shirt
fa wr. 1u+ w rt. r.
I ialll,latt tired,
!lucre:Hug, al., , L 1teti
1iur:•w•1i,: Hall kr the t , - 1
and enjoy ed :1 SII!t'rt'•asbor I
dinner at the 1lurlhiu•t 'f a` tr11.
The group went shopping, and
sat, the .;hovv 'Tunny 1,11011
hat,. an AratIL.Ill .']ward
Fly -up Ceremony
At Hensall
Well Attended
Spring flowers decorated the
Ilensall United Church Sunday
School room as six Brownies
were received into rhe Guide
Company by Captain Mrs, Jean
Turner and Lieutenant Mrs.
Carol Cooper. 'i'hey were
Tracey Turner, Barbara Cooper,
1\. via Reaburit, Tatum) Baker,
;uSle \':It16tt'tic and Toilette
601derl 1!.uult were a\%Ottleti to
ditto H '1'.1v,uv tlwl Mrs. 1`.0
inter .1110 11.11' h: itt¢S h\ 1;1'..'1%0
`,.1, ".Ir 1+:±!. t . , 1., <:'I
1" I
I brie 1, I,II t. ,
tn 1 .:..
i;, a'i, 1.r.ars i'i._i t!!'e". }•. t. Iii h.
Ictlnile1 1 otl:
1\o\le, alld \1111 !o 1
1\t'aua l e.tl'`clrll .tilt•.
Curdy. Tracey Turner was the
first Hensall Brownie to receive
her Cook's badge.
Following the Flying -up, the
Girl Guides were presented with
•incentive badges earned since
January. These included the
Fire Brigade and Keep Fit badges
which were done as a company
as well as the 1'lorne Nurse,
Minstrel, Cook, Knitter, l.aun-
and ilourernaker bad
earnedressd throu
gesgh inclivitlual efforts,
Dave Sangster, Ilensall fire
'chief, and Bill Fuss showed two
safety films stressing the import-
ance and care and cttl\':tut:ed
planning for fire errtergellcy in
Iltc home.
Several Guides then earned
their Hostess badges hy StA•Vilip
!Mich to the Brownies and guests.
ST1I'D 0
Sptacializing in ...
C (hik1r '.IIi! s
Single or Group Portraits
and Passports
118 St. David GGoderich
Ballet—Assorted Colors
Toilet Tissues _ _ 8 rolls $ 1
House and .Garden -11 Oz.
Raid Bomb ------$1.09
1 -Lb. Bag
tl ell < < use C 0 ee _ 77c
200s or Chubby 300s—Boxes
ex F cid Tissues _ i/$1
18 -Oz. Bottles
a'nt's Catsp 3/$1
Allen's -31A -Oz. Packages
e Crystals _ _ _ _ 5/ 5c
Fortune -28 -Oz. Tin
_ _ 45c
Peanut Butter 85c
Fruit Cocktail _
Dulcet -61/2 -Oz. Tins
Tuna Flakes
York -36-0z. Jar
Royal Crown Canned—Orange, Cola, Root Beer,
Grape, Lemon -Lime -10 Oz,—Case of 24 Tins
Soft Drinks _ _ _ $1.99
Stuart House -75 -ft. Rolls
Foil Wrap 79c
Fig Bars -1 Lb.
David Biscuits -
t14 ' du
A.34 wr%.h, ; w' f: tr;t 4,V':'1 --ta% ,4,Mb rtl A4t it. .t },g
California No. 1—New
10 lbs. 87c
Florida No. 1—Good Size
99c Each
Ib. 59c