Zurich Citizens News, 1966-10-27, Page 7THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1966 ZURICH CITIZEN$ NEWS er PAGE $EVEN Huron TB Association Reports Fine Response to 'gays at Plowing Match,' The secretary reported that Beck Memorial Sanatorium has a pulmonary function machine in operation there and that a pulmonary function survey of a cross section of the county would be a worthwhile centen- nial project. Routine reports were given by Miss Eileen O'Brien, educa- tion chairman; Mrs. D. C. Cor- nish, case finding; E. C. Bos- well, Christmas Seal chairman. While at the sanatorium re- cently, Mrs. Davidson told the meeting she had been shown an x-ray of a young man with far advanced pulmonary tubercu- losis, who had symptoms for two years before being checked. J. A. Taylor, of Drumbo, a member of the management committee of the Ontario Tu- berculosis Association, will be guest speaker at the next reg- ular meeting ,on November 16, 1966. A total of 772 chest x-rays were taken at the Huron tuber- culosis booth at the plowing match. Mrs. Beryl Davidson, associa- tion secretary, told the regular meeting of the Huron County Tuberculosis Association at Clinton, Wednesday, that ap- proximately 700 health educe- tional pamphlets and posters had been distributed. Persons from New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Quebec and Michigan were included in the x-rays. "This was a wonderful case finding and educational project :and had the weather been bet- ter the results would probably have been more extensive," she said, and added, "the TB asso- ciations of Huron and Perth state that we fight TB wherever it is and this project illustrates the ecumenical spirit of these voluntary organizations." George Watt, association president, was in charge of the meeting. VARNA NEWS A special cervi: e of song was held in the United Church last Sunday when the choir wore their new gowns for the first time. The service was led by the pastor, Rev. M. Morrison, and the choir was under the direction of the organist, Mrs. Robert Stirling. A solo, "My FE E PORFSSIVE C} NSERV Task", was sung by Peter Pos till, an anthem by the choir, and also a hymn and scripture, which was a combination of Psalm 90 and Isaac Wat's hymn "0 God Our help in Ages Past". Miss Carol Taylor thanked the various organizations Who heIp- ed with the purchase of the new gowns. Miss Roxana Palmer, of Flam- ilton, visited friends here on Sunday last. MIIM99=690108811192WIllatallabliala, PLUMBERS ARE BUSY—While everyone is rushing around at Blue Water Rest Home to complete the work they are responsible for, members of the plumbing crew are in- : PASSEPORT POUR LA TERRE DES HOMMES;;, 1 Expo 67 is the candle on Canada's Centennial birthday cake. The crowning event of a whole year's celebrations. It opens in Montreal next April 28th for six months—the biggest, most exciting show you have ever seen. Make it a date, now. Get your entrance Passport now—and save. Reduced prices up to February 28th: Daily Passport, $2, Weekly Passport (7 consecutive days) $7.50. Also big reductions on Season Passports and Youth Passports. Children 2-12 on April 28th, 1967, half price. On sale at banks, travel agents, transportation companies, department stores, service clubs, awomen's bout Bonus Books,itoo,for big diour scounts s oand n food, rever you and entertainment o 67 sign. Ask Accommodations? Guaranteed. Write to the official EXPO 67 accommodation bureau: LOGEXPO, Expo67, Cite du Havre, Montreal, P.Q. eCAN67 MONTREAL AOA The Universal and International Exhibition of 1967 Montreal, Canada APRIL 28—OCTOBER 27, 1967 4 61144:451 no, to OE Galli, G:p(e,nor aaa11M1 woo Centennial of Canadian Confederation stalling the toilets in the various rest rooms in the building. Shown here placing one of the toilet bowls are Don Bender and Ken Rader, both of the Dashwood area. n a Friday, October 28, 1966 CLINTON LEGION HALL 8:30 P.M. GUEST SPEAKERS . . . Hon. Alvin Hamilton, Former Minister of Agriculture Robert McKinley, MP -- And Others DONUT AND JOHN DURNIN. President KAFFE KLATCH AFTER MEETING MRS. F. G. THOMPSON, Secretary 42,b c sausim Naressimallonsimmossimmonswouswomalwagazolos zwy?L`;;4?%tw^YiE tn� "Yt. u� <6. 1, N 'rw �JIf Open air roasting and broilin:�, ' :..?L:Sesy:aV:Z.!E!y.M..1 a.." li+�i. tot,, ;.ff,a4 talktiO4;0',;•an*z..o c istvsi r R c :ihliu iia tai DU PONT CONTINUOUS FILMENT NYLON .501 ONLY 7.95 YARD REG. VALUE $10.00 SQ. YD. CALL. US FOR FREE ESTIMATES AND IDEAS!! 1NESTLAKE FURNITURE MAIN STREET -- ZURICH ampasmanasmamaeommommomorown FINISHING TOUCHES—Electricians are busy this week putting the finishing touches to their part of the work at Blue Water Rest Home. Jim Pfaff is shown here as he installs a special fixture in connection with an alarm system in the building. CL RK'S FO Y SUPPER in the Zurich Community Centre Wednesday, November 9 6:30 p.m. Adults: $1.25 Children 10 and under : 75c Sponsored by Zurich Women's Institute IF YOU BELIEVE IN CORN SILAGE You need SHUR-GAIN 40% Dairy Sila-supplement Sweetened. By feeding SHUR•GAIN 40% Dairy Sila-supplement Sweetened you get the best out of your corn silage and most out of your milk cows. Drop in soon to your local SHUR-GAIN Feed Service Mill. We'll outline .the SHUR-GAIN Dairy Sila- supplement Program and how it can work on your farm. feed service M. DEITZ and SON DIAL 236-4951 ZURICH - Regular Value -- $450 NOW ONLY $298 24" Moffat Deluxe Range Reg. Value O n' $159 $265 PAINT CLEARANCE Discontinued. Lines of Latex and Enamels $1.50 $4695 QUART GALLON Fancy Medicine Cabinets COMPLETE WITH MIRROR DOORS Regular $13.95 Value for ONLY $9.95 SEE THESE TERRIFIC BARGAINS NOW, AT Zurich Hardwire