Zurich Citizens News, 1965-12-02, Page 5THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2,, 1965 ZURICH CITIZENS NEWS PAGS $IVI Classified Rates For Sale, etc., Cards of Thanks, I n Memoriarns, Engagements, 3c a word; Minimum 75c. REPEATS - 2c a word; Minimum 50c, CASH DISCOUNTS— }!s Off if paid ,by Saturday following last insertion. BILLING CHARGE-- lOc added on second bill. FREE— Births, REE—Births, Marriages, Deaths. DEADLINE - 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday FOR SALE PONIES for Sale; also pony harness and pony cart; 1 snow tire complete on 15 -in. wheel to fit General Motors car or truck. Curtis Gingerich, phone 236-4875. UNDERWOOD LETTERA 32, portable typewriter; new reg- ular $99.50 for only $85. South Huron Publishers Limited, Zur- ich. 21,p ORDER YOUR Christmas Flow- ers early. Plants, arrangements, cut flowers. Nete's Flowers, 236-4614, Zurich. Mrs. Milton Oesch. PHILISHAVE electric shavers: Speed Flex with hair trimmer, regular price $34.95 for $29.75. Speed Flex, r e g u l a r price, $27.95 for $23.75. Speed Shaver, regular price $19.95 for $17.45. Repairs for all makes of shav- ers at Hess the Jeweller, Zur- ich. 46,p SLAB WOOD. We deliver. Dal - Bur Lumber, Hensall. Phone 262-2716. 33tf MODERN HOME, well located in the village of Zurich, six rooms with large breezeway and big garage. Apply to Miss Meda Surerus, Zurich. 2364396. 46tfb SILVERWARE Special in Com- munity Plate, White Orchid pattern, 36 -piece service for 8, regular price $97.50 for only $49.83. Another special 42 -piece service for 8, in the new Com- munity Artistry pattern, only $79.95, plus gravy ladle .and cold meat fork free. Coffee spoons, regular $1.00, special at only 50c, 4 for $1.98, at Hess the Jeweller, Zurich. 46,p DE KALB COCKERELS, ready to kill; White rock cockerels, six weeks old Call McKinley's Farm and Hatchery Ltd., 262- 2837. 44,b WILSON'S JEWELLERY AND GIFTS Exeter Welcome you to visit their store to see their selection of Bibles, Christian Plaques and Sacred Records. We also carry a beautiful line of Diamond Rings, Watches, Jewellery and Gift Items. PLEASING YOU PLEASES US MANURE SPREADERS — 135 bushel, 25% oiif. Year end special. C. G. Farm Supply. 48,9,b NEW SHIPMENT of fine hand- eut crystal from Czechoslavakia and Poland in Vases, Cream and Sugar Sets, Relish Dishes, Can- dy Dishes, Salt and Peppers. These are delightful gifts for Christmas at Hess the Jewellers. 48,p CARROTS— By the bushel or by the basket. Wilfred Mous- seau, 236-4110. 48,b USED PORTABLE TYPEWRIT- ER, YYPEWRITER, just like new, only $49.95. See it at Zurich Citizens News. 48,1? CALVES-- Part Hereford and Holstein. Apply to Joe Regier, 236-4777, Zurich. 48,b WANTED TO BUY BUGGIES --Wire wheel or spin - dal seat, buggy pales, milk stools, single or double roadster harness, horse collars, sleigh or school bells, any kind; black- smith forge, tools and anvil; old furniture and gramaphones. Good prices. Apply to Box WO, Zurich Citizens News. 48,9,0,p SANITATION Services — Sep- tic pumping, tank and drain- age. Repairs. For immediate service, phone 11i11 Finch, 238.2291, Grand Bend. (continued from page one) As we know in the next few years, we will undoubtedly see our assessment rise to the tune of 300% due mainly to the fact our present assessment is based Cards of Thanks Sincere thanks to all who called to wish me sucees in my new office. I hope your faith in me will at all times be jus- tified.—Mrs. Minnie Noakes. 48,p !N MEMORIAM Hiuser — In loving memory of a dear mother and father who passed away 19 years ago this month. Love and memories Will never die, As years roll on and days go by, Deep in our hearts a memory is kept, Of those we loved and will never forget. Always remembered by daugh- ter Mary and grandchildren Anne and Marlin. 48,p MISCELLANEOUS For the gift that gives all year. The Davis Agency carries all magazines. I am the author- ized representative. Mrs. C. D. Kipfer, Hensall, Phone 262-2278. 47,8,p LADIES, HAVE you last a Dia- mond? Take a look at your diamond ring now—are the claws loose? Wou can't afford to have your precious diamonds fall out of their settings. Bring it in for an examination free of charge. We can repair the claws. Also, we can remount your diamond in a smart set- ting—Albert Hess, Watches and Diamonds, Zurich. 45,p FOR RENT BUILDING, in the village of Zurich. Contact John Robin- son- 262-5390, or Ken Parke, 262-5423. HEATED 2 -bedroom apartment, private entrance and garage. Newly decorated. Phone Hen- sall 262-5080. 34,tf HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE Help for general office clean-up Evening Work Apply in person only GENERAL COACH WORKS of Canada Hensall, Ontario CUSTOM WORK PAINTING, paperhanging and sign painting. Call Ed (Buck) Little, Hensall 262-2247. 40 to 46,b FURNITURE REPAIRED, re- modled and refinished. Phone 107 Dashwood. 7,tfb SEPTIC TANKS, cesspools, etc., cleaned. Will be in Zurich and district every second week. For appointments call Zurich, 248, or in case of emergency, call Del Schwartzentruber, dial 655-2434, Tavistock. 33-tfb on the property values of the early fortys. Where are our taxes going to be terminated? The inspector went on to add, educational trends were to large centralized schools, and that shortly the smaller schools would find no place in our system. I would like to inform him that smaller schools still serve us well and will continue to do so if we allow them to. In the separate school system we find many four and six room schools being built, with just as high and often higher portion of grants being received than we do in our school system. There- fore on the basis of grants the inspector's argument on this matter is defeated. He also agreed that bussing is tiresome to small children. What terms would he use to describe the fatigue experi- enced by three and one-half year olds riding our school buses? To the parents this means much inconvenience as kindergarten is only a half-day affair. This means we would find ourselves obligated to be present every noon at the school to take children either to or from school. This would impose very heavily on the farmer, who, in the midst of the many demanding duties of the farm, be obligated to meet this responsibility. We all know educationis essential, and that times do change, however, let's also re- member that the small child is still a small child and that he or she deserves our careful thought and consideration. Let us be realistic about this question of education, using common sense, if need be, per- haps rejecting these so-called educators philosophies ori edu- cation, and perhaps we can come together on a mutual agreement as to what is best for our child and our pocket- book? A Stanley Township Ratepayer, Paul Steckle. Births ERB — Mr. and Mrs. Richard Erb, RR 3, Bayfield, announce the birth of a daughter, Tra- cey Marie, at Clinton Public Hospital, November 25. A sister for Karen and David. SOUDANT—Mr. and Mrs. Gus Soudant, RR 2, Zurich, an- nounce the birth of a son, Robert Paul Gerard, at South Huron Hospital, November 17. Dead Animal REMOVAL FOR DEAD OR DISABLED ANIMALS — CALL Darling and Company OF CANADA LIMITED Clinton HU 2-7269 Collect Dead Animal Licence No. 262-c-63 MAPLE LANE DAIRY, 37 LANCASTER ST, W., KITCHENER REQUIRES A Shipper -Receiver A Route Salesman —steady employment, no layoff —age 20 - 40 —honest and willing worker —no previous experience necessary —willing to take responsibility --pension plan —hospital and medical insurance fully paid —must be in good health and active —must be able to get along with people —good wages PHONE 743.1453, OR WRITE POR AN APPOINTMENT Meitireliteseglieneelegianwora ei6uwtaseen'.�ce Hay, Stanley Federations kame Officers At Annual Meeting in Varna Hay and Stanley Townships 2, Zurich; directors: Glenn Greb Federation of Agriculture held RR 3, Zurich; Ian McAllister, their annual joint meeting in RR 1, Zurich; Wilfred Mous- the Stanley Township Hall at seau, RR 2, Hensall; Maurice Varna, We d n e s d a y, Novem- Finkbeiner, RR 3, Zurich; Stew- ber 24. art Thiel, RR 2, Zurich; John Executive chosen for Hay McClinchey, RR 2, Zurich; Al - were: past president, Harold bert Erb, RR 2, Zurich; secre- Campbell, RR 1, Exeter; presi- tary-treasurer, Wilfred Mous- dent, Carl Willert, RR 1, Zurich; seau, RR 2, Hensall. first vice-president, Elgin Hen- Stanley executive: past presi- drick, RR 1, Dashwood; second dent, Les Armstrong, Bayfield; vice-president, Clem Regier, RR president, Ilugh Hendrick, RR 5122122. 16 OUNCE Rose Br nd Pickles - - - - 2/59c 20 -OZ TINS Culverhouse Cref m Corn _ 4/77c 48-0Z. TINS Allen's Fruit Drink - - - - 3/95c Rose Margarine 2/55c Grapefruit 8/59c LUCKY DOLLAR FOO=D MARKET ET CLARENCE CASCHO — ZURICH ^53fCEEEL73IOMMIM. ?rM49a 3, Kippen; first vice-president, Charles Reid, RR 1, Varna; sec- ond vice-president, Bruce Keys, RR 1, Varna; directors: Noel Laporte, RR 2, Zurich; Jim Cleaver, RR 3, Bayfield; Lee Erb, RR 1, Zurich; Don Camp- bell, RR 3, Bayfield; Gordon Porter, Bayfield; Russell Oesch, RR 1, Varna; Ivan McClymont. Varna; Jack Taylor, Brueefield; Ed Broadfoot, Brucefield. Lady director, Mrs. A. J. Mustard, RR 1, Varna; secre- tary -treasurer, A. J. Mustard, RR 1, Varna. Speaker Alex McGregor, of Kippen, president of Huron County Federation of Agricul- ture, addressed the meeting. KilUO C ZURICH COMMUNITY CENTRE 25 Chances on Turkeys 11141. $2. 0 Lucky Draw for a Calf will be made at This Bingo Proceeds for Annual Santa Claus Day! Carling Black Label is good beer! Ihe one beer so good its made Canada famous for beer throughout the world! hi far -away places and right here at home enjoy a world of flavour in the balanced beer! 01116154 The C L G BREWERS Limited