Zurich Citizens News, 1966-03-24, Page 5THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1966. ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGE FIVE Classified Rates For Sale, etc., Cards or Thanks, 1 n Memoriam*, Engagements, 3c a wrdj Minimum 75c. REPEATS - 2c a word; Minimum 30c• CASH DISCOUNTS— Off if paid by Saturday following lad Insertlor+ BILLING CHARGE - 10c added on second bill. FREE -- Births, Marriages, Deaths- DEADLINE - 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday 1 Engagements Mr. Peter Deichert, Zurich, takes pleasure to .announce the engagement of his daughter, Virginia Susan, to Mr. Clar- ence A. Stever, of Linwood, Ontario. The marriage to take place on April 11, 1966, at 7 p.m., in St. John's Lutheran Church, Waterloo. 12,p COMING EVENTS SMORGASBORD Supper and Bazaar in the Zurich Commun- ity Centre on Wednesday, March 30, sponsored by Zurich Women's Institute. Proceeds for Blue Water Rest Home. 7,b Anyone donating articles for the bazaar, please have them at the home of Mrs. Jim Parkins by March 29. If not able to deliver items, please contact for pick-up. 236-4822, Women's In- stitute. 11,p FOR SALE USED TYPEWRITER, Royal, standard model, wide carriage, in good working condition, only $5150. Zurich Citizens News, dial 236-4672. ;500 BALES of mixed hay. Cor- nelius Dr Groot, 236-4176. 12,p ALFALFA SEED, 20 bushel. Apply to Campbell McKinley, 262-5430. 12,3,p ]FRENCH DOOR, standard size, with glass door, in good con- dition. Phone 236-4096. 12,p 1963 PONTIAC Sedan, Lauren- llian, automatic transmission, 6 c y l i n d e r, 25,000 guaranteed miles, windshield washers. Dial 236-4096. 12,p 250 GALLON Oil Tank, with gauge and filter pipe, on legs, in good condition. Quantity of cedar posts. Urban Pfile, Vil- Lige of Zurich. :BOX OF BOY'S clothes, sizes 3.4, jackets, dress jackets, pants, etc. Girl's coat, dresses, sizes 2-4, jacket size 3. Mrs. Steve Gingerich, 236-4183. 1960 CHEV BEL -AIR 4 -door, will accept best offer. Apply to Curtis Gingerich, telephone 236-4875. FARROWING Crates, all steel easy adjustment; mounted trough for easy feeding or trough and bowl. George Troy- er, RR 2, Hensall, phone 262- 6282 or 236-4072. l0wks,b CONTINENTAL BED outfit, 39 inches without headboard, like thew, $35. Mrs. Cecil Kipfer, 262-2278. 10,11,x FOUR HOLSTEIN Heifers, bred Pole Angus, two due to fresh- en. Gordon Erb, 236-4073. 11,b 1963 COMET, fully recondition- ed, like new. Apply to Percy Bedard at St. Joseph Esso Serv- ice Station. 11,p EASTER FLOWERS — Order your Easter flowers early. Glox- inias, Lilies, Mums, cut flower ;arrangements, Mrs. Milton `Desch, 236-4614 or 4602. tf FOR RENT HOUSE for Rent, 21/2 miles north of Zurich, all modern conveniences. Call Gingeri•ch's 236.4351, for information. 11,b APARTMENT, m o d e s n, two bedroom, upstairs apartment, with all conveniences. Apply to Herb Mousseau, Zurich, IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Tractors, Combine, Farm Machinery, Cattle, Hogs, Feed, Household Eliects and Miscellaneous Items on the premises Lot 17, Con. 8, Stephen Twp. One mile west of Crediton, thence one mile north or five miles west of Exter, Highway 83, then 1112 miles south. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on TUESDAY, MARCH 29 at 1 p.m. Tractors,, Combine and Farm Machinery: Case No. 300 standard trac- tor, completely equipped, hy- draulic ydraulic hitch, in new condition; Allis Chalmers "CA" standard tractor, equipped with Allis Chalmers manure loader, 2 -row bean scuffler and puller; Case 60 combine, equipped with mo- tor and all attachments, in A-1 condition; Int, No. 46 baler, used two seasons, in brand new condition; Mc -Deering 15 -run double disc power lift grain and fertilizer drill; M -H 4 -bar side delivery rake; New Idea 7 -ft. power take -off mower; Int. 28 -plate tractor disc; John Deere tractor spreader; Mc - Deering 8 -ft. cultivator; 3 -drum steel roller; 38 -ft. hay elevator; 3 -section diamond harrows; 4 - section •diamond harrows; Mc - Deering binder, 7 -ft. cut; two rubber tire wagons and racks; 150 bushel gravity box; 120 bushel grain box; 500 bushel portable granary; 140 ft. hay fork rope; 120 ft. 6 -inch drive belt; 30 -ft. grain auger with 4 - ft. extension; 3 all -steel farrow- ing crates; Ltez grinder; 2112 h.p. electric motor; 32 -ft. ex- tension ladder; jack -all -jack; emery; Surge 2 -unit milking machine; Viking electric cream separator; pails; strainer s; chains; forks; shovels, etc. Cattle: Holstein heifer, r e c e n t •1 y freshened, calf at foot; Holstein heifer, second calf, with calf at foot; Hereford cow, second calf, with calf at foot; part Dur- ham and Holstein cow, milking, calf at foot; Hereford heifer, calf at foot; part Ayrshire and Durham cow, recently fresh - NOTICE No empty pop bottles will be accepted on Sundays.—Mrs. Lerina Rose. CUSTOM WORK FURNITURE REPAIRED, re- modled and refinished. Phone 107 Dashwood. 7,tfb SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., cleaned. Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Zurich, 248, or in case of emergency, call Del Schwartzentruber, dial 655-2434, Tavistock. 33-tfb MASONRY SERVICE — Chim- neys repaired, repointed; stone work, fireplaces built; base- ments repaired, waterproofed and white coated. Work guar- anteed Ray Squire, phone 527- 1332, Box 335, Seaforth. 5,tf MISCELLANEOUS PAPER HANGING — Available to do your job anytime. Call Mrs. Elam Shantz, 236-4036, Zurich, evenings. 8,9,p FARMERS—Now is the time to have your bean knives ham- mered for this year. Basil O'Rourke, blacksmith and weld- ing shop, Brucefield. 3,4 LAWN ROLLING, around Hen- sall area. Call 262-2344. 11,b Dead Animal REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS -- CALL. Darling and Company OF CANADA LIMITED Clinton HU 2.7269 Collect Dead Animal License No. 262-e-63 cow, carrying third calf, fresh in three weeks; blue roan cow, carrying third calf, due in April; 2 Hereford heifers, due sale date; 7 Hereford yearling steers and heifers; 7 Hereford winter calves. Cattle all choice quality. Hogs: Yorkshire sow with litter of 13; Yorkshire sow with litter of 8; Yorkshire sow with litter of 6; 11 weaner pigs. Feed: 2000 bales choice quality mixed hay; 1000 bales straw; 100 bushel mixed grain; quan- tity cob corn. Household Effects: Dry sink; sewing machine; bedroom suite; davenport; tables; chairs; assortment of dishes, etc. No reserve as the farm is sold. Terms —Cash ROY SWARTZ, Proprietor DALTON FINKBEINER, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Livestock, Machinery, Hay and Grain Lot 16, Con. 4, Tuckersmith Township Two miles east of Kippen or six miles south of Seaforth, on TUESDAY, MARCH 29 at 12:30 sharp Cattle: Holstein herd of 17 cows and heifers -3 Holstein cows, due in April, unit bred; 4 Holstein heifers, fresh in February and March; 2 Holstein heifers, due in May; 4 Holsteins cows, fresh- ened in February and March; 2 cows milking and rebred; I far- row cow; 8 young calves; 4 Hol- stein heifers under one year; 2 yearling heifers, part Here- ford; 3 grass steers, Pigs: Nineteen pigs, eight weeks old. Implements: All nearly new, in excellent condition: 1962 Fordson Major diesel tractor, with all hydrau- lics; CB Allis Chalmers tractor complete with manure loader, bean scuffler and puller; 3 - furrow Oliver hydraulic plow, 14 -inch bottom; Marvel grain thrower; Massey -Harris grinder; Gehl hammer mill and '70 -ft. endless belt; oat roller; Massey - Harris fertilizer 15 -disc drill; land roller; Case land packer; New Holland baler; 32 -ft. smok- er elevator with motor; bale stooker; New Idea hay condi- tioner; 7 -ft. New Idea mower; New Holland rake; New Hol- land power take -off spreader; White snow blower; triple K 9 -ft. cultivator; 9 -ft. stiff tooth cultivator; International 7 -ft. combine, used one season, com- plete with bean attachments; 4 -section harrows; Bueler wag- on with grain box; Cockshutt one-way disc; 20 -ft. extension hay conveyor; Warner bean cooker, complete; Massey -Har- ris 8 -ft, binder, used for swath- ing; galvanized trough; farrow- ing crate; 3 -heat lamps; trailer with racks; extension ladder; 2 fanning mills; 2 sets scales; 2 -unit Universal milking ma- chine; 6 -can spray milk cooler; 10 milk cans; loading shute; wheelbarrow; electric motor; Stewart electric cattle clippers; 2 cutters; set sleighs; 5 cord hardwood; robes; chains; tools. Hay: Quantity baled hay and straw; grain. Other articles too numerous to mention. Terms—Cash JOHN SINCLAIR, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer GEORGE POWELL, Clerk 11,2,b 0 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Tractors, Truck, Auto, Farm Machinery, Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items on the premises Lot 16, N.E.B., Usborne Twp. 5 miles east of Exeter to form- er Thames Road School, thence 1112 miles north and 1112 miles east or 2112 miles south of Cro- marty. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on MONDAY, MARCH 28 at 1 p.rn. Tractors, Truck and Auto: Oliver 88 diesel standard tractor, in good condition; Oliver 55 diesel standard trac- tor, recently overhauled; VAC Case row crop tractor, includ- ing scuffler; Reo 3 -ton truck, with hoist and stack racks; 1956 Studebaker sedan, 25,000 actual mileage, in good condition. Farm Machinery: John Deere Van Brant 15 - run grain and fertilizer drill, in good condition; Bissell 36 - plate tractor disc; M -H 10 -ft, spring tooth cultivator; M -H stiff tooth cultivator; 10 -foot cultipacker; Int. 3 -furrow plow; Gehl forage harvester corn head and hay pick-up; John Deere 2 - row 3 -point hitch corn planter; John Deere 6`tt. one-way disc; 3 -section lever harrows; 3 -drum steel roller; 3 -section diamond harrows; 3 -point hitch 2 -row scuffler; power take -off grass seeder; 2 rubber tire wagons and racks; Speed King 24 -ft. grain auger, on wheels; hammer mill; speed jack; 1200-1b. Eber- sol grain mixer; hammer mill belt; Vessot grain grinder with speed jack; Universal 2 -unit milking machine; Stewart cat- tle clippers; 2000 -Ib. scales; fanning mill; 8x10 tarp; cattle feeders; sap pans and buckets. Household Effects: Frigidaire 30 -inch e 1 e et r i c range; GE washer; refrigerator; dining room table, chairs, side- board; china cabinet; settee with 2 matching chairs; combi- nation china cabinet and writ- ing desk; coffee table; couch; chime clock; bedroom suite; rocking chairs; footstools; va- cuum cleaner; bird cage; flower stands; bunk bed; high chair; odd chairs; cradle; baby bed; commode chair; baby buggy, like new; sterilizer; rug 9x15; Congoleum rug 9x12; bread box and canister set; enamel cast iron laundry tubs with taps and drain, ideal for milk house. No Reserve. Terms—Cash JOHN STEWART Administrator for the estate of the late Almer Stewart GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 11,2,b 0 AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects, Antiques and Miscellaneous Items on the premises in the Village of Zurich The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, MARCH 26 at 1 p.m. Frigidaire, medium sized re- frigerator, recently purchased; Clare Jewel kitchen stove; 2 - burner electric stove; .antique box stove; chrome table and chairs; antique kitchen clock; electric clock; assortment elec- tric lamps; 2 chesterfield suites; daybed; 2 kitchen eabinets; 2 bureaus; china cabinet; chest of drawers; electric radio; mir- rors; 5 oak beds, spring and mattresses; 2 steel bedsteads; dressers; commodes; toilet set; centre and cad tables; hall trees; Axminster rug 10x12; Silovac vacuum cleaner; assort- ment quilts, comforters, bed- ding, pillows, mats, drapes; sil- verware; glassware; antique dishes; kitchen utensils; saus- age grinder; lawn chairs; power lawn mower; small iron kettle; assortment garden and carpen- ter tools; lantern; wheelbarrow; scythe; hose; cross -cut saw; many other mist, items. No Reserve. Terms—Cash JOHN GALLMAN, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 11,2b 0 AUCTION SALE Of 2 -Storey Brick Residence, School Supplies and Miscellan- eous Items in the VILLAGE OF ZURICH Directly north of Zurich Public School The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 2 At 1:30 p.m. Real Estate: Two-storey, large white brick residence in the Village of Zurich, directly north of public school, to be demolished one foot below ground level, within 60 days from date of sale, Please Note --A bond of $200 will be required on day of sale with the understanding that this be returned after destruc- tion of building to the satis-• DEAR DORIS—Your advice about 16 -year-old marriages is so true! Girls should listen to you and wait a few years. I was a bride of 16 myself, and found out the hard way that your advice is one hundred per cent. My marriage went on the rocks after ten years of pain and misery. Too much in-law Goshen U C W Accept Invitation Goshen United Church Wom- en met at the church Thursday night, March 17. Mrs. Elmer Hayter opened the meeting. Hymn 86 was s ung, followed by Scripture and comments by Mrs. Doug Robinson and prayer by Mrs. Elmer Hayter. Mrs. Doug Robinson read a poem, "To gladden every spring", The study was on In- dia taken by Mrs. Walter Eckel and Mrs. Elmer Hayter. Mrs. Bob Peck conducted the business. Minutes were read and approved. A motion was made by Mrs. Elgin McKinley, seconded by Mrs. Bruce Keys, that the group accept an invi- tation to Egmondville on April 6. A `thank you' card was read from Mrs. Russell Erratt. Delegates to Presbyterial in ..Clinton are Mrs. Elmer Hayter and Mrs. Anson McKinley. A discussion was held on painting the basement. The meeting closed with hymn 356 and prayer by Mrs. Elmer Hayter. faction of school board. In the event this is not completed within set date the money will be forfeited and building re- sold. Also small barn and 150 feet woven fence and steel posts which will be offered separately. School Supplies and Miscellaneous Items: Include cupboards, desks, clocks, shelves, large assort- ment books, blackboards, desk bells, tables, pianos, maps. and many miscellaneous items. Terms — Cash IAN McALLISTER, Chairman, Hay Township School Area ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 0 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Cattle, Machinery, Hay, Grain and Household Effects AT Lot 35, Con. 9, Goderich Twp. 41/2 miles west of Clinton, on SATURDAY, MARCH 26 At 1 p.m. Cattle: One grade Holstein heifer, due June 7; one registered Hol- stein heifer, due May 14; one registered Holstein heifer, 15 months old; one registered Hol- stein calf, 11 months; four Hol- stein -Hereford cross steer, 15 months old; one Holstein -Here- ford cross steer and one heifer, one year old. Machinery: Massey -Harris 44 tractor, in good condi ti o n, with heat houser; International 200 row crop tractor, with fast hitch and cultivator; 3 -furrow Me s s e y plow; Fleury-Bissel disc; Cock- shutt side rake; hay loader; New Idea manure spreader; New Idea 7 -ft. mower; 4 -section harrow; land packer; 8 -ft. culti- vator; McCormick 7 -ft. binder; McCormick seed drill; rubber tire wagon with 16 -ft. rack; 2000.1b. scales; extension lad- der; water trough; emery and motor; wheelbarrow, and other articles too numerous to men- tion. Hay and Grain: 800 bales mixed hay, 2000 bushel of mixed grain, 10 feet of ensilage. Household Effects: Four high -back chairs; dining room furniture; bedroom suite; coal and wood range (Empire); clothes rack; combination door 34" x 82"; fruit jars, and many other articles. Terms—Cash No reserve as farm is sold. MRS. MURIEL GRIGG, Proprietress BRUCE RATHWELL, Auctioneer trouble. Now this sounds silly to you, I know it does. I'm not a teen- ager; 1 .am a mature woman of 45, I read your column every week and I think it's tops. I'm enclosing ten cents and a stamped envelope, for the leaf- let I am so inquisitive to read: "What Is Love?" On the Rocks DEAR ROCKS — Trouble is, when you take on marriage at 16, you just aren't ready to run your own show. A mother-in- law with the best intentions in the worldmay simply 'take over. And you have no mature wisdom about how to extricate yourself! I hope you will agree with some of my thoughts about love, now that you've been through the mill. The leaflet is on its way. Grand Bend Is Warned of Danger (Continued from Page 1) rine and Rescue Patrol, offered by the London branch of that organization, were refused, on the grounds that the services they offered merely duplicated those already available in the village. Bob Fierhaller, London, who plans a Honda rental in the Bend this summer, indicated his intention to co-operate with council in operating with the least possible noise nuisance to cottagers. A delegation of the four Gibbs brothers were accompan- ied by their lawyer, Mr. Gilles- pie, Sarnia, requesting permis- sion to close a laneway in G-ibbs Park (on the south side of Main Street). This lane leads to the river, and splits property owned by the boys' mother, Mrs. Helen Gibbs. The boys own property in the park under the name of Gibbs Brothers Enterprises. Gibbs brothers wish to •open another laneway to the river, a short distance west of the present plan, and on their own property. They signified will- ingness to provide corners wide enough to permit a fire engine or ambulance to make the turn for proper access, and to clear the new Janeway. The request is currently be- fore the county judge, and sev- eral residents of the park are protesting the move. Further hearing will be made before decision is reached. Preliminary approval of a $388,600 water system for the village, 'according to plans pre- pared by W. Ayearst, London, has been received from the OWRC. This includes engi- neering fees. . Councillor Howard Green an- nounced he was hopeful of a cleaner beach this spring. "There are no fish floating in the lake at all this year," he said. Council approved purchase of a radio system at a cost of no more than $1,068, as part of the Sarnia-Lambton fire protection control system. Advertising for tenders on remodeling the village garage on River Road into public wash- rooms was authorized. ZURICH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Applications for Secretary -Treasurer Sealed applications will be accepted until 6 p.m. on Sat- urday, April 2, 1966, for the position of secretary -treasurer of the Zurich Agricultural Society. Applicants to state ex- peience and salary expected. Lowest or any application not necessarily accepted. Please mail applications to: HERB TURKHEIM, President, Zurich Agricultural Society, ZURICH, Ontario, Village of GRAND BEND 1 --Tenders for Washrooms Sealed tenders, clearly marked as to contents, w?"Il be received by the undersigned, up to 5 p.m. an Monday, April 4, 1966, for the purpose of: The renovation of a certain building in the vicinity of the Harbour Flats, and the installation of plumb- ing and toilet facilities. Plans and specifications, as prepared by architect William Andrews, may be obtained from the under- signed, upon the deposit of $10 cash or certified cheque, and will be refundable upon the retrtrn of the plans in good order. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. MURRAY A. DESJARDINS, Clerk of the Village, Grand Bend, Ontario. 2 --Applications for Bath House & Parking Lot Attendants, Main Beach, Grand Bend, 1966 Season Sealed applications„ clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the undersigned, up to 5 p.m., Monday, April 4, 1966. Sub -Section. A—Bath House attendants to supervise the checking facilities, and be re- sponsible for the cleanliness and maintenance of the washrooms. Sub -Section B—Parking lot attendants to supervise and administer the parking of ears at the beach parking lot, on Satur- days, Sundays and holidays. Rates of pay for items 2, sub -sections A and B, ars in excess of the minimum wage law„ and any or ail details not specifically outlined, may be obtained from the undersigned, prior to the closing date for applications. Any particular application not necessarily accepted, MURRAY A. DESJARDINS, Clerk of the Village, Grand Bend, Ontario.