Zurich Citizens News, 1967-04-13, Page 5THURSDAY, APRIL. 13, 1967 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE FIVE 711 illi/44; up Fr; S Classified Rates For Sale, etc., Cards of Thanks, I n Memoriems, Engagements, 3c a weed; Minimum 75c. REPEATS - 2c a wdrd; Minimum 51c. CASH DISCOUNTS— % Off if paid ,by Saturday IfoiIowing last Insertion. BILLING CHARGE— lOc added on second bill. FREE— Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLINE - 32 o'clock noon, Wednesday /111•11101111, .41M INEOP FOR SALE HAY Conditioner, in good con .clition; 10 -foot International heavy spring cultivator. Con tact Jack Dunn, Bayfield, Phone 565-5344. 15,13 800 White Rock Cockerels, two weeks old. McKinley Farms and Hatchery. Phone 262-2837. 15,b HEAVY DUTY Farm Wagons, six ton, Timken roller bearings, auto steering, wagon, less tires, $110. With new four ply tires, $160; with new six -ply tires, $175. Joe's Farm Wagons, lo- cated two miles southeast of Linwood. 13to25,b No. 1 TABLE Potatoes, Sebago, 75 -lb. bag only $1.25. Vern Schatz, Dashwood. 15,b RED CLOVER and yellow sweet clover seed, mixed half and half; yellow sweet clover; tim- othy; good quality and reason- ably priced. Apply David Black- well, phone 236-4820. 15 POTATOES. Also a litter car- rier and track. Apply to Arn- old Vandenboomen, two miles east of Zurich or four miles• west of Hensall, on Highway 84. 14,5,6,p HOG CONTRACTS—Dairy cost- ing service. Complete line of Purina feeds and sanitation. Garden, farm and veterinary supplies, etc. Clinton. Farm Centre, 22 Isaac St., Clinton, M. W. Durst, Purina dealer. 'all 482-9333. 14,5,6,7,b WIHTE Brick House, in the village of Zurich, corner of Walnut and Main Street; bath and furnace; extra apartment at rear. Contact Hugh Clausius or Mose Erb, or phone 634-8737, Baden. 15,6,7,1, ET,•s;CTRIC MOTOR, 2 h.p., 3- phase -208, in good condition. Apply at Zurich Citizens News office. 12,3,4,x ONTARIO STEEL roofing and siding, Stelco brand. Present stock on hand — 28 standard gauge, colored, $15 per square. Galvanized, $10.75 per square. Arnold ''Cann, phone 235-1467. 14,5,6,7,p CENTENNIAL SHOES and Spats, available at Oesch Shoe Store, along with our complete line of 1967 footwear. 13tf RE-INFORCED Cement Tiles, 4' and 3'. Contact Lawrence Ziler, 11/4 miles south of Dash- wood, phone 237-3487. 14to20,b WE SUPPLY FLOWERS for all occasions: weddings, funerals, hospitals. •Cut flowers and plants at all times. Nete's Flowers, Mrs. Milton Oesch, Zurich, 13tf 1963 GMC 1 -ton Truck, with 7'6"x9' platform; dual wheels; 100x18 tires; 4 -speed transmis- sion; radio. This unit its like new. licence 25342V. For this unit see Jack Turkheim, 236- 4713. 14,b CUSTOM WORK CATTLE SPRAYED for lice. Contact William Watson, 237- 3306, Dashwood, RR 3, Zurich. 48,tf SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., cleaned. Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Zurich, 248, or in case of emergency, call Del Schwartzentruber, dial +55.2434, Tavistock. 33 -tib BRICK WORK—Ohimneys re- paired, repainted; stone work; fireplaces built; basement re paired, waterproofed and white coated. Work guaranteed. Ray Squire, phone 527-1332, Box 335, Seaforth. 10,tf Births McCLOY•—Mr. and Mrs. ' J. L. McCloy (nee Ruth. Hess), Don Mills, are happy to announce the birth of their daughter at East General Hospital, To- ronto, Thursday, April 6, 1967, a sister for Katherine, Christine and Jimmy, and a grand -slaughter for 4VIr. and Mrs. George Hess, Hensall. DODDS — Don and Maja (nee Roobdl), Seaforth, are happy to announce the birth of their son at Clinton Public Hos- pital, April 3. A brother for Lynne. Cards of Thanks I would like to say a sincere thank you to all those who so kindly remembered me with cards, flowers and treats while a patient at the Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital, Burlington. —Mrs. Eric Kennedy. I wish to express my sincere appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbors for their kind- ness in remembering me with flowers, treats and cards while I was a patient in South Huron Hospital. Also'Dr. Wallace and Ephriam Gingerich for their calls.—Mrs. Mose Erb. IN MEMORIAM Rader—In loving memory of a dear husband and father who passed away suddenly •one year ago, April 11 1966. We often sit and think of him When we are all alone, For memory is the only friend That grief can call its own. Like ivy on the withered oak, When all other things decay Our love for him will still Keep green and never fade away. —Lovingly remembered by his wife Leona and family. 15,p COMING EVENTS Variety concert, Friday eve- ning, April 14, 8:30 p.m., Zur- ich Public School auditorium. At the same time, bake sale. Master of ceremonies, Bill Brady, of CFPL, London; David Mitchell •and Sharon, of ven- triloquist and magic act. The Country Redwings and the Hop- per Stepettes, singing and dance act. Ed Stiles, piano artist, playing new and old hit parade songs. Sponsored by the Blue Water Rest Home Ladies' Aux- iliary. Tickets on sale from Auxiliary members or at the Home. 14,13 FOR RENT 60 ACRES •of farm land, 30 acres already plowed. Phone 237-3263. 15,b HELP WANTED ARE YOU looking? For a good - paying part-time job? Avon of- fers a marvelous opportunity in this rural area. • Write or call collect evenings, Mrs. M. Mill - son, 17 Hawkesbury Ave., Lan- don, 451-0541. 15,17,19,b NOTICE LUCKY DRAW Ticket No. 838867 was the winner of the lucky draw for a picture, at the Sauerkraut Supper in Zurich last Wednesday night. The holder of this ticket is asked to present it at Westlake Furni- ture and claim their prize. 15,b MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE TO FARMERS—Before you buy any agricultural chem- icals, contact me. Also custom spraying.' Lionel Wilder, RR 1, Zurich, call 236-4020. 12tf SILOS -•-= A solid, poured -con- crete silo offers greater strength and longer life—does a better, safer storage job, yet the cost is often less than other types. Let us quoteyour prices, financ- ing and construction arrange- ments for a poured -concrete silo or liquid manure tank. Write Solid Silos Ltd., London, or phone London 432-7106, eve- nings 438-3778; or Forest 622- R-31. 12,3,4,5,b ATTENTION Egg Producers. Free washing, compare our grading. Top prices paid for As and undergrades. To get your eggs picked up, call "Mitch", Parkhill Creamery, 294-6265. 13,4,5,6,b CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Tractor, Farm Machinery and Miscellaneous Items on the premises Lot 11, Con. 4, Hay Township 21/2 miles south of Hensall or 21/2 miles north of Exeter, thence 2 miles west The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on TUESDAY, APRIL 18 at 1:30 p.m. Tractor and Farm Machinery: Allis Chalmers CA tractor, equipped with bean puller, in A-1 condition; Int. 12 -run grain and fertilizer drill, with power lift and markers, in new con- dition; Int. power lift stiff tooth cultivator; 3 -section spring tooth harrows; John Deere side de- livery rake; Cockshutt mower; Int. horse-drawn manure spread- er; 3 -section diamond harrows; Allis Chalmers 5 -ton wagon; Turner all -steel gravity -box, like new; 7 -ton New Idea rub- ber tired wagon, equipped with 8 -ply tires; combination grain box and hay rack; walking plow; circular saw; 20 -ft. grain auger; tarpaulin 12x8; set of scales; quantity steel posts; fence stretcher; electric fencer; bag truck; 2 steel water tanks; muskrat traps; chicken wire; 300 feet snow fence; wheelbar- row; iron kettle; tractor um- brella; quantity of lumber and cedar posts; set of sleighs; Portland cutter; hog wire; 30 feet timber; poultry electric heater, including 6 lamps; M -H No. 9 cream separator; chicken feeders and fountains; ladder; gates; colony house 10x12; Cy- clone grass seeder; lawn mower; chicken shelters; set of chime bells; team bells; chains; forks; shovels; many other miscellan- eous items. No reserves as the farm is rented. Terms—Cash BEN TINNEY, Proprietor DALTON FINKBEINER, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 0 AUCTION SALE Of Farm Machinery, Forage Harvester Equipment and Antiques At Lot 10, N. Boundary, Hay Township 3 miles west of Kippen and 1/2 miles east of Hillsgreen, on FRIDAY, APRIL 21 at 1 p.m. Oliver 60 tractor, with 2 -row scuffler and bean puller; Gehl forage harvester with hay and corn attachments; Gehl blower; 2 forage boxes and wagons; Gehl hammer mill; Massey -Har- ris 15 -run seed drill with mark- ers; Mc -Deering 8 -ft. binder; Mc -Deering 81 -ft. stiff tooth cultivator; Mc -Deering 32 plate disc; Massey -Harris 32 -plat e disc; 2 three -section Mc -Deer- ing lever harrows; Cockshutt 4 - bar side rake; Mc -Deering 3 - furrow pull type plow; Massey - Harris 2 -furrow plow, on rub- ber; Mc -Deering 7 -ft. power mower; Little Giant 42 -ft. ele- vator; 2 -drum steel roller; 2 three -section' diamond harrows; Massey -Harris .cream separator; fertilizer and grass seeder for back of tractor; emery and mo- tor; circular saw with 300 -in. saw; 2 cattle feeders on wagons; 50 -ft. windmill derrick; wind- mill motor; pump jack; 1000 - lb. scales; steel water trough; well windlass; 300 -ft. litter car- rier track and bucket; hayfork car and 150 feet .of rope; 2 water tanks one with jacket; Stewart electric clippers; 2 - wheel trailer, new tires; anvil; 4 sling ropes; block and tackle; wire stretcher; 4 1/4 -horse mo- tors; 2 heavy steel barrels, one with purnp; electric feed cook- er; electric time clock; electric fan for henhouse; 1000 chick electric brooder; 3 1000 -chick coal brooders; pump` sprayer; automatic water fountain; 10 self -feeders for hens; 2 electric heaters; 3 electric fencers; 1957 Ford sedan, in good condition; Bendix washing machine; type- writer and other articles. Antiques: Steamer trunk; 8 -clay clock; settee; barrel churn; butter bowl; mand-made cradle; .iron kettle; sausage grinder; sausage stuffer; apple peeler, and num- erous other arbieles. Terms- -Cash ROSS LOVE, Proprietor HECTOR McNEIL, Auctioneer JAMES McALLISTER, Clerk 14,5,6,b EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE Of High. Quality Holsteins Modern Dairy Equipment, Trac tors, Thresher, Farm Machin ery, Hay, Grain and Micellan eons Items. on the premises Lot 15, Con. 13, Hay Township 11/4 miles south of Zurich on paved road The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19 at 12:30 p.m, Choice Holsteins: Holstein cow, carrying third calf, due June 6; cow, milking 4 months, rebred, carrying fourth calf; cow, milking 5 months, rebred, carrying third calf; cow, milking 3 months, rebred, carrying fourth calf; cow, recently freshened, calf at foot; cow, freshened March 4, calf at foot; cow, freshened March 25; 3 Holstein cow's due in July; cow, recently fresh- ened, calf at foot; 4 cows, due June 26; cow, due June 5; cow, milking, due August 5; cow, milking 4 months, rebred; 4 Holstein cows, carrying second calf, milking, due in Sept. and Oct.; 2 heifers, due May 13 and July 9; 7 Holstein yearling heif- ers; Guernsey cow, clue before sale date. This is an extra good herd of cows and heifers the protency of prominent blond lines and producers. Dairy. Equipment: Surge milking machine, in- cluding 3 units, piping for 44 cows; Mueller 44 -can cap. milk cooler; stainless steel wash sink; tank sprayer; strainer and pails, all in new condition. Tractors, Thresher, Farm Machinery: Int. B 414 • diesel standard tractor, hydraulic controls, in A-1 condition, equipped with Geo. White heavy duty manure loader; Allis Chalmers C stan- dard tractor, equipped with scuffler; Dion 22x38 threshing machine, equipped with shred- der, in A-1 condition; 100 feet belt; Kongskilde front end grain swather; Int. hay crimp- er; Int. 15 -run power lift grain and fertilizer drill, in A-1 con- dition; Kongskilde 9 -ft. 6 -inch three point hitch cultivator, with harrow attachments; Int. Super Chief heavy duty 3 -fur- row 14 -inch plow; Int. tractor spreader; Int. 3 -point hitch plow; trailer wagon; Ford man- ure loader; gravity grain box; Int. 8 -ft. binder on rubber; New Idea 7 -ft. power take -off mower; rubber tire wagon and rack; Malco hay elevator; Ben land packer; Krause 33 -plate 3 -point hitch heavy duty disc, used one season; 4 -section diamond har- rows; Int. belt -driven corn sheller; bale stooker; feed cart; Letz grinder; electric fencers; new litter carrier, with track and pole; 5 hp electric motor, recently purchased; 2000-1b. scales; 2 heavy duty block and tackles; tarpaulin 10x12; 16 ft. new aluminum gate; iron kettle; tractor chains; tractor umbrel- la; power take -off tire pump; jack -all -jack; fanning mill; set of sleighs; quantity square tim- bers; wheelbarrow; 44 Beatty cow stanchions and head rail; 24 water bowls, etc. Hay and Grain: 800 bales choice quality mixed hay; 400 bushel mixed grain; quantity silage; 150 pounds sorghum seed. Terms—Cash No reserve as owner is giv- ing up farming due to other interests. WILLIAM BROWN, Proprietor HAROLD STADE, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 0 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Tractor, Farm Machinery, Beef Cattle, Hay, Grain, House- hold Effects and Miscellaneous Items. on the premises Lot 16, Con. 8, Usborne Twp. Five miles east of Exeter Huron Street The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, APRIL 14 At 1 p.m. Tractor, Farm Machinery: Oliver Super 55 standard trac- tor, equipped with pulley and 3 -point hydraulic .hitch, in A-1 condition; John Deere trail type. wide bottom plow; M.H. 13 -run grain and fertilizer drill, like new; M.H: 15 -run grain drill; John Deere 8 -ft. stiff tooth cultivator; John Deere 90 -bushel tractor spreader; Allis Chalmers 7 -ft. power take -off mower; horse-drawn manure spreader on rubber; 2 -drum steel roller; Int. 4 -furrow disc plow; Deer- ing 5 -ft. mower; 5 -section dia- mond harrows; 3 -section lever harrows; Int. corn binder; M,II. hay loader; team disc; heavy duty wagon equipped with grav- ity box; horse drawn cultivator; Buehler heavy duty wagon; 16 - ft. hay rack; gravel box; grain. box; team scuffler; set of sleighs; whirl type fertilizer spreader; Fairbanks -Morse 11 - inch hammer mill; 75 feet 7 - inch belt; heavy duty 2 -wheel trailer; 2 -wheel trailer with stack racks; 2 grain augers and motor; 3 -point hitch snow blow- er, like new; set logging sleighs; fanning mill; Stewart electric clipper; heavy duty electric drill; 500 -gal. steel water tank; emery and motor; colony house; quantity lumber; 3 rolls barb wire; tarpaulin for pick-up truck; cattle dehorner; grain bags and sacks; quantity dry stove wood; brass sleigh bells; set of chimes; iron kettle; 12 - gauge shotgun; 22 rifle; 'steel water trough; Lawn Boy power mower; forks, shovels; chains, etc. Cattle: 21 choice Hereford and Dur- ham cows, some with calves at foot, remainder to freshen in April and May. Hay and Grain: 1500 bales mixed hay; 400 bushel mixed grain; quantity baled and loose straw. Household Effects: Round top dining room table, including 6 chairs, buffet; kit- chen table and . chairs; steel bedstead; rug 9x121k; rug 101/2 x113; Servel refrigerator, re- cently purchased; Findley coal and wood stove; electric radio; electric heater; crib; cradle; high chair; fern stand; quantity bedding; dishes; antique flour bin, etc. Terms—Cash . No reserve as the farm is sold. ROY COWARD, Proprietor DALTON FINKBEINER, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 0 HOLSTEIN DISPERSAL SALE Of High Quality Holsteins and Dairy Equipment on the premises Lot 28, Con. 13, Hay Township 1114 miles west of Zurich, thence 2 miles north or one-half mile south of Blake. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, APRL 21 at 1:30 p.m. Sale includes 2 Holstein cows, milking, rebred, due in June; 3 Holstein cows, milking, carry- ing third calf, due 'tri July and August; 3 Holstein cows, carry- ing second calf, due in April; 3 Holstein cows, carrying sec- ond calf, due in May; 2 Hol- stein cows, carrying second calf, due before sale date; 2 Holstein heifers, milking, rebred due in July; 3 Holstein heifers, due in September. This is an exceptional good herd of big strong cows and heifers selected from choice blood line and producers. No reserve as owner is giv- ing up dairying. Terms—Cash EDMUND ERB, Proprietor ALVIN' WALPER, Auctioneer 0 IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE Of Valuable 50 -acre Farm, Tractors, Farm Machinery, Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items on the premises Lot South Half 13, Con. 5, Usborne Township 2/ miles east of Exeter, thence one-half mile south The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 15 At 12:30 p.nt. Real Estate: Consists of South Half 13, Con. 5, Usborne Township, 2 - storey brick dwelling with all modern conveniences; 2 bank barns; d r iv es h e d .and silo. Buildings in good state of re- pair; land choice clay loans; 10 acre gravel pit; remainder tillable, Please Note—Farm was sur- veyed and has immense gravel prospect. Terms of Real Estate — 10% on clay of sale, balance in 60 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. Tractors and Farm Machinery: Oliver 77 diesel standard tractor, equipped with indus- trial manure loader and gravel bucket, in guaranteed A-1 con- dition; Oliver 66 gas tractor, row crop type equipped with 4 -row scuffler, good condition; M.H, 13 -run grain and fertilizer drill; M.H. 10 -ft, spring tooth cultivator; Allis Chalmers pow- er take -off 4 -bar side rake; Cockshutt tractor spreader; Case motor driven hay baler; 2 -drum steel roller; Cockshutt 3 -bar side rake; M.H. power take -off 10 -ft, swather; M.H. Clipper combine; Fleury Bissell tractor disc;2 rubber tire wag- ons with hay racks; 2 rubber tire trailers; M.H. 3 -furrow plow; 4 -section diamond har- rows; Case single row power take -off corn picker; bean pull- er; buzz saw; Mono chain saw; Universal milking machine, pip- ing for 16 cows, including 2 units; 10 milk cans; rubber tire wheelbarrow; fanning mill; 2 root pulpers; 42 feet 4 -inch pipe; Stewart cattle clipper; 2 colony houses; earth moving scoop; 250 -gal. gas tank, com- plete with pump; 2 hydro poles; 32 -ft. extension ladder; assort- ment lumber and plywood; an- tique double barrel shotgun; electrical equipment; electric motors; scrap iron; quantity stove wood; mail box; chains; forks; shovels, etc. Hay and Straw: 2000 bales timothy alga hay; 300 bales of Household Effects: Westinghouse clothes driyer; 3 -piece bedroom suite; walnut post bedstead; dressers; buffet; chairs; tables; lamps; kitchen cabinet; chesterfield; picture frames; assortment dishes; meat grinder; Sunbeam steam iron; crib; buggy; stroller; play pen; tricycle; wagon, etc. Terms—Cash MRS. LORRAINE FISCHER, Proprietress. DALTON FINKBEINER, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 237-3592 and alf- straw. 0 r Next year's television pro- grams on the three American and two Canadian networks have been selected and whether they live or die will depend upon you. Here's a partial list and des- cription of some .of the shows you will be viewing: "Cowboy in Africa"—Chuck Connors stars as a world cham- pion modern-day cowboy who takes an a role similar in ad- venture to that of his wild west predecessors. He rides herd on a new frontier, "Kenya", but his livestock are the animals of Africa, rather than the beef of the panhandle. "The Flying Nun" — Sister Bertrille is the most versatile young nun at Convent Tanco in San Juan. She can fix cars, give haircuts, organize fiestas —even play gin to attract souls to Sunday Mass. She also flies Sally Fields, who brought a special, warmth to television conveying the fun and foibles of a teenager named "Gidget" in 1965, now brings that same warmth to the character of this marvelous free -flying nun. Reception and Dance For MR. and MRS. JOHN VARLEY (nee Liz Carter) Community Centre ZURICH Sat., April 15 9-12 P.M. Music by "THE CHANDALIERS" Ladies Please Bring Sandwiches McADAM'S TV Specializing in Home Entertainment For Expert Service to All Makes of Radio - Television - Record Players - Hi-Fi ANTENNA REPAIRS AND COLOR TV SERVICE Phone 236-4094 -- Zurich 1We Have The Best When you think of interior painting, be sure to ask for the best, Super Kem-Tone and Kem-GIo ASK TO SEE OUR COLOR HARMONIZER BOOK TIME TO THINK OF YOUR Seed Requirements Buy all your Hardi-Green and Long -Term Mixtures now from a reliable dealer. HAY PASTURE MIXES Hardware o Weld• Stade & e DIAL 236-4921 -- ZURICH "THE STORE WITH THE STOCK"