Zurich Citizens News, 1967-02-09, Page 7T•HIURSPAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1967 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE SEVER LATS OF PROBLEMS HERE—Workmen at General Coach in Hensall found that two power plants were required this week to tow the finished trailer units onto the storage lot adjacent to the buildings. Here a tractor and a caterpillar are need to coax the beau- tiful home -on -wheels into its berth to wait for its new owner to claim it. Annual Meeting of St. Peters Lutheran Church Hears Change in Constitution The annual congregational meeting of St. Peter's Lutheran Church in Zurich was held on January 25 with a good repre- sentation •of the members pres- ent. Gary Flaxbare, reporting for the young people's Luther League, recalled the 20th cen- tury religious skit — "Keeping Up With the Horses"—was per- formed by the Leaguers for the congregation with a panel dis- cussion following the skit which involved a confrontation of par- ents and teenagers. Later in the year the League sponsored the showing of the film "Martin Luther". Other League activ- ity included Christmas carol singing at the doors •of shut- in members and the delivery of Christmas cheer boxes, which had been packet by the Luth- N E W ! - Shur -Gain Beef Silasupplement "A" Increase daily gains from corn silage. Feed 40% Beef Silasupplements "A". This new beef supplement is designed to supply the pro- tein required when feeding corn silage which is higher in grain and energy content. Beef feeders using silage as the main ration owe it to themselves to learn all the details about SHUR-GAIN 40% Beef Silasupplement "A". feed Service Mo DEITZ and SON DIAL 236-4951 ZURICH BROADLOOM 501 Du Pont Nylon Broadloom Only $7.95 Sq. Yd. Foam -Backed Carpet Only $4.50 Sq. Yd. We Install All Types of Floor Coverings! FREE ESTIMATES MASON & RISCH PIA OS NOW IN STOCK WESTLAKE FURMTURE Main Street -- - Zurich o_ NE eran Church Women. The retiring president of the Lutheran Church Women, Mrs. Carl 1lrillert, reported the mis- sion festival conducted during a week -end in May at which the Rev. and Mrs. Eric Reble, of Kodaikanal, Andhra, South India, were the speakers. Visits to sick and shut-ins were re- ported as an on-going activity of the LCW as were the making of quilts and scatter rugs for Waterloo Lutheran University residence rooms, and quilts and layettes for Lutheran World Relief. Bert Klopp reported for the cemetery board telling of plans to introduce perpetual care as the fund for that purpose in- creases, and also of recommen- dation to honor the memory of the . early members of the congregation as a centennial project. Charles Kalbfleisch, superin- tendent of the Sunday Church School, expressed satisfaction with the materials received in the new curriculum of the Luth- eran Church in America and told of the loyalty of the teach- ing staff. He said he was con- cerned with the decreasing numbers in the beginner class and on the cradle roll. Mrs. Harold Thiel reported that the Church School, both Sunday and Vacation schools, had taken up offerings which contributed five hundred dol- lars to the general fund of the congregation. Jack Turkheim, treasurer of the congregation, gave his re- port comprising offerings and spending in 1966 and showed that the budget for that year was met, but that the balance left for the start of the new year was substantially less than the year before. While offer- ings had remained about the same. expenses had risen ac- counting for the difference. Five thousand dollars of the apportioned six thousandhad also been sent to the Synod of Eastern Canada, of which the congregation is .a member. Due to a motion to alter the constitution of the congregation by reducing the number of deacons on the church council from 12 to seven, the election of deacons was postponed till March 1, at which date a spe- cially called congregational meeting is due to be held. 50 Years Ago FEBRUARY, 1917 Golden Opportunity Sale at T. L. Wurrn Store: men's tail- ored suits, $16.50 to $18.50; tweed overcoats, $3.50 to $8.50; ladies' coats, $4.75 to $19.50; sable stole, $6; sable muffs, $6; suit lengths, 31/2 yards, $7.75 to $11.50. Charles Weber received word on Monday that his son, Pte. Maurice Weber, was slightly wounded in the. leg accidently on January 20 in France and has been admitted to Camiers hospital. At a special meeting of the Zurich Police Trustees held on Tuesday a resolution was passed authorizing the Hydro -Electric Commission to purchase the necessary material needed to construct and equip the pro- posed power line to be built from Exeter to Zurich. A movement is underway at London to have the morning train from London to Wingham put on again. Note this bargain: Large ranges with reservoir, high closet, tiled back, scroll with mirrors on top, oven thermom- eter and a large oven, 20 by 22. Best stove on the market, only $50. All stoves guaranteed or no sale. C. Hartleib. 40 Years Ago FEBRUARY, 1927 The public school at Dash- wood is closed on account of measles. The spring-like and warm weather the past few days has caused considerable thawing and the sidewalks which were very dangerous, especially where people did not keep them clean, have now become more passable and not so dangerous to walk upon. The sleighing to Hensall is out of the question and the auto and wagons are again being used. And it is quite possible that the sleigh will not be used again to ad- vantage this winter. Miss Olive O'Brien was named president of the Zurich Library Association. Dr. P. J. O'Dwyer was laid up with a bad attack of cold the last few days. Local markets: butter, 40e per lb.; eggs, 55c per dozen; potatoes, $2 per bag. Remember we give coupons with every cash p u r ch a s e throughout this year, entitling you to guaranteed silverware without extra cost to you. J. Gascho & Sons. (Advt.), 25 Years Ago FEBRUARY, 1942 All persons owning autos and who have old auto markers are kindly asked by the Red Cross Society to leave these markers at some gas station where they will be picked up for scrap iron. Produce dealers have been strictly notified by the govern- ment against spots on eggs for NetERBRIMINIIIINIft General Contracting NOW WE ARE EQUIPPED TO SERVE YOU IN • PLUMBING • HEATING • • ELECTRICAL WORK We will build your HOME 0 COTTAGE BARN One contract will take care of your complete project Backhoe Service Now Available ! Aluminum oors and Widows STANDARD STOCK SIZE DOORS h Completely Installed DIAL, 236.4679 ZURICH 4THORRIZSMEMPURVIORNERMANZURANINVONIVIXEMMAKIPTIPKWEINA _OF - ¥EA GONE _BY - - the export market. These eggs suffer a reduction of nine cents or more in price. Dance in Tieman's Hotel, Dashwood, on Friday, February 6, to Murdock Orchestra. Ad- mission, 35c. On February 9 all Canada will go on daylight saving time, Munitions Minister Howe in- forms. The order -in - council conies from Ottawa and the peo- ple are asked to turn their clocks one hour ahead until further notice. Get ready to Buy the New Victory Bonds! (Advt.). 15 Years Ago FEBRUARY, 1952 Edward Gackstetter, an em- ployee at the Kalbfleisch Plan- ing Mills of town, had the little finger on his left hand gashed to the bone. Early Wednesday morning radio news reported the sad news that our beloved King George the Sixth, king of the British Commonwealth, had passed away during the night. He was one of the best mon- archs in British history, and a great pian for the ordinary family life and had a big heart for the poor working people. It is said there are some wolves in the vicinity of Zurich and hunters are anxious to clean them up. Bob and His Band will play for a Valentine Dance in St. Peter's Parish Hall at St. Jo- seph. Mrs. George Tiernan, Dash- wood, has arrnved home from the hospital with her little son. Hula Dancer—A shake in the grass. 10 Years Ago FEBRUARY, 1757 Off to Florida are Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gingerich, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gingerich, Robert Williams, Samuel Ropp and Lorne Gingerich. To prevent lumpy gravy, add a pinch of salt to the flour be- fore mixing with water. Paul Durcharme, of the 15th concession, returned to his home after undergoing surgery in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Klopp hosted the Unique Farm Forum. Hay Township Federation of Agriculture executive members are: president, Lloyd Hendrick;' Ross Love and Herb Klopp, vice- presidents; secretary, Clifford Pepper; directors, Harold Wit- lert, Jack Faber, George Gren- ier, Harold Rader, W i 1 f r.• e ci Mousseau, Clifford Weide, Stu- art Thiel, Gordon Coleman, Har- old Campbell, Carl Willert and Elwood Truemner. Specializing in home Entertainment For Expert Service to AH Makes of Radio - Television - Record Players - ANTENNA REPAIRS AND COLOR TV SERVICE Phone 236-4094 --- Zurich :PvPWd^AININ,' •,4W,0•MV,09J'WE^ •sYVCvY�P•Off�9•`d IRESSESIOLINISIMAINDWOUSEMEENUMMEMMIMEI FOR ENJOYMENT IN EATING OUT. Take Your Family Out For a Wonderful Meal ! Nothing makes a family happier than sitting down to a fine meal in our dining room. We offer a choice of delicious food amidst a pleasant dining atmosphere. J 4 Our Pleasure Is Serving You We Specialize in Steaks, Chicken, Fish ! • ENJOY THE FINE ATMOSPHERE OF OUR ATTRACTIVE ALPINE RO ' Licenced under the Liquor Licence Board Domi " ion ' i'k'te Your Hosts — Marg and Ross Johnston DIAL 2364371 — ZURICH If you're looking for a place to start on home improvements, consider these facts about electric wiring. To most people, home improvements mean a panelled recreation room or a shiny new set of kitchen cupboards. But there's a way to improve the improve- ments: modernize your home wiring first. Up-to-date wiring lets you make the most of the new room you're building, or the old one you're re -styling. It lets you place your lighting wherever you like, have as many electrical outlets as you choose, and use as many appliances as you need without popping fuses. In fact, you'll notice pleasant changes all through your home. Modern wiring can improve the efficiency of your light- EMA•12nwY. ing and the performance of your appli- ances. It puts such comforts as electric heating and air conditioning well within your reach. It can also make a big differ- ence to the safety and re -sale value of your home. Before you reach for your toolbox, reach for your telephone. Call a qualified electrical contractor, or your. Hydro. Up-to-date wiring J,p costs less than you may NV A think. Yet it could be your most important home improvement of all.