Zurich Citizens News, 1967-10-12, Page 7THLASDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1967 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE SEVEN New Democratic (Continued from Page 1) ;tittle, too late reaction to the ;farm income problem. Surely after 24 years of a lack of co- ordinated planning it is time to elect a group of people who believe lir economic planning in agriculture as in other areas. Labor Income Our present member went on public record at a party picnic as opposing wage demands 'which amounted to 10% a year over three years. This was af- ter years of rising profits and -riividend payments which had in fact outstripped labor in- .eome. However, I heard noth- ing from him about the threat to the economy ,from a 25% increase in doctors' fees in one year. I submit that the worker in Huron County is not threat- ening our economy. I there- fore wholeheartedly support the organized attempts of workers to obtain a living wage and a fair share of the total. wealth. Here, too, it is time labor asked serious questions about its pres- ent representation in the house. Medicare OMSIP is a truncated mis- guided attempt to keep the doc- tors and insurance companies happy. It is a costly silly al- ternative to the Saskatchewan plan which fulfills all the rec- ommendations of the Hall Com- mission, On this score the fed- eral Liberals appear to be re- neging again on their promise in this area so perhaps the provincial Conservatives will OPEN HOUSE AT CAROUSEL BEAUTY SHOP will be held on Saturday, October 14 1 to 5 p.m. Everyone welcome to drop in for Coffee and Cake Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday OPENING SPECIAL $12.50 Perm for Only $10 FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE ZURICH 236-4700 DE:LORES SCHILBE HELEN HORNER Proprietress Operator stay in step with them after all—but not with us. Car Insurance Over 200 companies in the field in Ontario pay out only 67% of the premium dollar on claims. The Saskatchewan plan over many years has paid out 86% of every premium dollar on claims because of simplified procedures and lower overhead costs. Cost of Education The property tax base for education further strains the resources of the farmer, the la- borer and the person on fixed incomes. It is an unprogres- sive tax—we propose to shift the burden of education to where it belongs—to those with the ability to pay—with higher incomes. Housing Both levels of government have neglected housing until the problem has reached crisis proportions in many areas. The best the Conservative govern- ment has done is introduce the HOME plan which Dr. Morton Shulman has defined as Home Ownership Made Expensive. The best the Liberal federal government has done is to raise the mortgage rate to a fantastically expensive 81/4, thus making it even more expensive to buy a home. Surely the housing problem requires the EUB Women Hear Missionary The October meeting of the Evangelical UC Women's So- ciety of World Service was held on Thursday evening in the church parlors. Mrs, Peter Gingerich was chairlady for the worship service. The meeting opened with the singing of a hymn. Mrs. Nancy Koehler read the scripture and prayer was of- fered by Mrs. Gingerich. Six grandchildren . of Mrs. Peter Gingerich very capably pleased the audience with a selection of vocal numbers, accompanied on the guitar by Harold Ginger- ich. Mrs. Nancy Koehler, Mrs. H. Schoch, Mrs. George Bullock and Mrs. Merino Steckle pre- sented a selection of prose en - insights and planning and poli- cies of people who have not totally lost touch with reality, 1 believe these problems de- mand the policies and planning of the NDP. Therefore in this election you have the oppor- tunity to vote for a reasonable meaningful change by voting John Boyne, New Democrat in Huron. John C. Boyne. Bob's Body Shop A Complete Service On BODY SIIOP REPAIRS --REFINISHING TOWING SERVICE * FREE ESTIMATES Bob Forrester, Proprietor Dial 236-4959 (At Rear of Taylor Motors Garage) Double your money with anada avings onds One of the great things about Canada is Canada Savings Bonds, and this year's Series is the most exciting yet. Interest starts at 5%% a year—the highest starting rate ever on a Canada Savings Bond—and goes right up to 6%. Over the 13 years to maturity the true average annual yield is 5.48%. Best of all, Canada Savings Bonds have a wonderful compound interest feature which pays you interest on your interest. Take full advantage of it and you will double your money. As always, Canada Savings Bonds are instant cash. They may be casl;.ed at any time for their full face value plus accrued interest. Ther are easy to buy for cash or on instalments' They fit all savings budgets ---from $50 up. Buy yours today - where you work, bank or invest! And, for the first time ever, Canada's most popular personal investment may now be bought by businesses, churches, charities, clubs, and other organizations. Another first: the limit per holder for this Series has been increased to $50,000. Backed by all the resources of Canada, Canada Savings Bonds are a great way to save. Buy yours today and double your money. Simple to cash any time titled, 'The Art of Thanksgiv- ing, Mrs. Bullock and Mrs. Steckle also presented a short dialogue on the various ways of saying "Thank You", around the world. Vocal selections were presented by Mrs. Steckle and Mrs. Bullock, The speaker of the evening was a Baptist missionary on furlough from the West Indies, entertained with movies of St. Lucien's Island. Miss Fink- beiner was formerly a native of the Crediton district, After the business session a dainty lunch was served by the committee in charge, The fall rally of the Strat- ford district is to be held in the Zurich EUB Church, with Miss Jean Kellerman, on fur- lough from Japan, anddaugh- ter of the late Dr. Kellerman, as guest speaker. 0 Renew Your Subscription Now r ASSORTED Jell-O Jelly Powders _ - _ 6/59c LUCKY DOLLAR Yellow Label Coffee 69c Save-AII Wax Paper 33c CREAMED—I9.OZ. TINS Culverhouse Corn 2/39c LUCKY DOLLAR FOOD MARKET ZURICH Progress in Agriculture The Robarts government rec- ognizes the difficulties that face agriculture during these years of change—is taking effective steps including a $500,000 grant to the new Farm Income Committee; loans for farm modernization; crop insurance at favorable rates; promotion of exports; and the new Capital Grants Plan. Progress in Housing H.O.M.E.—the Robarts govern- ment plan that reduces down payments, increases owner- ship—is providing many new homes at manageable cost. And the Ontario Housing Cor- poration, too, has provided more public housing in three years than the rest of Canada combined in 15. New satellite city plans also promise orderly suburban development. October 17 YOUR DATE WITH PROGRESS Progress in Taxation Ontario's 1967 budget showed no increase in taxes. What's more, two Smith Report pro- posals have already been en- dorsed to reduce your local tax bill. One gives an allowance of up to $2,000 of assessment on property; the other takes over the entire cost of justice. 1 Progress in Education For the past five years, an average of 11/2 new schools or substantial additions have been opened every day. One new secondary school every two weeks. Five new universi- ties since 1963. Nineteen new Community Colleges. Educa- tion grants up 600%. Fast action in education for fast - changing times. Support the Robarts Government THE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE PARTY OF ONTARIO KEEP A GOOD MAN WORKING FOR HURON ! CHARLIE MacNAUGHTON X