Zurich Citizens News, 1966-10-27, Page 3THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1966 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE THREE •qt Hensall branch of the Cana. dian Legion will observe Re- anembranee Day service Sunday, November 13, with service at the Cenotaph at 9:30 a.m., fol- lowed with a service at Carmel Presbyterian Church at 10 a.m. Rev. C. J. Boyne will be the speaker. E. R. Davis and Fred Beer attended a meeting of the Le- gion command service bureau at Blyth on Sunday. At the monthly meeting of the Hensall branch of the Ca- nadian Legion it was decided to hold the Hensall Legion ban- quet on November 11. Mr. and Mrs. C. Christie and Catharine Anne visited in Wy- oming and Petrolia on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Joynt, Dr. and Mrs. Harry Joynt, Toronto; Dr, W. T. Joynt, London, spent Hensall Groups Attend Convention On October 29 .and 30 Kins- men from district on; starting at Fort Erie to Windsor, and north to Collingwood, will be travelling to Niagara Falls for their annual fall council. 1G•overnor Dave Jenkihs, na- tional vice-president Art Jones and national anniversary pro- ject chairman Dave Fisher will be on hand to accept cheques from 74 Kinsmen and Kinette •clubs. This will help build a $400,- 000 institute in Toronto to as- sist in training those who will teach the mentally retarded. This is a national project and does not include the individual projects that each club per- forms in their own community. President Murray Baker and his wife Greta will attend as voting delegates for Hensall, along with vice-president Bob Caldwell and Eudora, registrar Harold Caldwell and Wilma, na- tional world council chairman Bill Mickle and Fran. Also attending the Sunday meeting only will be national Kin and Kinette reporters Jack :and Helyn Drysdale, Bill and :8elva Fuss, and Harold and Marg Knight. MRS. MAUDE REDDEN, Editor the week -end with the formers' mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt. Hensall Kinsmen are sponsor= ing a Hallowe'en party for the .children at the Community Arena Monday evening, Octo- ber 31, with a parade at 7 p.m. from the Town Hall and judg- ing of costumes at 7:30 at the Arena. Following the judging a skating party will be held. Treats will be handed out to the children. Mrs. Fred Beer, district presi- dent, and Mrs. Wilbert Dilling, district secretary, were guests at Crediton WI meeting Wed- nesday, and reported having a very enjoyable evening. Ross McNichol is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, where he was admitted on Sunday. Flowers in the United Church sanctuary Sunday morning last were in memory of the late Mrs. William B. Cross and Rob- ert L. MacLean, placed by the families. Mrs. and Mrs. Ken Sauter, Marlette, Mich., spent the week - Anglican Women Discuss Play The meeting of St. Paul's Anglican WA was held Wednes- day, October 19, at the home of Mrs. T. Lavender, and the president, Mrs. Annie Reid, opened the meeting with devo- tions from the living message. Rev. J. P. Gandon presented the first chapter of the new study book, "The Church Grows in Canada", and a lively dis- cussion followed. Mrs. Lavender reported on the WA conference which she attended in London on October 15 and spoke very highly of the play which was put on to bring home to people the realistic problems facing us today. It was decided that St. Paul's WA would invite the WA ladies of Clinton, Bayfield, Goderich and Exeter to take part in their next meeting to be held at 8 p.m. in the church basement on November 16, and part of this play would be presented and discussed. Have you found the answer to planned financial security? Call: The Mutual Life of Canada e end with Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Bell and girls. Mrs. Maurice Tudor attended the Tudor-Morrision wedding at Kingussie, Scotland, recently, making the trip by jet, The groom is the .oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Tudor, of Hensall. The young couple will take up residence in Toronto the end of October. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robin- son, of Bath, have returned home after a visit with Mrs. Hugh McMurtrie. 0 Obituary MRS. W. B. CROSS Mrs. William B. Cross, highly esteemed resident of Hensall, passed away in St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London, Wednesday, Oc- tober 19, following a major operation. She was 73. Mrs. Cross was the former Leola Pearce, and was very ac- tive in the United Church of which she was a member. She was a former president of the Women's Missionary Society for over 12 years, and was treas- urer of unit 4 UCW at time of her death. She was valued member of Hensall Women's Institute and •card convenor. Her husband, a former manager of the Bank of Montreal here, predeceased her in February, 1956. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Donald (Marigold) Robin- son, London; four sisters, Mrs. James (Jane) Pringle, Chats- worth; Miss Mary Pearce, To- ronto; Mrs. Hugh (Valerie) Col- lins, Galt; Mrs. S. E. (Alma) Kidd, Desboro; three brothers, Percy, Kincardine; Rufus, To- ronto; Harvey, Vancouver, and four grandchildren. Public funeral service, large- ly attended, was .held Friday, October 21, from. Bonthron funeral home, conducted by Rev. Harold Currie, who paid fitting tribute to her life. Burial was in Chesley cemetery. Pure Bride Honored Before Marriage Complimenting Miss Mary Payne, bride -elect of this month, neighbors and friends honored her with a miscellaneous pres- entation in the fellowship ball of the United Church, Wednes- day evening, October 19. Mrs. Ken Pollock chaired the program which included a piano solo by Miss Joyce Flynn; reading, Mrs. Clarence Reid; contests by Mrs. Ken Keller. Presentation address to the bride -elect was read by Mrs, Orval Beaver, with Kay Gack- stetter and Joyce Flynn assist- ing in opening the many lovely gifts. The choir of the church also presented a gift. Corsages worn by Miss Payne and her mother were made by Mrs. Norman Pepper. In charge of arrangements were Mrs. Orval Beaver and Mrs. Norman Pepper. 0 Trousseau Tea For Bride -elect Mrs. Carl Payne, RR 1, Hen- sall, entertained at a trousseau tea at her home Saturday af- ternoon and evening, October 22, in honor of her daughter, Mary, bride -elect. Guests were received by Mrs. Payne and her daughter. A madeira lace cloth covered the tea 'table, which was decorated with yellow and white mums. Pouring tea were Mrs. Floyd Payne, London, and Miss Muriel Hayman, England. Displaying the trousseau were Miss Mari- lyn Galloway, Crediton, and Miss Nancy Kyle, Hensall. Shower gifts, Miss Sandra Merritt, St. Thomas; Miss Gal- loway; linens, Miss Kathleen Oke, Exeter; Miss Joyce Flynn, Hensall; wedding gifts and charge of guest book, Miss Helen Tilley, Exeter; Miss Lin- da Mock, Hensall. Serving, Miss Linda Mock; Miss Nancy Good, London; also assisting were Mrs. Harvey Hyde, Mrs. Sim Roobol, Mrs. Jack Faber, Mrs. Norman Pep- per, Mrs. Ken Pollock, Hensall, Mrs. Hazel Coward, Woodham. .rill. � r'�•d4'h�rA'� Amber Rebekahs Planning Euchre The regular meeting of Am- ber Rebekah Lodge was held Wednesday evening, October 19, with noble grand Mrs. Lind- say Eyre presiding, A motion was passed to send a cash don- ation to the Children's Aid So- ciety, Goderich. Members of the Lodge were invited to a dessert euchre on Wednesday afternoon, October 26, at Clinton Lodge. It was decided to have a secret sun- shine pal for the year and a given. A dessert euchre will be held in the Lodge Hall Wednesday, November 9, to be followed with a bake sale. 0 Mrs. Lou Simpson is a patient in South Huron Hospital, Ex - special gift of one occasion be eter. 4 -#"Atik:Naisaillaft- % USEFUL SERVANT OR DANGEROUS FIRE HAZARD? Electricity can be a boon to modern living—or a dangerous fire hazard. Last year in Ontario, careless use of electricity caused 2,975 fires. Many lives were lost. Property damage was more than $41/2 million. Check your home today—to safeguard the lives of your family and protect your property. ARE THERE ANY OF THESE FIRE HAZARDS IN YOUR HOME? DAMAGED WIRING FAULTY APPLIANCES OVERLOADED CIRCUITS UNGROUNDED POWER TOOLS MISFIT FUSES OCTOPUS PLUGS FIRE. -CHECK YOUR HOME TODAY! CIRCO O HOME TORS INSURANCE' FE NCE ASSOCIATION• AUTO Fresh r Sweet Pickled REPRESENTATIVE: G. R. Godbolt, CLU, Phone 235-2740 Collect. Corner Sanders and Edwards Streets EXETER, ONTARIO. General contracting 1 NOW WE ARE EQUIPPED TO SERVE YOU IN PLUMBING • HEATING • • ELECTRICAL WORK • MINS We will build your HOME • COTTAGE BARN One contract will take care of your complete project Backhoe Service Now Available ! Aluminum Doors and Windows Only $35 SIZE DOORS Completely Installed STANDARD STOCK 1 c art DIAL 236.4679 ZURICH 11 Prime' Grouns Cw Roasting Chkkn - 16. 43c � WA c AIIIMUMMIMMINIMPRIM PRODUCE FEATURES FLORIDA No. 1 —SIZE 96s GRAPEFRUIT 8 for 59c 1 FROZEN FOODS HIGHLINER OCEAN Perch Fillets _ Lb. 39c SUPREME — 2 -LB. BAG French Fries _ _ - 49c SPECIAL PACK Giant Size Spic , Span 87c f �c iris Co king Dates - - - 2 Lbs. 49c 11 -LB. TIN :hyte's n ed i '''i's $1.39 11-0Z. BOTTLE Hunt's Catsup loos Each 19c 69c _ 39c 6c Ka Te«« Btigs 2 -LB. BOX .rnt Je ,>nna make 16.OZ. JAR lingers tell Cheese Swrea€ 6 -OZ. PACKAGE Vankirk Ch l hcol to Chipits - - - - 2/49c PARCHMENT WRAP Monarch Margerine 3 Lbs. 88c 48.OZ. TINS Allen's Fruit "`rinks 3/$1 25 -FOOT ROLLS Stuart House Foil Wrap 2/65c 12s— PACKAGES Oxo Cubes, Beef or Chicken 2/69c Home Rendered Lard - _ •- - - - - Lb. 17c (IN YOUR OWN CONTAINER)