Zurich Citizens News, 1966-04-14, Page 7THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1966 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE SEVEN Obituary ary John Passmore John Passmore, a Exeter, formerly of Hensall, a retired Hydro superintendent, passed away Saturday, April 9, in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, following a lengthy illness. He was in his 88th year. Mr. Passmore came to Hen- sall in 1910, where he operated an electrical business as well as being Hydro superintendent. He took an active part in the affairs of the village, was a member of Hensall United Church, a member of the IOOF, Hensall Lodge 223. He is survived by three sons, Kenneth, Aylmer; Rev. Robert, Owen Sound; John, Delhi; two daughters, Mrs, William (Zetta) McLean, Hamilton; Mrs. Lorne (Susan) Elder, Hamilton; one sister, Mrs. Gilbert Dungan, Ex- eter; 19 grandchildren and four great-grandchilden. Mrs. Pass- more predeceased him in 1950, and he was also predeceased by three sons, Gerald, Carl and Albert. Public funeral service was held Monday from Bonthron funeral home, Hensall, •conduct- ed by Rev. H. F. Currie. Inter- ment was in Exeter cemetery. Pallbearers were Robert Cann, Melvin Gardiner, Ken Duncan, Robert Mayers, Gilbert Johns and Lorne Passmore. BUILDING CONTRACTOR • CUSTOM CARPENTRY 0 YOU NAME IT . . . . . WE'LL DO IT No lob is too Targe or too small for us. DICK BEDARD DIAL 236.4679 — ZURICH Call Us for Free Estimates SIS GETS THE COMPLIMENTS DEAR DORIS—I am 12. My mother favors my 14 -year-old sister. Often she says I am like my father. This is true because we have almost everything in common. But is constantly say- BLUEWATER (Mrs. Russell Grainger) Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bedard and family, Berkley, Mich,; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ducharme, Jr., and two boys, Windsor; Mr, and Mrs. Louis Dueharme and two boys, •of Riverside, were Easter week -end visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ducharme, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ducharme and family, of Windsor, visited Monday evening and Tuesday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ducharme, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Deich- ert, Ricky and Kenneth, Tren- ton, spent the holiday week- end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Deichert and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Grainger. Easter Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dunn, Jr., included Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dunn, Wayne, Cheryl and Alan; Mr. Douglas Dunn, Stratford; Mrs. A. Elliott and Bob, of Mitchell. Miss S h i r le y McClinchey spent Sunday with Miss Phyllis Grainger, Miss Sandra Westlake, nurse - in -training at St. Thomas, spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Westlake. 0 In 1964 a total of 25,700 Ca- nadians •died of cancer. To fight this killer, support the appeal of the Canadian Cancer Society. STOP1!..SHOP! SAVE!, 2 -LB BOTTLE Crown Golden Syrup 35c 16 -OZ. JAR Supreme Peanut Butter _ _ _ 39c LIBBY'S-20,0Z. TINS Deep Brown Beans _ _ _ _ 2/49c 15-0Z. TINS Libby's Spaghetti 6/$1 Oranges, 163s 39c LUCKY DOLLAR FOOD MARKET ZURICH IF YOU BELIEVE IN CORN SILAGE t ..mow; z A NA. "a:MAY ° . .. You need SHUR-GAIN 40% Dairy Sila-supplement Sweetened. By feeding SHURrGAIN 40% Dairy Sila-supplement Sweetened you get the best out of your corn silage and the most out of your milk cows. Drop in soon to your local SHUR-GAIN Feed Service Mill. We'll outline the SHUR-GAIN Dairy Sila-supplement Program and how it can work on your farm, feed service M. DEITZ and SON DIAL 237-4951 ZURICH ing it the right thing to do? She is always saying that my young brother and 1 •cause all the trouble in the house. The other times she says it is Dad and me. My sister hardly gets yelled at at all. I feel as though I could never confide in her as a mother. But Doris, I love her and would do anything to help her, but she won't let me. Always Getting Hecic DEAR ALWAYS — You are suffering from being in the dead middle, Big sister has the distinction of being the oldest; little brother of being the youngest. How, oh how, can that middle maid shine? Since Dad is your kindred spirit, why not thank her for the compliment next time she compares you? She loves him, doesn't she? Then do one of the nice things he does; and for the present, confide in him. Confidential to Adoptive Par- ent—The trouble started when daughter number two arrived from the agency. Bedwetting, excessive demands, temper, are all protests against losing the spotlight. Why not seek the skilled guidance that is there for you? No social worker expects you to be perfect. Even natural parents have rivalry problems! If you get enlightened help from the child care agency you can in all likelihood reverse the trend and help daughter number one to be a happier, healthier personality from now on. Confidential to In Love — One of the unsensible things commonly said is that when sex urges occur they should be gratified or emotional harm will result. Freud's teaching has been misinterpreted. He never taught that the control of sex urges was harmful. It is their repression that can do damage; that is, the denial of their existence; or the guilt feelings that make us banish natural desires to our subcon- scious mind. We should acknowledge and cherish sexual feelings as part of God's gift to us, learning how to control them, when to enjoy, and how to avoid abus- ing them. DEAR DORIS—Do you have any booklet dealing with eti- quette in a time of sorrow and death? This is a subject that is not at all pleasant and perhaps to be genuine in your friend- ship and concern is most worthy —but I have wondered about this question many times. Mrs. Proper DEAR MRS. PROPER—There are etiquette books in •our li- braries with sections on proce- dures re. death notices, funer- als, burials, flowers, fees to clergyman and so on. Thoughtful friendliness beats Every Saturday Ever -popular Juliette provides a relaxing post -hockey session of song every Saturday on CBC television. With her this season are many outstanding Canadian and Ameri- can guest performers, Lucio Agostini and his orchestra, and the Art Hallman Singers. any formal observances. To go to the person who is shocked with their lass, to give love, to help serve a lunch or take care of an out-of-town guest; maybe to just be there where she is, without talking; these are the precious, comforting services which can help. Remember, too, that those weeks following the funeral can be dreadfully empty and lonely. To drop in with a bou- quet, a book, an invitation to go for a walk, shows you haven't forgotten about your friend and her grief. Time will help heal the des- perate hurt, and the mourner will rearrange his or her life eventually. But right after the shock of death is "when a fell- er needs a friends". DEAR DORIS — When my sisters and I were young our mother and father, who were wonderful parents, told us the bare facts of sex and the discus- sion was closed and we were afraid to ask any other ques- tions. So I learned most of what I know from my older sister, and my younger sister came to me with her questions. I would like to have an easy relationship with my children on this subject so that they feel free to come to me with any questions or problems. Just Mommy DEAR MOMMY — Good for you. And this is the clincher: The boy or girl who shares these discussions comfortably will also run for help when teen boy -girl problems are driv- ing them up the wall. fight CANCER with a check up and a cheque WHEN YOUR NEIGHBOUR KNOCKS ANSWER THE CALL AND GIVE TO THE CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY FOR RESEARCH, CANCER A : EDUCATION AND WELFARE SERVICES VILLAGE OF ZURICH CANVASS Monday Night, April 18th Conducted by Members of the Zurich Lions Club The parents who close the subject after one prime discus- sion on the Facts of Life do a child great injustice. I'm send- ing you the names of the books I recommend on sex and dat- ing. WOOL ,Realize the highest returns for your wool by patronizing your own Organization. SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No.1, Westo'n, Ontario Obtain sacks and twine without charge from Russell Manson (Shearer) Zurich or by writing to CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 40 St. Clair Avenue East Toronto 7, Ontario. Huron F. of A. Honours Secretary Before Departure Mrs. Florence Elliott was honored by the Huron County Federation of Agriculture at a social evening in Carlow Com- munity Hall last week. Mrs, Elliott, who has been secretary of the Federation, has resigned, in preparation for a move to Ottawa, where she will make her home. Three lovely pieces of lug- gage were presented by Charles. Thomas, president of the F of A, on behalf of the assembly, and Mrs. Elliott replied grac- iously in appreciation of the gift and well wishes. Directors of the F of A and leaders of commodity groups, along with their wives, attend- ed the affair. Cards were en- joyed, and lunch of cake and ice cream. Expert Watch Repairs • Trophies and Engraving • DIAMONDS - WATCHES - CHINA !Anstett Jewellers LTD. CLINTON WALKERTON — SEAFORTH We Have The Best When you think of interior painting, be sure to ask for the blest. Super Kem-Tone and Kem-Glo Ih•D-Lux+Hall P.m: upettrashabir Super Pur ` ASK TO SEE OUR COLOR HARMONIZER BOOK TIME TO THINK OF YOUR Seed Requirements Buy all your Hardi-Green and Long•Term Mixtures n o w, from a reliable dealer. HAY PASTURE MIXES Stade & Weido Hardware "PLUMBING — HEATING — TINSMTTUIING" DIAL 2364921 ZURICH MONSTER FISH FRY Fresh Lake Huron Perch Whitefish or Pickerel (YOUR CHOICE) BAYVIEW GOLF CLUB (Half Mile South. of St. Joseph ---- On Highway 21) FRIDAY APRIL 15 SERVED .FROM 5 P.M. TO ? ? TICKETS: $1.50 EACH Tickets Now Available at: GINGERICH'S SALES & SERVICE LTD. BANK OF MONTREAL ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS M. DEITZ & SON ZURICH VARIETY STORE ALL PROCEEDS FOR BLiIE WATER HEST HOME