Zurich Citizens News, 1967-12-14, Page 5THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1967 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE FIVE NEW RATES For Classified Advertisements Charges for advertisements on this page are as follows: Coming Events, and Announcements ____ $1.00 Cards of Thanks and In Memoriam $1.00 Classified word advertise- ments (first 20 words) 75c (each additional word 3c extra) Each initial, sign, group of figures and abbreviation counts as one word. Box No. Service Charge 25c If account is not paid within 0 days, an extra 25c will be charge. Classified word ads ac- cepted until 12:00 noon Wednesdays. Copy for retail and classified display accepted until 12:00 noon Tuesdays. FOR SALE APPLES—Eating and cooking. Fred McClymont and Sons, RR 1, Varna, phone 482-3214. 46,tf NEW POTATOES -2 miles east Af Zurich on Highway 84. Call 236.4038. 34,tf CHRISTMAS DRAW — As in former years, we are again giv- ing luggage as a Christmas Draw in our store. One draw 'vii'1 be made at the end of No- vember and the other at Christ- mas time. Oesch Shoe Store, Zurich. 44,tf CHRISTMAS just 2 weeks away. ELiminte shopping, wrapping and mailing. Give the gift that gives all year. You name the magazine, I sell them all. Mrs. C. Kipfer, Hensall, dail 262-2278 47,tf BOMBADIER SKI-DOOS, the best snowmobile made. Six models to choose from for 1968, neluding electric starter. Priced as low as $695. Larry Snider Motors, Exeter, Sales and Serv- ice. In Zurich contact Neil Walker, phone 236-4341. 47,tf USED TOILET, complete with fittings; also sink suitable for :mud room, and recessed medi- cine cabinet. Phone 237-3576 mornings or evenings. 49x USED ADDING MACHINE, Un- derwood hand -operated model, in brand new condition. Priced reasonable. Zurich Citizens News, phone 236-4672. 49,tf CHRISTMAS TREES. Place your order now for a choice quality tree. Ken Westlake, phone 236-4364. 49,tf CTIRISTMAS FLOWERS—Order early for your plants, cut f 1 ower s, or arrangements: Note's Flowers, phone 236-4602. 50,1,b WANTED :BOARDING HOUSE for single male school teacher, starting January 1. Please call 236-4942 days, or 236-4318 in the eve- ning. 50,b MISCELLANEOUS ANYONE wanting tattle spray- ed for lice, should contact Bill Watson, phone 237-3306. 50,tf NOTICE TO FARMERS DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL . SERVICE We now pick up dead or dis- abled catle and horses in your area. Rotten animals not ac- cepted. For fast, efficient service, call immediately collect. Licence 88C67. Phone 245.0838, Strathroy JOHN GRINSVEN 28,tf Notice To Creditors In the Estate of 'ROBERT WARREN WILLIAMS deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Robert Warren Williams, late of the village of Zurich, in the County of Huron, retired miller, who died on or' about the 2nd day of December, 1967, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by 'the 30bh day of December, 1967, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON Solicitors for the Administrator, Mr. Harold Whiteside, Exeter, Ontario Cards of Thanks We wish to express our deep- est gratitude and appreciation to all those who so thoughtfully contributed to thedonation which was given us as a wed- ding gift. It was greatly appre- ciated. Again a special thank you to our neighbors and friends,—Grace and Ivan Oesch, 50,b Dear friends and patrons — for the second time this year I have been • hospitalized from an old ailment that has accom- panied me for the past 20 years. To those who care and have been so kind to me, •according to the latest test and report there is little, if any, hope of improvemet in my condition. There is, however, a brighter side to the picture, I have found in the many comforting cards you have sent me a ray of hope, and the flowers you have sent me the beauty of nature and last but not least the Kin- ette ladies who visited me as before with their gift and cheery smile. To those of you who have taken time out of your busy schedule to offer me your services. This all causes me to wonder who am I to de- serve all this kindness and at- tention. Words fail me to ex- press my gratefulness to you all. On behalf of my family and myself, please accept my sincere t h a n k s. — Sincerely, James Bengough, 50,p HELP WANTED THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ONTARIO HOSPITAL GODERICH requires Registered Nurses for 300 -bed progressive psychi- atric hospital. SALARY: $5500 - $6300 annually, (effec- tive January 1, 1968). Salary differential for two or more years recent experience. QUALIFICATIONS: Registration in Ontario. BENEFITS Group life insurance and medi- cal - surgical insurance — '75% paid by government. Accumu- lative sick benefits; annual va- cation; pension plan; 40 -hour week. APPLY: Business Administrator, Ontario Hospital, Goderich, Ontario. VARNA NEWS (Continued from Page 1) ent. During the past year there has been 353 calls made to sick and shut-ins by the members of the UCW. The following officers were elected for 1968: past president, Mrs. Mervin Hayter; president, Mrs. Charles Reid; vice-presi- dent, Mrs. William Dowson; re- cording secretary, Mrs. Robert Taylor; treasurer, Mrs. Robert Webster; envelope treasurer, Mrs. John Ostrom; correspond- ing secretary, Mrs. M. Johnston. Group one leaders: Mrs. Wil- liam McAsh, Mrs. Robert •Stirl- ing; group two leaders: Mrs. A. J. Mustard, Mrs. Harvey Hayter; group three leaders: Mrs. John Ostrom, Mrs, Ralph Stephenson; group four leaders: Mrs. Wayne Taylor, Mrs. Gordon Hill. Two former members, Mrs. Lee McConnell and Mrs. Mel- vin Webster, were then called to the front and each presented with an address and gift. The meeting was closed with prayer and group two served lunch. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Percy Johnston, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Don Campbell, spent Sunday in Weston with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston. Mr. Floyd McAsh, of Hamil- ton, spent the week -end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McAsh. The Boy Scout group got off to a good start last Monday night with Mr. George Whittle as leader. A White Gift service will be held in the United -Church next Sunday. The members of LOL 1035 are holding their supper and annual meeting on Thursday evening of this week. 0 Renew Your Subscription Now THANK YOU! To all those who supported me, and worked so hard on my behalf, may I express my sincere thanks and ap- preciation. Compliments of the Season to One and All -- John H. Corbett News of Dashwood District (MRS. E. H. RADER, Correspondent) Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sanders, of Toronto, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Kel- ler. They all spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Keller and family, of Exeter. Mr, and Mrs. Bill Baker and family, Thames - ford, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Keller. Mr. and iVlrs. Irvin Rader and Sharon were supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wellwood Gill, of Grand Bend, Sunday. Mr. Brian Popkey, of Walt- ham, Quebec, who has spent many week -ends with Rev. and Mrs. M. J. Janes while stationed at Clinton Air Force base, has been transferred to Trenton. He has been guest soloist at the Evangelical Un i t e d Brethren Church on numerous occasions. Prior to his leaving the church presented him with five song books as a remembrance. At the Sunday morning serv- ice in the EUB Church five young •people who had com- pleted the catechism class, -"The Christian Way", were received into church membership. They were: Nancy Braid, Judith Des - IN MEMORIAM Sararas—In loving memory of Leonard Sararas, who passed away six years ago, on Decem- ber 12, 1961. This month comes back with Asad regret, It brings back a day we will never forget, You fell asleep without good- bye But our memories of you will never die. —Lovingly remembered by wife, Alvena, and Marj and Jim, Elaine and Cathy Love. 50,b CANTATA "THE MUSIC OF BETHLEHEM" ST. PETER'S LUTHERAN CHURCH ZURICH MONDAY, DECEMBER 18 8 P.M. THE TIMES -ADVOCATE CHOIR RON HEIMRICH JANET MILLER Director Accompanist (FREE-WILL OFFERING) 1 APPLICATIONS WANTED FOR A STENOGRAPHER on a full-time basis, to commence working on January 2, 1968. Please state experience and salary expected, in application. All applications to be in the hands of the un- dersigned by 6 p.m., on Wednesday, December 27, 1967. JOHN R. CONSITT, Secretary -Treasurer, Hay Fire Insurance Company, Zurich, Ontario. jardine, Braden Klunrp.p, Allan Merner and William Weber. On the previous Sunday they were guests of Rev. and Mrs. Merrill James over the supper hour and later joined with the other youth for Youth Fellow- ship at the church. Christmas Dinner Group three and Mrs. Eben Weigand, convenor, was in charge of the annual Christmas dinner for WSWS members, husbands and friends, Friday evening. Mrs. Don Gaiser, Mrs. Harry Hoffman and Mrs. Syd Baker were in charge of the program. The male quartette, Mervyn Tie - man, Harry Hoffman, Jack Gaiser and Stuart Wolfe sang several numbers. Paul Med- calf. of London, was guest speaker and showed pictures of his trip to Expo. Reception and Dance FOR EARL WAGNER and GLENDA SOPER (bridal couple) Saturday, Dec. 23 in the Zurich Arena Music by KEN MITTELHOLTZ and THE TWYLITES Everyone Welcome Pupils of Hay T.S.A., Zurich invite you to attend a program of CH' ISTMAS MUSIC at the Public School Auditorium ZURICH TWO DATES: MONDAY, DECEMBER 18 AT 1:30 P.M. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19 AT 8 P.M. ' Adults: 50c Students: 25c Bob's Body Shop A Complete Service On BODY SHOP REPAIRS ----REFINISHING TOWING SERVICE • FREE ESTIMATES Bob Forrester, Proprietor Dial 236-4959 (At Rear of Huron Motor Products) FIGURE SKATING CLASSES WILL BEGIN SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16 FROM 12 - 2 P.M. At the Zurich Arena Anyone who has not registered and paid their fees, must do so at that time Still Room For a Few More Pupils Any children who have not registered and still wish to take 'Figure Skating lessons may do so. Be at the Arena prior to 12 noon for registration. Sponsored by Zurich Recreational Committee ZURICH LIONS CLUB CHRISTMAS DANCE in the ZURICH COMMUNITY CENTRE FRI., DEC. 15 Dancing 8 to 12 p.m. Music by Ken Mittelholtz and The Twylites Refreshments Tickets Lunch Available $2.00 Each Provided Tickets Available from Lions' Members and Arena Manager r SH D HS DRAMA CLUB Presents THREE ONE -ACT PLAYS "RISE AND SHINE" "JUST ANOTHER SATURDAY" "SUNDAY COSTS FIVE PESOS" WED., DEC. 29 8 P.M. at the High School Auditorium EXETER Adults: 75c Students: 50c FREE — FREE -- FREE -- FREE Tickets on All Purchases of $1.00 or Over on the Following Prizes lst Prize—Bedroom Lamp, value $'7.95 2nd Prize ---Kitchen Clock (electric) $6.95 3rd Prize --Set of China Poodles, $6.95 4th Prize—Plush Poodle, $4.75 5th Prize—Plush Poodle, $4.75 Also FREE with every $15.00 or Over Order 1 Ib. Weston Fruit Cake DOERR'S SUPERIOR 0OB MARKE S.+ Zurich — Phone 236-4354